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To the Corner of the Province: The 1780 Ugarte-Rocha Sonoran Reconnaissance and Implications for Environmental & Cultural Change ed. by Deni J. Seymour and Oscar Rodríguez (review)
Southwestern Historical Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1353/swh.2021.0007
David Yetman

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • To the Corner of the Province: The 1780 Ugarte-Rocha Sonoran Reconnaissance and Implications for Environmental & Cultural Change ed. by Deni J. Seymour and Oscar Rodríguez
  • David Yetman
To the Corner of the Province: The 1780 Ugarte-Rocha Sonoran Reconnaissance and Implications for Environmental & Cultural Change. Edited by Deni J. Seymour and Oscar Rodríguez. (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2019. Pp. 288. Illustrations, references, index.)

Maps from the Spanish colonial period of northern Mexico nearly always present information that transcends the written word. For example, Father Eusebio Kino's 1705 map of Mexico's northwest (drawn because he was a geographer at heart) fills a broad gap in our knowledge of the land and its people of the early eighteenth century. Later maps reflected orders from Spanish officials concerned about the locations of sites for settlers, supply and protection of mineral riches, functioning of missions, protection of key trade routes, and above all, satisfying defensive concerns.

In this book, Deni Seymour and Oscar Rodríguez feature such a map and the diaries that accompanied it. The 1780 reconnaissance expedition was ordered by Commandant General Teodoro de Croix stationed at Arizpe on the Río Sonora in northern Sonora. Jacobo de Ugarte y Loyola was military governor of Sonora at the time. Croix ordered him and military engineer Gerónimo de la Rocha y Figueroa to travel north from Arizpe to the confluence of the San Pedro and Gila River in what is now southern Arizona to gather information and recommend the best possible site(s) for locating presidios in the region. Rocha's famous maps and diaries were formative in strategic considerations faced by the Spanish [End Page 346] Crown in its need to strengthen defenses against Indigenous attacks and rebellions that followed the expulsion of the Jesuit Order in 1767, especially from Apaches and Seris. The Crown had four requirements for a presidio: adequate crop land, water, wood for fire and construction, and pasture for livestock. Presidios were expensive to found, fund, and maintain, and needed to fill a strategic location in a northern line of defense. Although King Carlos III had expressed a desire to locate a presidio at the confluence of the San Pedro and the Gila, Rocha took great pains to discourage that plan.

The Ugarte-Rocha reconnaissance took roughly a year. Seymour and Rodríguez use the results, especially Rocha's maps and diaries, composed with crystal clarity and superb penmanship, to illustrate the engineer's sophisticated knowledge of the geography and cultures of the region. Rocha's descriptions of natural features, especially water courses, wetlands, and springs, written in a year of drought, yield important details that help us understand today's hydrology and landscapes. They also help correct the belief that arroyo cutting was initiated by catastrophic overgrazing and subsequent drought in the 1880s. Rocha's observations reveal that for many miles around presidios, landscapes of 1780 were already devastated by overgrazing and woodcutting and arroyo cutting had begun. His descriptions of settlements along the drainages of the San Pedro and Santa Cruz Rivers, both occupied and abandoned, provide intriguing archaeological and ethnographic information about the native Sobaipuri O'odham, who, Seymour says, are a subgroup of the Akimel O'odham or River Pimas to the north, not the Tohono O'odham to the west and northwest, as commonly believed. (This claim is disputed.)

Seymour adroitly combines her archaeological experience and knowledge and environmental history of the region using Rocha's map and diaries to critique received doctrines about the environmental and cultural history of the two pivotal watersheds. Neither the Santa Cruz nor the San Pedro ran continuously throughout their courses prior to the arrival of Spaniards, but then, as now, contained long stretches of intermittent flows only. Sobaipuris did not live in fixed settlements in harmony with nature, but relocated their hamlets frequently as local resources were exhausted. Defense against Apache attacks had become an equally important factor in choosing a site for settlement. And Apaches were not recent newcomers to the Southwest, but had frequented the region for more than five hundred years.

This is an important and authoritative contribution to the environmental and...


到省的角落:1780年的Ugarte-Rocha Sonoran侦察及其对环境和文化变化的影响ed。丹妮·J·西摩和奥斯卡·罗德里格斯(评论)



  • 到省的角落:1780年的Ugarte-Rocha Sonoran侦察及其对环境和文化变化的影响ed。丹妮·西摩(Deni J.Seymour)和奥斯卡·罗德里格斯(OscarRodríguez)
  • 大卫·耶特曼
到省的角落:1780年的Ugarte-Rocha Sonoran侦察及其对环境和文化变化的启示。由Deni J. Seymour和OscarRodríguez编辑。(盐湖城:犹他大学出版社,2019年。第288页。插图,参考文献,索引。)

来自墨西哥北部西班牙殖民时期的地图几乎总是提供超越文字的信息。例如,尤西比奥·基诺神父(Eusebio Kino)于1705年绘制的墨西哥西北部地图(之所以绘制,是因为他是位地理学家)填补了我们对18世纪初期该国土地及其人民的知识的巨大空白。后来的地图反映了西班牙官员发出的命令,这些命令涉及定居者所在地,矿产资源的供应和保护,特派团的职能,主要贸易路线的保护等,尤其是在满足防御方面的关注。

在这本书中,德尼·西摩(Deni Seymour)和奥斯卡·罗德里格斯(OscarRodríguez)描绘了这样的地图和随附的日记。1780年的侦察远征是由驻扎在Sonora北部RíoSonora的Arizpe的总司令Teodoro de Croix指挥的。雅各布·德·乌加特·洛约拉(Jacobo de Ugarte y Loyola)当时是索诺拉(Sonora)的军事州长。Croix命令他和军事工程师Gerónimode la Rocha y Figueroa从亚利桑那州向北行驶到现在位于亚利桑那州南部的圣佩德罗河和吉拉河的汇合处,以收集信息并建议可能的最佳地点,以找到位于亚利桑那州的总统府。地区。罗查(Rocha)著名的地图和日记在西班牙人面临的战略考虑中起了决定性作用[结束346]在1767年耶稣会士令被驱逐之后,特别是从阿帕奇族人和塞里斯被驱逐出国后,王室需要加强防御土著人攻击和叛乱的防御。官方对总统府有四个要求:充足的耕地,水,用于火灾和建筑的木材以及用于牧场的牧场。主席团的建立,资助和维护费用昂贵,并且需要填补北部防线的战略要地。尽管卡洛斯三世国王曾表示希望在圣佩德罗火山和吉拉河交汇处找到一个总统府,但罗查费了很大的力气才阻止了这一计划。

乌加特-罗沙(Ugarte-Rocha)侦察花了大约一年的时间。西摩(Seymour)和罗德里格斯(Rodríguez)使用结果,尤其是罗莎(Rocha)的地图和日记,以清晰的水晶和精湛的笔法组成,以说明工程师对该地区地理和文化的精通知识。罗查(Rocha)对一年干旱的自然特征的描述,特别是水道,湿地和泉水,产生了重要的细节,有助于我们了解当今的水文学和自然景观。他们还帮助纠正了这样一种观念,即阿罗约采伐是由灾难性的过度放牧和随后的1880年代的干旱引发的。罗查(Rocha)的观察结果表明,在牧首区周围许多英里处,过度放牧和伐木已经毁坏了1780年的景观,开始进行阿罗约切割。他对沿着圣佩德罗河和圣克鲁斯河被占领和被废弃的流域的定居点的描述,为当地人Sobaipuri O'odham提供了有趣的考古学和人种学信息,Seymour说,这些人是Akimel O'odham或人们普遍认为,北部的比马斯河,而不是西部和西北的Tohono O'odham。(此主张有争议。)


