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Un Dit moral contre Fortune: A critical edition of MS Paris, BnF, fr. 25418 ed. by Glynnis M. Cropp and John Keith Atkinson (review)
Parergon ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2020.0084
Jenny Davis Barnett

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Reviewed by:

  • Un Dit moral contre Fortune: A critical edition of MS Paris, BnF, fr. 25418 ed. by Glynnis M. Cropp and John Keith Atkinson
  • Jenny Davis Barnett
Cropp, Glynnis M., and John Keith Atkinson, eds, Un Dit moral contre Fortune: A critical edition of MS Paris, BnF, fr. 25418 (European Translations, 6), Cambridge, MHRA, 2018; paperback; pp. 182; R.R.P. £12.99, US$17.99, €14.99; ISBN 9781781887608.

The medieval preoccupation with Boethius’s The Consolation of Philosophy (c. 523–25 ce) is evident in the numerous translations, commentaries, and glosses that appeared in the Middle Ages. In France alone, there are some thirteen distinct translations. While some versions were copied and circulated widely, others such as the anonymous late-fourteenth- or early fifteenth-century French verse translation Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) MS fonds français 25418, exist in a single parchment. This sole extant copy coupled with the intellectual complexity of the text has made it difficult for researchers around the world to study the manuscript. Luckily for contemporary scholars, enthusiasm for Boethius’s reception in vernacular French lives on in the work of editors Glynnis M. Cropp and John Keith Atkinson. While Paris, BnF, MS fr. 25418 has no title in the manuscript, the editors derived Un dit moral contre Fortune from the beginning of the Prologue in which the reviser states his intention: ‘Contre Fortune […] | Dez dis Böece vueil conter | C’om dit de Consolacion (5, 7–8)’ (p. 5).

Professor Emeritus and Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Humanities, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Cropp is an internationally renowned specialist in the field of the vernacular translations of [End Page 200] Boethius’s Consolatio as well as medieval French and Occitan literature. Atkinson, an independent scholar and Honorary Research Consultant with the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Queensland, Australia, edits and directs theses in regional medieval French translations of Consolatio Philosophiae. Each having decades of research and publications, Cropp and Atkinson bring unique expertise to medieval studies evident in this volume.

In this critical edition, Cropp and Atkinson provide an edited, abridged translation of Renaut de Louhans’s Roman de Fortune et de Felicité (1336/7). With Atkinson as adviser, Béatrice Atherton edited Louhan’s medieval verse translation of Boethius (Paris, BnF, MS fonds français 578) as her doctoral thesis for the University of Queensland (1994). For the present critical edition, Atherton made her thesis available in open access through the University of Queensland eSpace Library. This allowed Cropp and Atkinson to delineate the dependence of the Dit moral on the Roman de Fortune in two appendices: ‘Table of Concordance’ for both texts and ‘Sample Passages’ of Le Roman de Fortune (edited by Atherton), with brief notes for comparison with Un Dit moral. The variance in length between the two texts appears as the most obvious difference. At 7914 verses, Roman de Fortune contains longer discussions and examples such as the mythological narratives and philosophical arguments. Still, the reviser of Dit moral distinguished Fortune from Felicité more prominently and inserted Christian religious instruction within 4588 verses.

The reviser’s devotion to God is clearly observable in the emphasis given to Christian morality by the stern narrative. In Boethius’s original thought and the present translation, Philosophie stresses that happiness, Felicité, is found within (not in material things). Yet, unlike Consolatio, Dit moral dedicates a degree of attention to Covetousness such that it constitutes a substantial secondary theme. A passion easily ignited by Fortune, Covetousness burns and inflames humans to crave earthly delights.

The handsome cover illustration of this volume containing Louhan’s Roman de Fortune (from Brussels, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, MS 10220, fol. 2r) captivates the reader while the attention to detail in this MHRA Critical Text does not disappoint. After the preface and abbreviations, an enlightening introduction offers a most useful description of the manuscripts’ contents, form and structure, terms, moral lesson, versification, and linguistic features. The edited text is followed by the aforementioned appendices, notes on the text, and a table of proper names. The glossary illuminates difficult terms and a comprehensive bibliography concludes the work...


联合国道德风尚财富:巴黎金融评论社的重要版,fr。25418版。Glynnis M. Cropp和John Keith Atkinson撰写(评论)



  • 联合国道德风尚财富:巴黎金融评论社的重要版,fr。25418版。格林尼斯·克劳普(Glynnis M. Cropp)和约翰·基思·阿特金森(John Keith Atkinson)
  • 珍妮·戴维斯·巴尼特
Cropp,Glynnis M.和John Keith Atkinson编着,《Un Dit道德观念的财富》:巴黎MS的重要版,BnF。25418(European Translations,6),剑桥,MHRA,2018; 平装; 第182页;建议零售价12.99英镑,17.99美元,14.99欧元;ISBN 9781781887608。

中世纪的专注与伯蒂乌斯的哲学的安慰Ç。523-25 CE)在中世纪出现的大量翻译,评论和词汇中很明显。仅在法国,就有大约十三种不同的翻译。虽然某些版本被复制并广泛散发,但其他版本(例如,匿名的十四世纪末或十五世纪初的法国诗歌翻译巴黎,法国国家图书馆(BnF)的女士喜欢法国人25418)则存在于单个羊皮纸中。这份现存的副本加上文本的知识复杂性,使全世界的研究人员都难以研究手稿。幸运的是,对于当代学者而言,Boethius在白话文中的热情受到了编辑Glynnis M. Cropp和John Keith Atkinson的欢迎。而巴黎(BnF)密苏里州fr。25418手稿中没有标题,编辑者派生了联合国DIT道德驳财富从序幕开始在校订指出他的意图:“驳财富[...] | Dez disBöecevueil conter | 安慰奖(5,7–8)'(第5页)。

Cropp是位于新西兰北帕默斯顿的梅西大学人文学院的名誉教授和名誉研究员,在[End Page 200] Boethius的慰藉以及中世纪的法国和奥克西唐文学的白语翻译领域,Cropp是国际知名的专家。Atkinson是澳大利亚昆士兰大学语言与文化学院的独立学者和名誉研究顾问,他在《中世纪哲学》的中世纪法语区域译本中进行编辑和指导。Cropp和Atkinson各自拥有数十年的研究和出版物,这本书为中世纪研究带来了独特的专业知识。

在这个重要的版本中,Cropp和Atkinson提供了Renaut de Louhans的《罗马财富》和《Felicité》(1336/7)的经过编辑的删节翻译。贝阿特里斯·阿瑟顿(BéatriceAtherton)在阿特金森(Atkinson)的指导下,编辑了娄汉(Bouhan)的Boethius中世纪诗歌译本(巴黎,法国国家广播公司(BnF)和MS喜欢法国人578)作为昆士兰大学的博士学位论文(1994年)。对于当前的关键版,Atherton可以通过昆士兰大学eSpace图书馆对她的论文进行公开访问。这使Cropp和Atkinson在两个附录中描绘了Dit道德罗马命运的依赖:两个文本的“一致表”和《命运罗马》的“样本段落”(由Atherton编辑),并附有简短注释,以便与Un Dit道德进行比较。两种文本之间的长度差异是最明显的差异。《罗马的财富》以7914节经文进行了更长的讨论和举例,例如神话般的叙事和哲学论证。尽管如此,《道德论》的修订者还是将《财富》和《费利切》区别开来,并在4588节经文中加入了基督教宗教信仰。


含有Louhan的该体积的美观的盖插图罗马德财富(布鲁塞尔,图书出版法兰西皇家比利时,MS 10220,FOL。2 - [R )着迷读者,而在此临界MHRA文本对细节的关注不会令人失望。在序言和缩写之后,一个启迪性的介绍对手稿的内容,形式和结构,术语,道德课程,功能化和语言特征进行了最有用的描述。编辑后的文本之后是上述附录,文本注释和专有名称表。该词汇表阐明了困难的术语,综合的参考书目总结了这项工作。
