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Southwestern Collection
Southwestern Historical Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1353/swh.2021.0003

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Southwestern Collection

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic (as of this writing), the Texas State Historical Association's 125th Annual Meeting will take place online from February 17–March 6, 2021. Online registration is currently open, and a schedule can be found at https://am.tsha.events/meeting-schedule-2021/.

Planning for the 126th Annual Meeting, March 3–5, 2022, in Austin, is underway. A call for proposals follows.

The program guide for the 1967 Annual Meeting of the Texas State Historical Association (TSHA). Pictured is TSHA's former home, the Eugene C. Barker Texas History Center. From University of North Texas Libraries' Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth331677/m1/1/ [Accessed Oct. 29, 2020]. [End Page 326]

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[End Page 327]

Call for Proposals

The Texas State Historical Association will hold its 126th Annual Meeting, March 3–5, 2022, in Austin, and the program committee is now calling for proposals for sessions and papers to be presented at the meeting.

A complete session proposal includes the following:

  1. 1. Session title.

  2. 2. Complete name, address, phone number, a one-page vita, and institutional affiliation (or hometown, in the case of lay historians) of the session chairman, paper presenters (either two or three), and commentator (for sessions with two paper presenters).

  3. 3. Titles of the two or three individual papers.

  4. 4. A brief summary of each paper.

Please see https://am.tsha.events/call-for-proposals-2022-sessions-papers/ for information on downloading a proposal worksheet in MS Word or PDF.

Each complete session is strictly limited to seventy-five minutes. To allow time for introductions and questions, each presentation in three-paper sessions should not exceed twenty minutes (about ten typewritten pages) and in two-paper sessions, each should be limited to twenty-five minutes (about twelve pages).

Individuals may submit a proposal for a single paper rather than a complete session. Although single papers are often difficult to combine into coherent sessions, committee members will make every effort to include such proposals in the program.

Papers presented should not have been delivered at a scholarly meeting or published prior to the 2021 Texas State Historical Association meeting. There are no objections to the papers being given again or published after the meeting.

Individuals who are to present papers at the 2021 meeting will be required to have a copy of their paper and a one-page vita in the hands of their session chairman and session commentator (in two-paper sessions) at least a month prior to the meeting.

As much as possible, participants in a given session should be from different institutions. Historians from outside Texas, but doing work in Texas-related studies, are encouraged to participate.

Individuals who participate in the TSHA's annual programs may present a paper once every three years or serve as a commentator once every two years. Session chairs may repeat annually, although the committee will make every effort to avoid repetition.

There are two ways to submit your proposal: you may either or submit it via email to AMProposals@tshaonline.org or send it to the following address: [End Page 328]

Texas State Historical Association

PO Box 5428

Austin, TX 78763

Proposals for the 2022 meeting in Austin must be received by February 3, 2021. Questions may be directed to AMProposals@tshaonline.org.


Four hundred and eleven historic Texas photographs and imprints from the DeGolyer Library at Southern Methodist University are now available online. This "TexTreasures" digitization project was funded by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services through a grant to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The 254 photographs capture a visual history of Texas as it pertains to locations from around the state, spanning four decades (primarily ca. 1890–1923). The 157 documents, which cover a wide range of topics and genres, appear to be the only extant copies. For more information, visit https://digitalcollections.smu.edu/digital/collection/tex/search/searchterm/textreasures_2020.


The Baylor University Institute for Oral History announces its upcoming online introductory oral history workshop available on two consecutive Wednesday mornings, February 3 and February 10, 2021. The six...




  • 西南收藏

由于冠状病毒的持续流行(截至本文撰写),德克萨斯州历史协会第125届年会将于2021年2月17日至3月6日在网上举行。在线注册目前处于开放状态,时间表可在https:/上找到。 /am.tsha.events/meeting-schedule-2021/。


德克萨斯州历史协会(TSHA)1967年年会的节目指南。图为TSHA的故居Eugene C. Barker德州历史中心。从北德克萨斯大学图书馆门户网站到德克萨斯历史博物馆,https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/ 67531 / metapth331677 / m1 / 1 / [2020年10月29日访问]。[结束页326]






  1. 1.会话标题。

  2. 2.会议主席,论文发表者(两名或三名)和评论员(与以下人员参加的会议)的全名,地址,电话号码,一页简历以及机构联系(如果是外行历史学家,则为家乡)两位纸质主持人)。

  3. 3.两三篇论文的标题。

  4. 4.每篇论文的简要摘要。

请参阅https://am.tsha.events/call-for-proposals-2022-sessions-papers/了解有关下载MS Word或PDF提案工作表的信息。













现在,可以在线获取来自南方卫理公会大学DeGolyer图书馆的411张德克萨斯州历史照片和烙印。这个“ TexTreasures”数字化项目是由美国博物馆和图书馆服务学会通过得克萨斯州立图书馆和档案馆委员会资助的。254张照片捕获了德克萨斯州的视觉历史,因为它涉及该州各地的位置,跨越了40年(主要是1890–1923年)。157个文档涵盖了广泛的主题和体裁,似乎是现存的唯一副本。有关更多信息,请访问https://digitalcollections.smu.edu/digital/collection/tex/search/searchterm/textreasures_2020。


