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Resistance to—and Persistence of—Theory
Studies in American Jewish Literature ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-27
Lila Corwin Berman

In this extended review of Adam Zachary Newton's Jewish Studies as Counterlife: A Report to the Academy, Lila Corwin Berman explores the different life—immersed in theory, interdisciplinarity, and self-reflexivity—that Newton imagines for Jewish studies. A highly theoretical text, Newton's book demands close reading and patience, yet the payoff is significant. His contention that Jewish studies should seek new registers through which to liberate itself from its narrowest straits and instead build bridges across the university offers a powerful model for the future of the field. Yet Newton's approach appears to fold in on itself as he advances the imagery of "pitchforks" and "levers" to describe the Jewish studies he wishes to bring into being. Berman challenges his choices of metaphors and notes the implicit masculinity they—and, thus, Newton's approach—communicate about a field that traditionally prioritized men's experiences and voices. In this way, the book falls short of advancing a truly counter life.



在亚当·扎卡里·牛顿(Adam Zachary Newton)的《犹太研究作为反生命》的扩展评论中:给学院的报告,莱拉·科温·伯曼(Lila Corwin Berman)探索了牛顿为犹太人研究所设想的不同生活-沉浸在理论,学科交叉和自我反思中。牛顿的书是一本理论性很强的文章,需要仔细阅读并耐心等待,但收获却是巨大的。他认为犹太研究应寻求新的登记簿,以从最狭窄的海峡中解放出来,而是在整个大学之间架起桥梁,这为该领域的未来提供了强大的模式。然而,牛顿的方法似乎在自己身上折叠起来,因为他提出了“干草叉”和“杠杆”的图像来描述他希望进行的犹太研究。伯曼(Berman)挑战了他对隐喻的选择,并指出了它们隐含的阳刚之气(因此,也是牛顿的方法),传达了一个传统上优先考虑男性的领域。的经验和声音。这样,这本书就不足以推动真正的反抗生活。
