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Naming the Lyric: Literature versus Philosophy in Plato's Symposium
Philosophy and Literature ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/phl.2020.0030
Katherine Elkins

Abstract:Why, in Plato's Symposium, does Socrates claim he learns about love from Diotima? Voicing a philosophical account of love through the figure of Diotima disguises the real female authority in the text who remains unnamed: Sappho. Alcibiades's speech echoes elements of Sappho's poetic descriptions of love, thus enacting a dialogue between a philosophical account and an older, lyric one. Naming the lyric in Plato's dialogue makes visible a continuing debate about love that has important ramifications for understanding aesthetic experience.



摘要:为什么在柏拉图的座谈会上,苏格拉底声称他从狄奥蒂玛那里学到了爱情?通过 Diotima 的形象表达对爱情的哲学描述,掩盖了文本中仍未命名的真正女性权威:Sappho。阿尔西比亚德斯的演讲呼应了萨福对爱的诗意描述的元素,从而在哲学叙述和较旧的抒情叙述之间进行了对话。为柏拉图对话中的歌词命名使得关于爱的持续辩论变得可见,这对理解审美经验具有重要影响。