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Travel and Travail: Early Modern Women, English Drama, and the Wider World ed. by Patricia Akhimie and Bernadette Andrea (review)
Parergon ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2020.0065
Ursula A. Potter

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Travel and Travail: Early Modern Women, English Drama, and the Wider World ed. by Patricia Akhimie and Bernadette Andrea
  • Ursula A. Potter
Akhimie, Patricia, and Bernadette Andrea, eds, Travel and Travail: Early Modern Women, English Drama, and the Wider World (Early Modern Cultural Studies), Lincoln/London, University of Nebraska Press, 2019; paperback; pp. 384; 3 b/w illustrations, 2 b/w maps; R.R.P. US$35.00; ISBN 9781496202260.

I learned much from this collection of sixteen essays, in particular those in Part 1, which documents the travels of a handful of exceptional women within and between Europe and the Islamic world (Ann Broomfield Keeling, Mariam Khan, Teresa Sampsonia Sherley, Catherine Whetenall) and between America and Europe (Pocohontas). Their exploits are impressive, and their lives make for good reading. Part 2, which looks at women and travel in drama, has some outstanding contributions but was more uneven in terms of speculative arguments. Of the eight chapters, three deal with Desdemona in Othello, and the others with less obvious but nonetheless interesting targets such as Cleopatra, Marina in Pericles and The Empress in The Blazing World, Rosalind in As You Like It, and Bess in The Fair Maid of the West.

The aim of the collection is to demonstrate that, despite the ubiquitous bans on women’s mobility in prescriptive literature, women did indeed travel overseas, and they participated in the era’s expansionist projects (Introduction, 4). Richmond Barbour paves the way for this counter-argument to the conduct books in the opening chapter with a fascinating description of Mrs Keeling’s travels with her husband, General William Keeling, in the East India Company. This very readable chapter provides ample evidence of support for wives on board for a range of reasons all ultimately in the interests of the company. Barbour uses Desdemona as an apt comparison. Michael Slater similarly presents documentary evidence to show that women such as Desdemona from elite circles were indeed expected to travel with their husbands. Given all the women in this collection are from these higher echelons of society is it necessary to justify their travels? Apparently yes. For contemporary biographers it remained obligatory to prove that feminine virtue, chastity and respectability were not incompatible with their female voyager. The two most common justifications for travel were love of husband and religious motivation. In the case of Teresa Sampsonia Sherley, a Circassian polyglot who travelled widely with her husband, the adventurer Robert Sherley, Carmen Nocentelli proposes her representation as a travelling consort, a gender-neutral term, overcame the usual sexual suspicions for female travellers. By drawing on European biographies Nocentelli uncovers a very different Sherley myth. Bernadette Andrea’s essay focuses on Teresa’s religious motivations by reference to a Carmelite relic she wore around her neck, a piece of flesh from [End Page 171] the body of St Teresa of Avila. The account of the relic’s origins and subsequent ‘career’ makes for compelling reading. Most of the historical essays draw on archival records or biographies. One of the few to use personal travel writings is Laura Ambrose, whose careful analysis of Lady Anne Clifford’s diaries and memoirs reveals how Clifford constructed her own image of herself not so much as a traveller but as moving between her estates. This also explains Clifford’s use of the term ‘remove’ rather than ‘journey’ (p. 169). Mobility in fact becomes the primary means through which Clifford organizes and remembers her life (p. 171) and by which she continually claims her legal entitlement to her estates.

It is not possible to cover all sixteen contributions here, but the following stand out in Part 2. One is Laura Aydelotte’s ‘Mapping Women’, which covers several plays, including Othello. Aydelotte traces the way male and female characters employ geographic names and what that says about the boundaries of their power within the world of the plays they inhabit (p. 182). This is part of a digital project, ‘Shakespeare on the Map’, to identify and map the place names in Shakespeare’s plays and their gendered contexts. The Taming of the Shrew (not discussed by Aydelotte) is a good example of the value of this type...


《旅行与旅行:早期的现代女性,英语戏剧和更广阔的世界》编辑。帕特里夏·阿希米(Patricia Akhimie)和伯纳黛特·安德里亚(Bernadette Andrea)(评论)



  • 《旅行与旅行:早期的现代女性,英语戏剧和更广阔的世界》编辑。帕特里夏·阿希米(Patricia Akhimie)和伯纳黛特·安德里亚(Bernadette Andrea)
  • 厄休拉·波特
Akhimie,Patricia和Bernadette Andrea编辑,《旅行与旅行:早期的现代女性,英语戏剧和更广阔的世界(早期现代文化研究)》,林肯/伦敦,内布拉斯加大学出版社,2019年; 平装; 第384页;3张黑白插图,2张黑白地图;建议零售价35.00美元; ISBN 9781496202260。

我从这16篇论文的集合中学到了很多东西,尤其是第1部分中的论文,这些论文记录了欧洲和伊斯兰世界内部和之间的少数杰出女性的旅行(安·布鲁姆菲尔德·基林,玛丽安·汗,特雷莎·萨姆波索尼娅·谢利,凯瑟琳·惠特纳尔)在美洲和欧洲之间(Pocohontas)。他们的成就令人印象深刻,他们的生活也使他们读起来很好。第2部分着眼于女性和戏剧旅行,具有突出的贡献,但在投机性争论方面则较为不平衡。在这八章中,有三章涉及奥赛罗的戴斯狄蒙娜(Desdemona),而其他章则不那么明显,但有趣的目标是诸如克娄巴特拉(Cleopatra),佩里克利斯(Pericles)的玛丽娜(Marina)和《炽热世界》The Blazing World)的皇后,如你所愿,与贝丝在西方的博览会女佣

收集的目的是表明,尽管在规定性文献中普遍禁止妇女流动,但妇女确实确实出国旅行,并且她们参加了该时代的扩张主义项目(Introduction,4)。里士满·巴伯(Richmond Barbour)为这一反驳行为打下了基础,在开篇章节中对基林太太与丈夫威廉·基林将军在东印度公司的旅行进行了有趣的描述。这一章内容通俗易懂,它提供了充足的证据来证明支持船上妻子的原因有多种,这最终都符合公司的利益。Barbour使用Desdemona作为适当的比较。迈克尔·斯莱特(Michael Slater)同样提供了文献证据,以证明确实希望来自精英圈子的女性,如戴斯蒙达娜(Desdemona),与丈夫一起旅行。鉴于本系列中的所有女性均来自社会上等阶层,是否有必要证明其出行是否合理?显然是的。对于当代传记作家来说,仍然有义务证明女性的美德,贞操和受人尊敬与他们的女航海家并不矛盾。出差旅行的两个最普遍的理由是对丈夫的热爱和宗教动机。就切尔克斯杂语的Teresa Sampsonia Sherley而言,她与丈夫冒险家罗伯特·谢利(Robert Sherley)一起广泛旅行,卡门·诺森特利(Carmen Nocentelli)建议她作为旅行家 出差旅行的两个最普遍的理由是对丈夫的热爱和宗教动机。就切尔克斯杂语的Teresa Sampsonia Sherley而言,她与丈夫冒险家罗伯特·谢利(Robert Sherley)一起广泛旅行,卡门·诺森特利(Carmen Nocentelli)建议她作为旅行家 出差旅行的两个最普遍的理由是对丈夫的热爱和宗教动机。就切尔克斯杂语的Teresa Sampsonia Sherley而言,她与丈夫冒险家罗伯特·谢利(Robert Sherley)一起广泛旅行,卡门·诺森特利(Carmen Nocentelli)建议她作为旅行家驸马,性别中性词,克服了女性游客的通常性的怀疑。通过借鉴欧洲传记,诺森特利发现了一个截然不同的雪莉神话。伯纳黛特·安德里亚(Bernadette Andrea)的论文通过参考戴在脖子上的Carmelite遗物,着重于Teresa的宗教动机,该遗物来自[End Page 171]阿维拉圣特蕾莎修女的遗体。对文物起源和随后的“职业”的描述使阅读更具说服力。大多数历史论文都是根据档案记录或传记来写的。劳拉·安布罗斯(Laura Ambrose)是少数使用个人旅行著作的人之一,他对安妮·克利福德夫人的日记和回忆录的仔细分析表明,克利福德如何塑造自己的形象,而不是像旅行者那样,而是在自己的庄园之间移动。这也解释了克利福德对“删除”而非“旅行”一词的使用(第169页)。事实上,出行成为Clifford整理和记忆自己生活的主要手段(第171页),并不断声称自己拥有自己的合法财产权。

这里不可能涵盖全部十六个方面,但是下面的部分在第2部分中脱颖而出。一个是劳拉·艾德洛特(Laura Aydelotte)的“制图女性”,涵盖了包括奥赛罗(Othello)在内的几部戏。艾德洛特(Aydelotte)追溯了男性和女性角色使用地名的方式,以及在他们所居住的戏剧世界中关于其权力界限的说法(第182页)。这是“莎士比亚在地图上”数字项目的一部分,目的是识别和绘制莎士比亚戏剧中的地名及其性别背景。驯悍记(Aydelotte并未讨论)是这种类型价值的一个很好的例子...
