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Forgotten Queens in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Political Agency, Myth-Making, and Patronage ed. by Valerie Schutte and Estelle Paranque (review)
Parergon ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2020.0111
Aidan Norrie

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Forgotten Queens in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Political Agency, Myth-Making, and Patronage ed. by Valerie Schutte and Estelle Paranque
  • Aidan Norrie
Schutte, Valerie, and Estelle Paranque, eds, Forgotten Queens in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Political Agency, Myth-Making, and Patronage, New York, Routledge, 2019; paperback; pp. xiii, 198; 6 b/w illustrations; R.R.P. £34.99; ISBN 9781138085466.

Growing out of ‘The Routledge History of Monarchy’ (2019) project, this collection brings together a variety of queens’ consort who have ‘disappeared from history or have been deeply misunderstood in modern historical treatment’ (book cover). As the editors acknowledge in their introduction, queens were more than simply mothers and wives; they were influential politically and culturally, and often wielded significant power. The chapters that follow present a variety of case studies that attempt to both undo some of the blatant lack of historiographical attention from which non-regnant queens (barring a few notable exceptions) have suffered, and shed ‘light on queens who have remained in the shadows of others for too long’ (although they do perpetuate the Eurocentric view of queenship that the editors criticize other volumes for similarly doing) (p. 2).

Some of the chapters provide largely narrative biographies of forgotten queens. Gabrielle Storey offers an interesting study of Berengaria of Navarre (wife [End Page 246] of Richard the Lionheart) and Joanna of Sicily (wife of William II of Sicily), using three different chronicles to show that queens did exert political agency, despite the chroniclers’ attempts to erase them from history.

Likewise, Sybil Jack provides a comparative biography of two contemporary queens, Katarina Jagiellonica (consort of John III of Sweden) and Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow (consort of Frederick II of Denmark), analysing their various strategies for exercising political power.

Some of the chapters use textual sources as a way to analyse a queen’s life. Valerie Schutte offers an interesting discussion of Richard Jonas’s The Byrth of Mankynde, the only book dedicated to Katherine Howard, the fifth consort of Henry VIII, showing how a desire for patronage could also serve as pointed counsel. Conversely, Andrea Nichols discusses the textual history of one of Britain’s founding myths, namely the Albine legend and the regency of Queen Gwendolen, focusing on the survival and then decline of the myth of an almost certainly apocryphal queen.

The remaining chapters more overtly engage with the themes of the collection. Lois Huneycutt provides a masterful study of the various queenly descendants of St Margaret of Scotland (including Empress Matilda), demonstrating the importance of myth-making to monarchical power, and arguing that these queens remembered or forgot their Wessex ancestry according to contemporary need.

Maria of Navarre, the first consort of Pedro IV of Aragon, is often relegated to cursory mentions, but Lledó Ruiz Domingo’s chapter offers a fascinating study of a woman who was able to quickly cement her position through patronage and piety, and who gave birth to four children before her death at the age of eighteen.

Considering the vital role of dynastic unions, Estelle Paranque’s chapter focuses on Elisabeth of Austria, consort of Charles IX, and their daughter, Marie-Elisabeth. Admired and loved in their own lives, Paranque suggests that their ‘flawless’ lives caused them to subsequently be overlooked in a period full of larger-than-life figures (p. 122).

Arguably one of the most forgotten early modern English queens, Catherine of Braganza, consort of Charles II, is the subject of Eilish Gregory’s chapter. Gregory’s study of Catherine’s relationship with the Catholics in her household provides a fascinating examination of the way the Portuguese queen successfully patronized Catholics in a dangerous and shifting religio-political period.

Jennifer Germann provides a fascinating account of the various adaptations of Jean-Marc Nattier’s 1748 portrait of Marie Leszczinska, consort of Louis XV. The chapter—sadly the only one to contain images—emphasizes how this one painting shaped the Queen’s memory, and that its myriad of meanings allowed it to become a ‘touchstone for women in the later eighteenth and nineteenth centuries’ (p. 167).

Cinzia Recca analyses the political agency of Maria Carolina of Austria, consort of Ferdinand IV of Naples, focusing...


中世纪和近代欧洲早期被遗忘的皇后:政治机构,神话缔造者和赞助人版。瓦莱丽·舒特(Valerie Schutte)和埃斯特尔·帕兰克(Estelle Paranque)(评论)



  • 中世纪和近代欧洲早期被遗忘的皇后:政治机构,神话缔造者和赞助人版。瓦莱丽·舒特(Valerie Schutte)和埃斯特尔·帕兰克(Estelle Paranque)
  • 艾丹·诺里(Aidan Norrie)
舒特,瓦莱丽和埃斯特尔·帕兰克(Estelle Paranque)编辑,《中世纪和近代欧洲早期的被遗忘的皇后:政治局,神话和赞助人》,纽约,鲁特利奇(Routledge),2019年; 平装; 第iii页,第198页;6个黑白插图;RRP 34.99英镑; ISBN 9781138085466。

该系列源于``君主制的劳特里奇历史''(2019)项目,汇集了各种各样的``女王已从历史中消失或在现代历史治疗中被误解''的皇后配偶(书的封面)。正如编辑们在引言中所承认的那样,皇后不仅是母亲和妻子。他们在政治和文化上都具有影响力,并且经常发挥重要作用。随后的各章介绍了各种案例研究,试图消除非统治皇后遭受的公然缺乏史学关注(除非有一些显着的例外),并阐明“留在皇后中的皇后”的情况。 (尽管它们确实使以欧洲为中心的王后观念永久化,编辑对此进行了批评,但其他著作也同样如此)(第207页)。

一些章节主要提供了被遗忘的女王的叙事传记。加布里埃尔·斯托里(Gabrielle Storey )用三个不同的编年史表明,尽管女王/王后确实发挥了政治代理作用,但纳百利(Navarre)的Berengaria(狮子的理查德的妻子[第246页])和西西里的乔安娜(西西里的威廉二世的妻子)提供了有趣的研究。编年史者试图从历史中删除它们。

同样,西比尔·杰克(Sybil Jack)提供了两个当代皇后的比较传记,他们分别是卡塔琳娜·贾吉洛尼卡(Katarina Jagiellonica)(瑞典约翰三世的同伙)和梅克伦堡-居斯特罗的索菲(Sophie ofMecklenburg-Güstrow)(丹麦弗雷德里克二世的同伙),分析了他们行使政治权力的各种策略。

有些章节使用文本来源来分析皇后的生活。瓦莱丽·舒特( Valerie Schutte)对理查德·乔纳斯(Richard Jonas)的《曼凯德的伯特》The Byrth of Mankynde)进行了有趣的讨论,这本唯一的书是亨利八世的第五个同伙凯瑟琳·霍华德(Katherine Howard)的书,展示了对赞助的渴望也可以作为有针对性的律师。相反,安德里亚·尼科尔斯(Andrea Nichols)讨论了英国开国神话之一的文本历史,即白化传说和格温多伦女王的摄政王,着眼于几乎可以肯定的伪女王的神话的生存和衰落。

其余各章更明确地介绍了馆藏的主题。路易斯·汉尼卡特(Lois Huneycutt)对苏格兰圣玛格丽特(包括玛蒂尔达皇后)的各个女王的后代进行了精湛的研究,论证了神话对君主制的重要性,并争论说这些女王根据当代需要记住或忘记了他们的威塞克斯血统。

纳瓦拉(Navarre)的玛丽亚(Maria of Navarre)是阿拉贡佩德罗四世(Pedro IV)的首任同伴,经常被人提起粗略的提法,但莱里多·鲁伊斯·多明各(LledóRuiz Domingo)的一章提供了一个有趣的研究,该妇女能够通过光顾和虔诚迅速巩固自己的地位,并生下了在她18岁去世之前,有四个孩子。

考虑到王朝工会的重要作用,埃斯特尔·帕兰克(Estelle Paranque)的章节重点介绍了奥地利的伊丽莎白,查理九世的同伴及其女儿玛丽·伊丽莎白。帕拉克(Paranque)对自己的生活表示钦佩和热爱,认为他们“无瑕”的生活导致他们随后在一个比生活大得多的数字时期被忽视(第122页)。

可以说,查理二世的同伴布拉根萨(Catherine of Braganza)是凯瑟琳·布拉干萨(Catherine of Braganza),是查理二世(Charles II)的陪伴,是最早被遗忘的近代英国女王之一。格雷戈里对凯瑟琳与家庭中的天主教徒的关系的研究提供了令人着迷的研究,探讨了葡萄牙女王在一个危险的,不断变化的宗教政治时期成功光顾天主教徒的方式。

詹妮弗·日耳曼(Jennifer Germann)对让·马克·纳蒂尔(Jean-Marc Nattier)1748年路易十五的同伴玛丽·莱斯奇辛斯卡(Marie Leszczinska)肖像的各种改编进行了有趣的描述。本章是悲伤的唯一一幅包含图像的书,着重强调了这幅画是如何塑造女王的记忆的,其无数的含义使它成为了“在18世纪和19世纪后期妇女的试金石”(第167页)。

Cinzia Recca分析了那不勒斯费迪南德四世的奥地利玛丽亚·卡罗来纳州的政治机构,重点关注...
