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On the Air
Ploughshares ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1353/plo.2020.0142
Christopher Buckley

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • On the Air
  • Christopher Buckley (bio)

"I have nothing at all to sayBut I want to say it anyway…"

—Marcello Mastroianni, 8½,

In my perfect 6-year-old FrenchI'm singing Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques.Dormez-vous? before the white capsand the waves' salt spray—it'sthe only song I know to the end,the only world…

Sun burningthrough the mist, white as a Eucharist,obscure as everything I hopeto one day understand…I'm digging a hole in the sandthat never fills with the tide—wind stripping down the eucalyptuson the cliffs…

sixty years ago…

Now, whatever I understand of philosophy,its pages have opened all this timeto dust, to leaves all the way backto a path bright with morning gloriesand nasturtium.

So this morning,stepping onto the porch, whistlingthat children's song again, I knowlittle beyond this throng of bushtitshappy with their chitter in the olive tree.I still hear fog dripping in the camphor leaves,my parents' station wagon crunchingalong the drive, leaving for work… [End Page 39] I look out above the marine layerjust offshore absorbing every groundlesstheory for our lives…nothing morethan a line of bird song between then and now,a few passing phrases on the air… [End Page 40]

Christopher Buckley

Christopher Buckley's recent books are Star Journal: Selected Poems (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016); Spanish Notebook (Shabda Press, 2017); The Far Republics, winner of the 2017 Vern Rutsala Book Prize (Cloudbank Books); Chaos Theory (Plume Editions, 2018); Cloud Memoir: Selected Longer Poems (Stephen F. Austin State University Press, 2018); and Agnostic (Lynx House Press, 2019).

Copyright © 2020 Emerson College ...




  • 直播中
  • 克里斯托弗·巴克利(生物)


-马塞洛·马斯特罗亚尼(Marcello Mastroianni),8½





因此,今天早上,踏上门廊,再次吹奏着孩子们的歌声,除了对灌木丛中的橄榄满足他们的满足感之外,我什至不知所措。我仍然听到雾气弥漫在樟树的叶子上,我父母的旅行车在行驶中 嘎嘎作响,去上班…… [完第39页]我从海平面上方望出去,在海上吸收着我们生活中每一个毫无根据的理论……无非就是从那时到现在,一排排的鸟儿的歌声在空中飞过…… [结束第40页]

克里斯托弗·巴克利(Christopher Buckley)

克里斯托弗·巴克利(Christopher Buckley)的最新著作是《星报:诗选》(匹兹堡大学出版社,2016年);西班牙笔记本(Shabda Press,2017); 遥远共和国(Far Republics),获得了2017年Vern Rutsala图书奖(Cloudbank Books);混沌理论(Plume Editions,2018); 《云回忆录:长诗选集》(斯蒂芬·奥斯丁州立大学出版社,2018年); 和不可知论者(Lynx House Press,2019)。

