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Remaking North American Sovereignty: State Transformation in the 1860s ed. by Jewel L. Spangler and Frank Towers (review)
Southwestern Historical Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1353/swh.2021.0010
Evan C. Rothera

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Remaking North American Sovereignty: State Transformation in the 1860s ed. by Jewel L. Spangler and Frank Towers
  • Evan C. Rothera
Remaking North American Sovereignty: State Transformation in the 1860s. Edited by Jewel L. Spangler and Frank Towers. (New York: Fordham University Press, 2020. Pp. 228. Notes, index.)

Jewel L. Spangler and Frank Towers have assembled a collection of essays that analyze North American state-making in the 1860s by employing a continental perspective "that seeks to look across and beyond the traditional nation-centered approach to this period" (1). As Towers helpfully explains, people typically associate sovereignty with government power and define it as "a right to decide and therefore to rule" (2). However, some scholars have cautioned against ascribing tidy definitions to the term. Moreover, many definitions of sovereignty have roots in the nineteenth century. Thus, this volume is as much about multifarious understandings of sovereignty as about how people contested and remade sovereignty and the relationships between nations and empires.

Part I, "Making Nations," contains chapters by Steven Hahn, Andrew Smith, Pablo Mijongos y González, and Robert Bonner. Hahn analyzes the United States from the "inside out" and the "southside north" to illustrate "connections that have long been difficult to conceive" (32). Smith argues that ideas about racial and ethnic hierarchies played a critical role in the creation of the Canadian Confederation. Mexico and the United States experienced constitutional revolution, Mijongos y González observes, whereas Canada followed a path of constitutional gradualism, but despite the divergent paths, all three nations arrived at a similar endpoint. Bonner notes the importance of images to sovereignty and examines how mass-circulated images "distilled and shaped popular engagement with capital cities" (80).

Part II, "Indigenous Polities," features chapters by Jane Dinwoodie, Ryan Hall, and Marcela Terrazas y Basante. Dinwoodie focuses on Eastern Cherokees and Bayou Lacombe Choctaws to reveal how Indigenous communities in the U.S. Southeast "fought to sustain a world of contested and [End Page 351] persistent sovereignties" (122). Hall analyzes treaty-making between the Blackfoot and U.S. and Canadian authorities. Blackfoot leaders attempted to make treaties that preserved their own sovereignty as they faced similar expansionist states on both sides of the border. Terrazas y Basante observes that Mexicans, U.S. settlers, and Indigenous people understood sovereignty, territory, and free transit in different ways and illustrates how Mexicans saw Indian raids as a threat to the nation's sovereignty.

Part III, "The Complications of the Market," includes chapters by Christopher Clark, Benjamin H. Johnson, and Mary P. Ryan. Clark explores the relationship between ideas about the role of land and sovereignty and illustrates how farm populations shaped state power and market forces. Johnson focuses on Louis Riel and Juan Cortina to narrate national histories from border areas. Defeat in the Cortina War and the North-West Rebellion replaced "longstanding aspirations for autonomy and self-determination" among ethnic Mexicans and Métis with "violent incorporation into national communities" (215). Ryan concludes by analyzing San Francisco, California, to demonstrate how cities were key political players. Anyone interested in Texas and the Southwest will particularly enjoy Terrazas y Basante and Johnson's chapters.

In many respects, Remaking North American Sovereignty is truly a transnational volume. The chapters began as conference papers at a conference held in Canada. The resulting volume features contributions by scholars from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Mexico that focus on Mexico, the United States, and Canada. However, the definition of North America in this volume—encompassing the three aforementioned nations—is too narrow. Weaving the nations of the Caribbean and Central America into this volume would have allowed the contributors to say even more about sovereignty and nation-states. This point aside, the contributors illustrate the richness of their topics and provide models for other scholars interested in exploring sovereignty and nation-states in the nineteenth-century world. These lively essays will appeal to a general as much as a scholarly audience and many would make excellent additions to graduate seminars.

Evan C. Rothera The University of Texas at Dallas Copyright © 2021 The Texas State Historical Association ...


重塑北美主权:1860年代的国家转型版。由Jewel L.Spangler和Frank Towers(评论)



  • 重塑北美主权:1860年代的国家转型版。通过珠宝L.斯潘格勒和弗兰克·塔
  • 埃文·C·罗瑟拉(Evan C.Rothera)
重塑北美主权:1860年代的国家转型。由Jewel L.Spangler和Frank Towers编辑。(纽约:福特汉姆大学出版社,2020年。第228页。注释,索引。)

Jewel L. Spangler和Frank Towers收集了一系列论文,通过运用大陆视角“分析并超越了传统的以国家为中心的方式来分析这一时期”,分析了1860年代北美的国家决策(1)。正如Towers有帮助的解释,人们通常将主权与政府权力联系起来,并将其定义为“决定权和统治权”(2)。但是,一些学者警告不要将整齐的定义归于该术语。此外,许多主权定义都起源于19世纪。因此,这本书不仅涉及人们对主权的多种理解,也涉及人们如何争夺和重建主权以及国家与帝国之间的关系。

第一部分,“建立国家”,包含史蒂文·哈恩,安德鲁·史密斯,巴勃罗·米琼戈斯y冈萨雷斯和罗伯特·邦纳的各章。哈恩(Hahn)从“由内而外”和“南北”来分析美国,以说明“长期以来难以想象的联系”(32)。史密斯(Smith)辩称,关于种族和族裔等级制度的思想在加拿大联邦成立过程中发挥了关键作用。Mijongos yGonzález指出,墨西哥和美国经历了宪法革命,而加拿大则遵循了宪法渐进主义的道路,但是尽管道路各不相同,但所有三个国家都达到了类似的终点。邦纳(Bonner)指出图像对主权的重要性,并研究了大众传播的图像如何“提炼并塑造了人们对首都城市的参与”(80)。

第二部分“土著政治”的主题是Jane Dinwoodie,Ryan Hall和Marcela Terrazas y Basante的章节。丁迪(Dinwoodie)着眼于东方切诺基人和巴约·拉科姆·乔克托(Bayou Lacombe Choctaws),以揭示美国东南部的土著社区如何“为维持一个充满争议和[End Page 351]持久主权的世界而战”(122)。霍尔分析了黑脚与美国和加拿大当局之间的条约制定情况。布莱克富特(Blackfoot)领导人试图制定条约,以维护自己的主权,因为他们在边境两边都面临着类似的扩张主义国家。Terrazas y Basante指出,墨西哥人,美国定居者和土著人民以不同的方式理解主权,领土和自由过境,并说明了墨西哥人如何将印度的突袭视为对该国主权的威胁。

第三部分“市场的复杂性”包括Christopher Clark,Benjamin H. Johnson和Mary P. Ryan撰写的章节。克拉克(Clark)探索了关于土地和主权的观念之间的关系,并说明了农场人口如何塑造国家权力和市场力量。约翰逊专注于路易·瑞尔(Louis Riel)和胡安·科蒂娜(Juan Cortina)讲述边境地区的民族历史。科尔蒂纳战争和西北叛乱的失败使墨西哥人和梅蒂斯人中的“对自治和自决的长期愿望”被“暴力融入民族社区”(215)。瑞安最后通过分析加利福尼亚州旧金山市来证明城市是主要的政治参与者。任何对德克萨斯州和西南地区感兴趣的人都将特别喜欢Terrazas y Basante和Johnson的文章。


埃文·C·罗瑟拉(Evan C.Rothera)德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校版权©2021德克萨斯州历史协会...
