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The Man at the Top of the Stairs, On Rendering the Inner Life
Ploughshares ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1353/plo.2020.0135
Steve Almond

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Man at the Top of the Stairs, On Rendering the Inner Life
  • Steve Almond (bio)

Over the past decade, my taste in literature—or at least my engagement with it—has shifted dramatically. I spend most of my "reading time" reciting charming and insufferable tales to my children. Curious George, for instance, is both the account of an irascible chimp unleashed in the big city and the chilling tale of interspecies abduction. Babar has the same ripe flavor of unacknowledged colonial predation, with the added twist that the elephant Babar clearly serves as a sexual slave to his rapacious octogenarian mistress. I could go on here but won't.

I mention these books not just because I know every goddamn word of them by heart, but because as I thought about how to discuss the "inner life" without sounding like a pretentious twit my mind kept returning to one particular moment from the book Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. It's about a mother who has a ritual of rocking her only child back and forth and singing him this song:

I'll love you forever,I'll like you for always,As long as I'm livingMy baby you'll be.

As so often happens in children's books, things quickly get weird. The child grows into a teenager. The mother waits till he's asleep and picks him up and rocks him and sings to him. This ritual continues into his adulthood. The mom gets into her car and drives to his house, and if the lights are out, she opens his bedroom window and crawls across the floor and, yes, she picks up this grown man and rocks him and sings to him. So OK. Super kinky, borderline criminal behavior. But also: sweet.

Eventually, the mom grows too old and sick to continue breaking into her son's home and rocking him to sleep. So the ritual is reversed. He drives to her house and picks up his mother and rocks her and sings to her.

Then comes the moment that haunts me. Munsch writes: [End Page 7]

When the son came home that night, he stood for a long time at the top of the stairs.


And that's it. That's the line. When the son came home that night, he stood for a long time at the top of the stairs.

I could tell you, of course, what the man does next, that he then goes into the room where his own new baby daughter is sleeping and that he picks her up and rocks her back and forth and sings to her. But that's not the part that sticks with me. Because that's not the part that reveals his inner life, all the sadness and bewilderment—the ecstatic paralysis—that grips him at the top of those stairs, as he seeks to reckon with the death of his mother.


A lesser writer (a writer more like, for instance, me) would have felt the need to articulate that paralysis, to dive into the dark abyss of this guy's soul, to replay the highlight reel of his maternal experiences, to grant him a flourish of defensive rage, or an aria of anguish.

That is so often our instinct as writers, and human beings: to render the inner life as a performative experience, rather than a shared experience. Because, after all, we have all stood at the top of those stairs, have all stood in terror and sorrow and confusion before the enormity of the pain we risk—not as any function of misfortune or calculated assault—but simply by the miracle of our birth into this species.

We've already been shown everything we need to know about that man and all that he is carrying. Our job is simply to bear witness, to not look away, to feel what we already feel.


This is a rather indirect way of saying something pretty simple: that it is the mission of all art, but literary art in particular, to engage with the inner life. And all I mean by the inner life is the private set of...




  • 楼梯顶端的人,呈现内在生命
  • 史蒂夫·杏仁(生物)


我之所以提到这些书,不仅是因为我内心深处知道它们中的每一个单词,还因为我在思考如何讨论“内心生活”时听起来并不自以为是,我的思想不断从《爱你》这本书中恢复到一个特定的时刻。罗伯特·芒施(Robert Munsch)永远。关于一位母亲,她有来回地摇摆她唯一的孩子并为他唱歌的仪式:














