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Classical Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: The Medieval Rhetors and their Art 400–1300, with Manuscript Survey to 1500 Ce by John O. Ward (review)
Parergon ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2020.0115
Stephen Joyce

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Reviewed by:

  • Classical Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: The Medieval Rhetors and their Art 400–1300, with Manuscript Survey to 1500 Ce by John O. Ward
  • Stephen Joyce
Ward, John O., Classical Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: The Medieval Rhetors and their Art 400–1300, with Manuscript Survey to 1500 ce (International Studies in the History of Rhetoric, 10), Leiden, Brill, 2019; hardback; pp. xvii, 706; 1 colour illustration; R.R.P. €199.00, US$239.00; ISBN 9789004368071.

Almost fifty years after it was examined, John O. Ward finally publishes his influential dissertation on Western medieval attitudes toward the Graeco-Roman art of rhetoric. His ground-breaking work, targeting neglect of a significant aspect of the medieval imagination, has been ‘refreshed’ for a contemporary academic audience. Ward follows the reception of two key Roman rhetorical texts from the year 400 to 1300, namely De inventione and Rhetorica ad Herennium, attributed to the Roman rhetor, Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 bce), though his authorship of the latter is no longer accepted. Ward begins with the commentary on De inventione by the fourth-century rhetor, Victorinus, and ends at the point where the rhetorical texts of Aristotle become widely influential in the West.

Noting that these Ciceronian texts are, in the modern era, regarded as lesser works, Ward establishes these ‘juvenilia’ as fundamental to medieval approaches to rhetoric. His analysis of the surviving manuscript corpus demonstrates the importance of these works on the intellectual culture of the medieval period. In a Christian tradition, it was, perhaps, Augustine of Hippo who first endorsed the select influence of Cicero’s juvenilia on the medieval West, cementing subsequent suspicions of Cicero’s more mature works as ‘showy’. It is only in the Renaissance, Ward argues, that the ‘true’ figure of Cicero is revived.

Ward subsequently moves to examining medieval attitudes to classical rhetorical theory through an investigation of the impact of the juvenilia. The Ad Herennium represents a more systematic teaching tool, and Ward details its utility in the learning and practising of the art of rhetoric, especially as an authority on style and memory and their impact on persuasive speech and writing. The De inventione, on the other hand, concentrates, as per its title, on an aspect of rhetoric, [End Page 253] invention, and is less tightly organized. However, the De inventione still had utility, particularly in its rhetorical classification systems and its discussions of practical applications of rhetoric.

Moving to a teleology of Ciceronian textbooks, Ward charts the influence of Cicero (and the ‘Ciceronian’ first-century rhetor, Quintilian) on the period 400– 1100. The decline in the classical Ciceronian rhetorical tradition in the late Roman period sees Victorinus’s new take on Cicero. His commentary on De inventione, inspired by the Platonic philosophies of Quintilian, shifts rhetoric from a high art to an art dependent on the character and motivations of the person using it, thus attaining, in the new Christian landscape, a theological aspect. The fifth-century rhetor, Grillius, subsequently shifts the debate further to more Hellenistic ideas of rhetoric as an acquired art and not an innate talent, though not without some resistance from sixth-century rhetors such as Boethius and Cassiodorus. Seventh-and eighth-century figures such as Isidore and Alcuin pick up on the classical, now Christian, ideal of the rhetor as the vir bonus. Alcuin, in particular, relates rhetoric to a doctrine of persuasion, perhaps in a context of increasing religious compulsion in secular politics. Increasingly, as Ward shows, rhetoric is displaced by grammar in this period, with rhetoric regarded as an abstraction.

The twelfth and thirteenth centuries are the hey-day of the De inventione and the Ad Herennium. The scholastic revolution sees an increasing interest in defining art and the relationship between the arts. Rhetoric becomes increasingly embedded in theological debates over whether it is a tool for reason, an innate truth, or a simple art. These fierce debates involved notable medieval intellectuals such as Abelard, Hugh of St Victor, and Bernard of Chartres, and produced a group that spurned both rhetoric and Cicero, the so-called Cornificians. In a climate increasingly charged with accusations of heresy, the De inventione became preferred because of its...


中世纪的古典修辞学:中世纪修辞及其艺术400–1300,约翰·沃德(John O. Ward)的手稿调查到1500 Ce(评论)



  • 中世纪的古典修辞学:中世纪修辞及其艺术400–1300,约翰·沃德(John O. Ward)到1500 Ce手稿调查
  • 斯蒂芬·乔伊斯
Ward,John O.,《中世纪经典修辞学:中世纪修辞及其艺术400-1300,手稿调查到1500 ce》(《修辞史国际研究》,第10期),莱顿,布里尔,2019年; 精装; 第xvii页,706;1个彩色插图;建议零售价€199.00,US $ 239.00; ISBN 9789004368071。

在经过近五十年的考察之后,约翰·沃德(John O. Ward)最终发表了他的有影响力的论文,内容涉及西方中世纪对古希腊罗马修辞艺术的态度。他的开创性作品以对中世纪想象力的重要方面的忽视为目标,已被当代学术观众“刷新”。沃德遵循了一年400两个关键罗马修辞文本的接收到1300,即德inventioneRhetorica广告Herennium,归因于罗马的修辞,西塞罗(106-43 BCE),虽然他对后者的作者不再公认。沃德始于对发明的评论 由四世纪的修辞家维克托尼努斯(Victorinus)所著,并以亚里士多德的修辞手稿在西方广泛产生影响的那一刻结束。



转到Ciceronian教科书的目的论方面,沃德绘制了Cicero(以及“ Ciceronian”一世纪修辞者Quintilian)在400-1100年期间的影响。在罗马晚期,经典Ciceronian修辞传统的衰落见证了维克托尼努斯的新著作面对西塞罗。他对发明的评论受到Quintilian柏拉图哲学的启发,他将修辞学从一种高级艺术转变为一种依赖于使用它的人的性格和动机的艺术,从而在新的基督教视野中达到了神学方面。第五世纪的修辞者格里乌里乌斯(Grillius)随后将辩论进一步转向更多的希腊文化修辞学,作为一种后天的艺术而非天生的才华,尽管并非没有博伊修斯(Boethius)和卡西奥多鲁斯(Cassiodorus)等六世纪修辞者的抵制。伊西多尔(Isidore)和阿尔库因(Alcuin)等七,八世纪的人物继承了古典的,现在是基督教的理想修辞作为虚荣的奖励。。尤其是,阿尔金(Alcuin)将修辞学与说服学说联系起来,也许是在世俗政治中对宗教的强迫越来越大的情况下。正如沃德(Ward)所言,在这一时期,修辞越来越被语法所取代,修辞被视为一种抽象。

