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Couragé et Libe®té: The Commune de Paris 1871 Menswear Brand in the Age of the Gilets jaunes
Nineteenth-Century French Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1353/ncf.2021.0026
Heidi Brevik-Zender


This article analyzes a contemporary French men's clothing line that calls itself "Commune de Paris 1871" (CDP) and markets expensive clothing to "hipster" shoppers worldwide. Although its goals are opposite to those of the Commune, CDP brands itself as a promoter of the same principles of the civil uprising of 1871 and in so doing commodifies protest history. This analysis contrasts CDP with the gilets jaunes demonstrations, which began in 2018 and represent dissent against economic inequalities in France and clothing's powerful role in galvanizing public insurrection.


CouragéetLibe®té:Gilets jaunes时代的巴黎公社1871年男装品牌


本文分析了一条当代法国男装系列,称其为“巴黎公社1871”(CDP),并向全球“时髦”购物者出售昂贵的服装。尽管CDP的目标与公社的目标相反,但其品牌本身却是1871年内乱的相同原则的推动者,并以此来使抗议历史商品化。该分析将CDP与gilets jaunes示威活动进行了对比,该示威活动于2018年开始,代表了反对法国经济不平等以及服装在煽动公共起义方面的强大作用的异议。
