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Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception: Lotus to Masrekah ed. by Christine Helmer et al. (review)
Neotestamentica ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-08 , DOI: 10.1353/neo.2020.0000
Christoph Stenschke

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Reviewed by:

  • Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception: Lotus to Masrekah ed. by Christine Helmer et al.
  • Christoph Stenschke
Helmer, Christine, Steven L. McKenzie, Thomas Römer, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish and Eric Ziolkowski, eds. 2019. Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception: Lotus to Masrekah. Vol. 17. Berlin: de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3110313345. Pp. xxviii + 1282. €259.

The comprehensive Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (2009ff.) endeavours to exhaustively treat not only the Bible, but also its variegated reception in Judaism, Christianity and Islam in literature, visual arts, music and film (see https://www.degruyter.com/dg/page/ebr/encyclopedia-of-thebible-and-its-reception). Previous volumes include the following: Aaron–Aniconism (vol. 1); Anim–Atheism (vol. 2); Athena–Birkat ha-Minim (vol. 3); Birsha–Chariot of Fire (vol. 4); Charisma–Czaczkes (vol. 5); Dabbesheth–Dreams and Dream Interpretation (vol. 6); Dress–Essene Gate (vol. 7); Essenes–Fideism (vol. 8); Field–Gennesaret (vol. 9); Genocide–Hakkoz (vol. 10); Halah–Hizquni (vol. 11); Ho Tsun Shen–Insult (vol. 12); Integrity–Jesuit Order (vol. 13); Jesus–Kairos (vol. 14); Kalam–Lectio Divina (vol. 15); and Lectionary–Lots (vol. 16).

The comprehensive entries on the Gospel of Mark and on Luke-Acts in the present volume illustrate the approach well. The former consists of the following sub-entries: Cilliers Breytenbach, "Mark, Gospel of I. New Testament" (921–927); Joseph Verheyden, "Mark, Gospel of II. Christianity A. Greek and Latin Patristics and Orthodox Churches" (927–929); Franklin T. Harkins, "Mark, Gospel of II. Christianity B. Medieval and Reformation Times" (929–936, almost the same amount of space allotted to the entry on the actual Gospel); Christine Joynes, "Mark, Gospel of II. Christianity C. Modern Europe and America" (936–940); George D. Chryssides, "Mark, Gospel of II. Christianity D. New Churches and Movements" (940–941, regrettably there is not a single line on the reception history of Mark in Africa or Asia); Erik S. Roraback, "Mark, Gospel of III. Literature" (941–944); Brenda Deen Schildgen, "Mark, Gospel of IV. Visual Arts" (944–948); [End Page 172] Sven Rune Havsteen, "Mark, Gospel of V. Music" (948–959, eleven columns); and Richard Walsh, "Mark, Gospel of VI. Film" (959–962).

The volume features the following sub-entries on Luke-Acts: Helen K. Bond, "Luke-Acts I. Introduction" (143); Sean Adams, "Luke-Acts II. New Testament" (143–150); Matthias Becker, "Luke-Acts III. Christianity A. Patristics and Orthodox Churches" (150–153); Rachel Fulton Brown and Beth Kreitzer, "Luke-Acts III. Christianity B. Medieval Times and Reformation Era" (153–157); Christfried Böttrich, "Luke-Acts III. Christianity C. Luke in Modern Europe and America" (157–162); Andrew Gregory, "Luke-Acts III. Christianity D. Acts in Modern Europe and America" (162–165, the reception of Luke-Acts in Asia, Africa and Latin America is not even mentioned); Mark Bilby, "Luke-Acts IV. Literature" (165–173); Esther Mulders, "Luke-Acts V. Visual Arts" (173–178); Siobhan Dowling Long, "Luke-Acts VI. Music" (178–183) and Richard Walsh, "Luke-Acts VII. Film" (183–188).

Volume 17 of the EBR, covering the entries from Lotus to Masrekah, contains a number of other key entries beneficial for NT studies, which provide up-to-date surveys and are excellent sources for teaching and research: Peter Rodgers, "Love III. New Testament" (10–12); David Neville, "Love of Enemies II. New Testament" (70–72); Mohammed Girma from the University of Pretoria on the "Love of Enemies IV. Christianity E. World Christianity" (81–82, a whole column on the reception on African soil); Sean Adams, "Luke the Evangelist I. New Testament" (130–132); Mark Bilby, "Luke the Evangelist II. Christianity" (132–136); Mark Bilby, "Luke the Evangelist III. Literature" (136–139); Esther Mulders, "Luke the Evangelist IV. Visual Arts" (139–141); Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch, "Luke the Evangelist V. Film" (141–143); J. Snyder, "Lydia (Person)" (267–269, in the bibliography, I looked in vain for the work of T. J. Calpino 2014, Women, Work and Leadership in Acts. WUNT II.361. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck); Kylie Crabbe, "Lystra" (273–275); Elena Dugan, "Magdala" (397–399); Anthony Swindell, "Magi I. Introduction" (402); George H. van Kooten, "Magi II. Greco-Roman Antiquity" (403–406); George...


圣经及其接待百科全书:莲花到玛斯瑞卡(Matrekah ed)。克里斯汀·赫尔默(Christine Helmer)等人。(审查)



  • 圣经及其接待百科全书:莲花到玛斯瑞卡(Matrekah ed)。克里斯汀·赫尔默(Christine Helmer)等人。
  • 克里斯托夫·斯滕奇克(Christoph Stenschke)
Helmer,Christine,Steven L.McKenzie,ThomasRömer,JensSchröter,Barry Dov Walfish和Eric Ziolkowski编。2019年百科全书圣经及其接受的:莲花玛士利加。卷 17.柏林:de Gruyter。ISBN 978-3110313345。Pp。xxv​​iii +1282。€259。

全面的圣经百科全书及其接受(2009ff。)努力不遗余力地彻底对待圣经,也努力全面对待圣经,犹太教,基督教和伊斯兰教在文学,视觉艺术,音乐和电影中的接受(请参阅https://www.degruyter.com/dg/page/ebr /《圣经及其接受百科全书》。先前的卷包括以下内容:Aaron–Aniconism(第一卷);动漫无神论(第二卷);雅典娜-比尔卡特·哈·米妮(第3卷);比尔沙–战车(第4卷);魅力-捷克(第5卷); Dabbesheth-梦想与梦解(第6卷);着装-Essene Gate(第7卷);埃森斯-信仰(第8卷);田纳西州的萨那(第9卷);种族灭绝–哈科兹(第10卷);Halah–Hizquni(vol。11); 何俊申–侮辱(第12卷);廉正-耶稣会令(第13卷);耶稣-开罗(第14卷); 卡拉姆-莱克蒂奥·迪维娜(第15卷);以及部分著作(第16卷)。

本卷中关于马可福音和路加福音的综合条目很好地说明了这种方法。前者包括以下子条目:Cilliers Breytenbach,“马克,一世新约福音书”(921-927年);约瑟夫·弗海登(Joseph Verheyden),“马克,二世福音书,基督教A.希腊和拉丁教徒和东正教教堂”(927–929);富兰克林·T·哈金斯(Franklin T. Harkins),“马克,第二卷,基督教B.中世纪和宗教改革时期的福音”(929-936,几乎与实际福音书上分配的空间相同);克里斯汀·乔恩斯(Christine Joynes),“马克,第二基督教的福音,现代欧洲和美洲的福音”(936–940);乔治·D·克莱斯赛德斯(George D. Chryssides),“马克,第二基督教的福音,新教会和新运动的福音”(940-941,遗憾的是,在非洲或亚洲,马克的接受史上没有任何一行);埃里克·S·罗拉巴克(Erik S. Roraback),“马克,三世文学福音”(941–944);布伦达·迪恩·希尔登(Brenda Deen Schildgen),“马克,第四届视觉艺术福音”(944–948);[完第172页]斯文·符文·哈夫斯汀(Sven Rune Havsteen),“马克·五世音乐福音”(948-959,十一栏);和理查德·沃尔什(Richard Walsh),“马克,第六部电影的福音”(959–962)。

该卷的主要内容包括以下关于卢克行为的子条目:Helen K. Bond,“卢克行为I.简介”(143);《卢克使徒行传I.简介》(143)。肖恩·亚当斯(Sean Adams),《路加福音-第二幕新约》(143-150);马蒂亚斯·贝克尔(Matthias Becker),“路加福音第三章。基督教A.教徒和东正教教堂”(150-153);Rachel Fulton Brown和Beth Kreitzer,“路加福音第三章。基督教B.中世纪时期和宗教改革时代”(153–157);克里斯蒂弗里德·伯特里希(ChristfriedBöttrich),《路加福音第三章,基督教C.卢克在现代欧美》(157–162);安德鲁·格里高利(Andrew Gregory),《路加福音第三章:基督教D.现代欧洲和美洲的使徒行传》(162-165,甚至没有提到在亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲对路加福音的接受)。马克·比尔比(Mark Bilby),“路加福音-第四幕文学”(165–173);埃丝特·穆尔德斯(Esther Mulders),“卢克-Acts诉视觉艺术”(173-178);Siobhan Dowling Long,

EBR第17卷,涵盖从LotusMasrekah的条目,其中包含许多其他有益于NT研究的关键条目,这些条目提供了最新的调查资料,是教学和研究的极好资料:Peter Rodgers,“爱情III。新约”(第10-12页);大卫·内维尔(David Neville),《敌人的爱情II。新约》(70-72);比勒陀利亚大学的穆罕默德·吉尔玛(Mohammed Girma):“敌人之爱IV。基督教E.世界基督教”(81-82,有关在非洲土壤上接待的一整栏);肖恩·亚当斯(Sean Adams),《福音传教士I.新约》(130–132);马克·比尔比(Mark Bilby),“传教士卢克二世。基督教”(132-136);马克·比尔比(Mark Bilby),“传教士卢克三世。文学”(136–139);埃丝特·穆尔德斯(Esther Mulders),“福音传教士卢克(Luke the Evangelist IV)。视觉艺术”(139-141);Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch,“福音传教士V.电影”(141–143);斯奈德,行为中的妇女,工作和领导能力。第II.361条。图宾根:莫尔·西贝克(Mohr Siebeck);凯莉·克拉布(Kylie Crabbe),“莱斯特拉(Lystra)”(273–275);埃琳娜·杜根(Elena Dugan),“玛格达拉”(Magdala)(397–399);安东尼·斯温德尔(Anthony Swindell),《魔术家简介》(Magi I. Introduction)(402);乔治·H·范·库滕(George H. van Kooten),《魔术师二世:古希腊罗马》(403–406);乔治...
