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The French of Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Jocelyn Wogan-Browne ed. by Thelma Fenster and Carolyn P. Collette (review)
Parergon ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2020.0089
E. Amanda McVitty

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • The French of Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Jocelyn Wogan-Browne ed. by Thelma Fenster and Carolyn P. Collette
  • E. Amanda McVitty
Fenster, Thelma, and Carolyn P. Collette, eds, The French of Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 2017; hardback; pp. 360; 6 b/w, 1 line illustrations; R.R.P. £60.00; ISBN 9781843844594.

This book is a Festschrift for Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, whose prolific scholarship on the French written, read, and spoken in medieval England has fostered much-needed interdisciplinary research into Britain’s plurilingual past. Its publication is a welcome intellectual and political intervention at a moment when Brexit has seen fervent claims advanced about England’s essential difference from Europe, and created a climate in which speaking English has become problematically entangled with the idea of being ‘English’. Felicity Riddy’s ‘Foreword’ notes that [End Page 208] as an Australian, Wogan-Browne ‘sees England with an outsider’s clarity: part of a small island that is closer to France than Tasmania is to mainland Australia; always mongrel and multicultural but caught up in a monoglot version of its own past’ (p. xiv). Approaching the French of England from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, the contributors complicate and destabilize simplistic narratives about language and identity by providing rich explorations of Francophony and multilingualism across a breadth of literary, social, political, and commercial contexts and practices.

Despite the diversity of subject matter, literary and archival sources, and methods represented—from close reading of a single literary text to data-driven analysis of government records spanning years—the volume is given a pleasing coherence through its underlying connections to the major thematic strands of Wogan-Browne’s work. Most of the contributions focus on texts and contexts c. 1100 to c. 1500, with chapters by Paul Cohen and Delbert Russell considering afterlives of the French of medieval England in early modern and nineteenth-century scholarship. Thomas O’Donnell, Emma Campbell, and Monika Otter engage with practices of translation, glossing, and translational ethics. Working across French, Latin, and English in scientific, literary, and musical manuscripts, the authors challenge the construction of linguistic hierarchies by emphasizing the co-presence of languages and their flexible uses in multilingual communities. Chapters by Fiona Somerset, Serge Lusignan, and Richard Ingham examine the cultural and political weight carried by French vocabularies and registers deployed within, respectively, political complaint poems; cross-border communications from the Anglo-Scottish Wars of 1295–1314; and the Early South English Legendary. Theoretically sophisticated studies by Christopher Baswell and Thelma Fenster extend upon Wogan-Browne’s pioneering work on women’s textual communities. Fenster offers a fascinating, if disturbing, account of the dissemination of anti-Jewish myths and stereotypes through French texts commissioned by aristocratic English laywomen and intended for the instruction of children. Baswell deftly integrates considerations of space, gender, and disability networks to develop a stimulating and original reading of the Lives of three women saints in the Campsey manuscript.

Andrew Taylor, Nicholas Watson, and R. F. Yeager address questions of audience and illuminate intricate interactions between French and English languages in medieval literary texts, whether a chanson de geste that turns out to be ‘a Plantagenet celebration of Charlemagne’ (p. 100); the canonical Piers Plowman; or John Gower’s under-studied French poems. Turning from manuscript cultures to social contexts, W. Mark Ormrod and Maryanne Kowaleski draw on the considerable data of the ‘England’s Immigrants, 1350–1550’ project to investigate language acquisition and use amongst French-speaking immigrants to England at either end of the Hundred Years’ War. These chapters present invaluable empirical evidence for ‘daily linguistic encounters’ (p. 194) and for how people understood and experienced national and regional identities. Robert M. Stein’s posthumous [End Page 209] contribution, in the form of a short but dense conference paper, contemplates the ways territory and sovereignty were imagined in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Anglo-Norman chronicles and poetry, with ‘important consequences for the whole course of the historiography of state formation or nation building’ (p. 273). Finally, Robert W. Hanning’s ‘Afterword’ brings the book to a satisfying conclusion, drawing together its diverse threads to highlight broader...


中世纪英格兰的法国人:纪念Jocelyn Wogan-Browne ed的杂文。塞尔玛·芬斯特(Thelma Fenster)和卡洛琳·科莱特(Carolyn P.Collette)(评论)



  • 中世纪英格兰的法国人:纪念Jocelyn Wogan-Browne ed的杂文。塞尔玛·芬斯特(Thelma Fenster)和卡罗琳·科莱特(Carolyn P.
  • E.阿曼达·麦克维蒂(A. Amanda McVitty)
芬斯特(Fenster),塞尔玛(Thelma)和卡洛琳·P·科莱特(Carolyn P.Collette)编辑,《中世纪英格兰的法国人:纪念乔斯林·沃根·布朗(Jocelyn Wogan-Browne)的散文》,剑桥,DS布鲁尔,2017年; 精装; 第360页;6 b / w,1线插图;建议零售价£60.00; ISBN 9781843844594。

这本书是乔斯林·沃根·布朗(Jocelyn Wogan-Browne)的节日大典,他在中世纪英格兰撰写,阅读和口语的法语方面的丰富学术研究促进了对英国多学科历史的急需的跨学科研究。当英国脱欧看到英国对欧洲与欧洲的本质区别提出了强烈要求,并创造了一种气氛,在这种情况下,说英语已经成为与“英语”这个概念纠缠不清的时候,它的出版受到了学术和政治上的欢迎。费利西迪·里迪(Felicity Riddy)的“前言”指出,[结束页208]作为澳大利亚人,沃根·布朗(Wogan-Browne)用局外人的眼光看待英格兰:与塔斯马尼亚岛相比,距法国更近的一个小岛与澳大利亚大陆之间的一部分;总是杂种和多元文化,但陷入了自己过去的单一语言版本中(p。xiv)。从各种学科角度探讨英格兰法语的问题,作者通过在广泛的文学,社会,政治和商业语境和实践中提供了丰富的法语和多语种探索,使有关语言和身份的简单化叙述变得复杂和不稳定。

尽管主题,文学和档案资源以及所代表的方法各不相同-从仔细阅读单个文学文本到多年来对政府记录的数据驱动分析-通过与主要主题的潜在联系,该书卷具有令人愉悦的连贯性Wogan-Browne的作品。大多数贡献集中在文本和上下文c上。1100至c。1500年,保罗·科恩(Paul Cohen)和德尔伯特·罗素(Delbert Russell)撰写的章节考虑了中世纪英格兰法国人在近代现代和19世纪学者中的来世。托马斯·奥唐奈,艾玛·坎贝尔和莫妮卡·奥特从事翻译,修饰和翻译伦理的实践。作者在科学,文学和音乐手稿中使用法语,拉丁语和英语,着重强调语言的共存及其在多语言社区中的灵活使用,从而挑战了语言体系的构建。菲奥娜·萨默塞特(Fiona Somerset),塞尔吉·卢西甘(Serge Lusignan)和理查德·英厄姆(Richard Ingham)的章节分别探讨了政治词汇中所用的法语词汇和语调所承载的文化和政治影响。1295年至1314年盎格鲁-苏格兰战争的跨境通讯;和南方早期的英国传奇。克里斯托弗·巴斯威尔(Christopher Baswell)和塞尔玛·芬斯特(Thelma Fenster)在理论上进行了详尽的研究,其基础是沃根·布朗(Wogan-Browne)在妇女文本界的开拓性工作。Fenster提供了一个有趣的(即使是令人不安的)说明,它是通过贵族英语俗妇委托的法语文本传播反犹太神话和刻板印象的,目的是教给孩子们。Baswell巧妙地整合空间,性别,和残疾网络的考虑制定的刺激和原稿读取生活的三个女圣人在Campsey手稿。

安德鲁·泰勒(Andrew Taylor),尼古拉斯·沃森(Nicholas Watson)和RF·耶格尔(RF Yeager)着眼于听众的问题,并阐明中世纪文学文本中法语和英语之间的错综复杂的互动关系,无论是“颂歌”(Charson degest)被证明是“ Planagenet庆祝查理曼大帝”(p。100);规范的皮尔斯农夫; 或约翰·高尔(John Gower)对法国诗歌的研究不足。从手稿文化转向社会背景,W。Mark Ormrod和Maryanne Kowaleski借鉴了“英国移民,1350–1550”项目的大量数据,调查了一百年代末期英语移民到英国的法语移民中的语言习得和使用情况。多年的战争。这些章节为“日常语言交流”(第194页)以及人们如何理解和体验国家和地区身份提供了宝贵的经验证据。罗伯特·斯坦因(Robert M. Stein)的遗post [完第209页]文章以简短但密集的会议论文的形式,探讨了十二世纪和十三世纪的盎格鲁-诺曼纪事和诗歌中对领土和主权的想象方式,“对于整个国家形成或发展史学的整个过程都将产生重要的影响。国家建筑”(第273页)。最后,罗伯特·汉宁(Robert W. Hanning)的《后记》(Afterword)使本书得出了令人满意的结论,汇集了其多样的线索来强调更广泛的...
