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Norse-Gaelic Contacts in a Viking World by Colmán Etchingham et al (review)
Parergon ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2020.0088
Roderick McDonald

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Norse-Gaelic Contacts in a Viking World by Colmán Etchingham et al
  • Roderick McDonald
Etchingham, Colmán, Jón Viðar Sigurðsson, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, and Elizabeth Ashman Rowe, Norse-Gaelic Contacts in a Viking World (Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, 29), Turnhout, Brepols, 2019; pp. xii, 439; 8 b/w illustrations, 1 b/w table; R.R.P. €65.00; ISBN 9782503579023.

This high-quality publication is a true collaboration, to the extent that the four authors take joint responsibility for the content. As a consequence, it retains coherence and consistency throughout, a quality that is often lacking in volumes of collected chapters. Overall, there are but a few quibbles, and the only one worth noting is the volume’s title, which promises, but does not deliver, the ‘Viking World’. Perhaps the book it might be better titled The Textualities of Late Medieval Contacts between Norse and Gaelic Elites. This work is concerned geographically with the ‘Norwegian Insular Viking Zone’ and the subject matter is confined to late textual reflexes and interactions of cultural elites, not really the ‘Viking World’ at all.

The professed focus of this book ‘is to account for the continuing relevance of Norse-Gaelic contacts’ (p. 3) in the ‘long’ thirteenth century, from the 1169 Norman invasion of Ireland to the early fourteenth-century Hauksbók edition of Landnamabók: a period that is nominally post-Viking Age. Within this frame, four textual witnesses from the thirteenth century are examined: Konungs skuggsjá, Njáls saga, Landnámabók, and (perhaps the least known of the four) Baile Suthach Síth Embna, a Gaelic praise poem for Raghnall mac Godfraidh, king of Man, that incorporates the dual Gaelic-Scandinavian heritage of Man as its subject matter. The four texts are examined for signs of Norwegian influence during the period, within the wider context of increasing Norman influence in Scotland and the Isle of Man. Indeed, Man comes out of this study enjoying a significant degree of centrality for the milieu, as a location that was politically, culturally, and geographically critical to the continued Norse presence, influence and textual production in the ‘Zone’.

The authors argue a sound case that both the ‘Wonders of Ireland’ component of Konungs skuggsjá and the source material (that is, the putative *Brjáns saga) behind the Norse accounts of the Battle of Clontarf in Orkneyinga saga, Njáls saga, and Þorsteins saga Síðu-Hallssonar was composed in the Norse-Gaelic milieu on the Isle of Man. Moreover, they argue evidence for this early twelfth-century Manx Norse source material to have made its way to Iceland (as source for the Icelandic saga versions) via thirteenth-century Norway. The authors also note ties and reciprocal interests between Hákon IV’s Norway and the thirteenth-century Norse kings of Man, arguing, inter alia, that Norway’s interests in Ireland (such as is revealed in Konungs skuggsjá) are mirrored by Manx interests in Hákon’s predecessor, Ingi II Bárðarson, evidenced in Baile Suthach. In that poem, Raghnall’s status idealizes both Irish and Norse cultures, and the poet is shown to be operating at the intersection of high-status Gaelic and Norse cultural and political spheres. [End Page 207]

The volume incorporates the text of much of the material it discusses, with much of this newly edited and translated: the ‘Wonders of Ireland’ section of Konungs skuggsjá and Baile Suthach are both presented anew here. Also included in original and translation are the four Icelandic texts dealing with the Battle of Clontarf: the three excerpted prose accounts from the sagas noted above, along with the verse version (also found in Njáls saga) known as Darraðarljóð. Moreover, the Konungs skuggsjá text is analysed in tabular comparison with three related mirabilia texts: De mirabilibus Hiberniae (attributed to Bishop Patrick), the Middle Irish Do Ingantaib Érenn and Gerald of Wales’s Topographia Hibernica, examining both context and motivation behind Norse interest in Ireland. Similarly, Baile Suthach is edited and read closely in the context of the array of political and cultural factors intersecting in the Irish Sea during the period, and implications for...


北欧海盗盖尔人在维京世界中的交往,作者:Collman Etchingham等(评论)



  • 北欧海盗盖尔人在维京世界中的接触byColmánEtchingham等
  • 罗德里克·麦克唐纳
Etchingham,Colmán,JónViðarSigurðsson,MáireNíMhaonaigh和Elizabeth Ashman Rowe,《北欧世界中的北欧盖尔语的接触者》(北欧中世纪文字和文化,第29页),Turnhout,Brepols,2019年; 第ii页,439;8个黑白插图,1个黑白桌子;建议零售价€65.00; ISBN 9782503579023。

在这四位作者对内容承担共同责任的范围内,这本高质量的出版物是真正的合作。因此,它始终保持连贯性和一致性,这在所收集的章节数量中常常缺乏。总体而言,只有少数几个小问题,唯一值得一提的是该卷的书名,该书答应(但没有兑现)“ Viking World”。也许这本书的标题为“北欧和盖尔精英之间的中世纪晚期接触的文本”可能更好。这项工作在地理上与“挪威岛维京海盗区”有关,主题仅限于后期文本的反思和文化精英的互动,而根本不是真正的“维京世界”。


作者提出了一个可靠的案例,即Konungsskuggsjá的“爱尔兰奇观”部分和Orkneyinga sagaNjálssaga和Þorsteins的克朗塔夫之战的北欧叙述背后的原始资料(即推定的* Brjánssaga)传奇Síðu-Hallssonar由马恩岛的Norse-Gaelic环境组成。此外,他们争辩说,这个十二世纪早期的Manx Norse原始资料已经通过十三世纪的挪威运往冰岛(作为冰岛传奇版本的原始资料)。作者还注意到哈康四世(HákonIV)的挪威与13世纪的北欧人国王之间的联系和对等利益,并特别指出挪威在爱尔兰的利益(例如Manung对Hákon的前任Ingi IIBárðarson的兴趣反映了Konungsskuggsjá),Baile Suthach证明了这一点。在那首诗中,拉格诺尔的身份理想化了爱尔兰和北欧文化,诗人被证明是在盖尔语与北欧文化和政治领域的高交汇处活动的。[结束页207]

该卷结合了所讨论的许多材料的文本,以及许多新编辑和翻译的内容:KonungsskuggsjáBaile Suthach的“爱尔兰奇观”部分都在这里重新展示。还包括在原文和译文是处理克朗塔夫之战中的四个冰岛文:从传奇三个摘录散文叙述上面提到的,与诗句版(也发现沿Njáls传奇称)Darraðarljóð。此外,Konungsskuggsjá文本在表格对比分析了三个相关mirabilia文本:德mirabilibus Hiberniae(归因于主教帕特里克),中东,爱尔兰威尔士地形学希伯尼卡的IngantaibÉrenn和Gerald做文章,探讨了北欧人对爱尔兰的兴趣背后的背景和动机。同样,Baile Suthach在此期间在爱尔兰海中相交的一系列政治和文化因素的背景下进行了编辑和阅读,对...
