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Migrating Merchants. Trade, Nation, and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Hamburg and Portugal by Jorun Poettering (review)
Parergon ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2020.0108
Nat Cutter

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Reviewed by:

  • Migrating Merchants. Trade, Nation, and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Hamburg and Portugal by Jorun Poettering
  • Nat Cutter
Poettering, Jorun, Migrating Merchants. Trade, Nation, and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Hamburg and Portugal, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2019; hardback; pp. viii, 389; 10 b/w figures, 23 b/w tables; R.R.P. €59.95; ISBN 9783110469936.

In this meticulously researched, elegant, and focused but comprehensive work, Jorun Poettering challenges historiography on the unique success of early modern Portuguese diaspora merchants by comparison with their Hamburger and Netherlander counterparts. Examining diverse sources, most importantly Hamburg legal, banking, and customs records, and materials from the Portuguese Inquisition, Poettering shows that insular diasporic groups were often less successful in business than those who integrated with the surrounding community, and that the attitudes and institutions of the receiving society were often far more important for assimilation and business success than the internal character of the diaspora community.

Poettering’s study is divided into three parts, which increase in specificity, historiographical intervention, and depth of primary source research. The first section (pp. 11–100), examines the political and legal context surrounding the Portuguese, Netherlander and Hamburger merchants under study. While somewhat dense for non-specialists, this section presents a welcome account of major events that drove migration, and a detailed examination of particular institutional systems relevant to migrants, including provisions for citizenship, consular representation, and the role of the Inquisition. The second section (pp. 101–80), focuses on the particular experiences of individual migrant merchants. In Chapter 6, Poettering uses Hamburg’s vast financial and legal records to measure foreign presence, and, in the absence of similar sources in Portugal, employs Inquisition records of conversion to Catholicism as a proxy for migration numbers. Chapter 7 collects a compelling mix of qualitative and quantitative material to argue that the organization of Hamburg society made it more challenging for merchants to integrate and ascend the social hierarchy than their counterparts in Portugal. With data on assets and business turnovers from Hamburg, Chapter 8 shows that Netherlander merchants there were substantially more successful than the locals, while Portuguese merchants were somewhat less well-off, a fact illustrated with [End Page 241] colourful qualitative examples of ‘representative’ merchant lifestyles in both Hamburg and Portugal. Chapter 9 is Poettering’s densest quantitative chapter, using customs and trade figures to explore patterns of commerce in Hamburg, confirming historiographical arguments that foreign merchants were poorly represented in commodities barred to exchange between foreigners, but challenging claims that Portuguese controlled the sugar and spice trade and Hamburgers were over-represented in traditional Hamburg goods: in fact, each trade was diverse, and each individual merchant’s product line and geographical specialization was unique. Chapter 10 documents in brief detail the various institutions in Portugal and Hamburg which facilitated expatriate merchants to overcome the challenges of foreignness and long-distance commerce, including notaries, brokers, the postal service, newspapers, insurance, and bills of exchange.

The third section (pp. 183–259) is the most distinctive and engages with the social side of migrant merchant life. Chapter 11 examines, with qualitative examples that complement existing historiography, the formation and maintenance of trust, and how it played out differently in merchants’ business and personal lives. Chapter 12, on business networking, is dominated by original archival research, and shows that merchants frequently worked with others outside their ethno-religious community, but though Hamburger and Netherlander merchants frequently married local women, Portuguese merchants never did. ‘The result’, argues Poettering, ‘was that their networking opportunities were much more limited than those of the Hamburgers and Netherlanders’ (p. 194). Chapter 13 presents a contrast to this individual networking by exploring the presence of foreigners in new, large companies like the Hamburg Commercial Deputation and the Portuguese Brazil Company. Finally, Chapters 14 and 15 employ a methodologically instructive blend of oblique sources to access the internal community life of migrant communities (for example, using Hamburg’s Admiralty customs books to show that Portuguese traders stopped working on Jewish holy days). One small weakness in the third section is Poettering’s artificial divide between business trust, which emerges from reliability and good sense, and personal or community trust, which emerges from adherence to the...


移民商人。Jorun Poettering撰写的17世纪汉堡和葡萄牙的贸易,民族和宗教(评论)



  • 移民商人。Jorun Poettering在17世纪汉堡和葡萄牙贸易,民族与宗教
  • 纳特·库特(Nat Cutter)
Poettering,Jorun,移民商人。十七世纪汉堡和葡萄牙的贸易,民族与宗教,柏林/波士顿,德格鲁伊特,2019年; 精装; 第iii页,389;10 b / w数字,23 b / w表; 建议零售价€59.95;ISBN 9783110469936。

在这项经过精心研究,优雅,专注但全面的工作中,与汉堡和荷兰人的同行相比,Jorun Poettering挑战了历史学对早期现代葡萄牙侨民商人的独特成功。通过检查各种来源,最重要的是汉堡的法律,银行和海关记录,以及葡萄牙宗教裁判所提供的材料,Poettering显示,与其他与周边社区融合的人相比,与世隔绝的移民群体在业务上通常不那么成功,对于同化和商业成功而言,接受社会通常比散居社区的内部特征重要得多。


第三部分(第183-259页)最具特色,涉及移民商人生活的社会方面。第11章通过定性的例子来补充现有的历史学,考察了信任的形成和维持,以及信任在商人的商业和个人生活中如何发挥作用。关于商务网络的第12章以原始档案研究为主导,它表明商人经常与其种族宗教社区之外的其他人一起工作,但是尽管Hamburger和Netherlander商人经常与当地妇女结婚,但葡萄牙商人却从未这样做。Poettering认为,“结果”是,与汉堡人和荷兰人相比,他们的人际交往机会有限得多(第194页)。第13章通过探索外国人在新成立的大型公司(如汉堡商业代表和葡萄牙巴西公司)中的存在,与这种个人网络形成了对比。最后,第14章和第15章采用了一种方法学指导性的方法,结合了倾斜资源的使用,以获取移民社区的内部社区生活(例如,使用汉堡的金钟海关书籍显示葡萄牙商人停止了犹太圣日活动)。第三部分中的一个小弱点是Poettering在人为的信任之间的人为划分,它是由可靠性和良好的理性引起的,而个人或社区的信任则是对遵守该规则产生的... 第14章和第15章采用了一种方法学指导性的方法,将倾斜的资源混为一谈,以访问移民社区的内部社区生活(例如,使用汉堡的金钟海关书籍显示葡萄牙商人在犹太圣日停止工作)。第三部分中的一个小弱点是Poettering在人为的信任之间的人为划分,它是由可靠性和良好的理性引起的,而个人或社区的信任则是对遵守该规则产生的... 第14章和第15章采用了一种方法学指导性的方法,将倾斜的资源混为一谈,以访问移民社区的内部社区生活(例如,使用汉堡的金钟海关书籍显示葡萄牙商人在犹太圣日停止工作)。第三部分中的一个小弱点是Poettering在人为的信任之间的人为划分,它是由可靠性和良好的理性引起的,而个人或社区的信任则是对遵守该规则产生的...
