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"The Crack in the Voice" and "Joe Turner Blues"
Philosophy and Literature ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/phl.2020.0032
Jeanette Bicknell

Abstract:Great art has been created under conditions of immense suffering and social injustice. How can one responsively and sensitively make sense of and appreciate such art? How does one acknowledge the suffering that went into making the art, while seeing the creators as something other than victims of circumstance? I offer some reflections on the challenge of appreciating African American music, with the central example of the song "Joe Turner Blues." I outline two possible approaches to these questions (those of Arlene Croce and Fred Moten) before offering my own suggestions.



摘要:伟大的艺术是在巨大的苦难和社会不公的条件下创造出来的。一个人如何反应灵敏地理解和欣赏这样的艺术?一个人如何承认创作艺术的痛苦,同时将创作者视为环境的受害者?我以歌曲“Joe Turner Blues”为中心,对欣赏非裔美国音乐的挑战提出了一些思考。在提出我自己的建议之前,我概述了解决这些问题的两种可能方法(Arlene Croce 和 Fred Moten 的方法)。