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How a Geological Engineer Became Fluent in 'O'odham and Published an Authoritative Tome on the 'O'odham Language of Place
Journal of the Southwest ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-21 , DOI: 10.1353/jsw.2020.0019
Harry J. Winters , David Yetman

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • How a Geological Engineer Became Fluent in 'O'odham and Published an Authoritative Tome on the 'O'odham Language of Place
  • Harry J. Winters Jr. (bio) and David Yetman (bio)

Preface, by David Yetman

In 2012, Harry Winters, a semi-retired geological engineer from Arizona with international experience, self-published a large book entitled 'O'odham Place Names: Meanings, Origins, and Histories, Arizona and Sonora. It weighs nearly eight pounds and contains what can only be described as an astonishing amount of information, nearly all of which is available in no other written source. Harry describes more than 600 places, attending each with its 'O'odham toponym, an analysis of the name, and its significance. Many descriptions are accompanied by color photographs, often taken by noted Southwest geologist and photographer Pete Kresan.

The scope of Harry's work is vast, and his attention to detail extraordinary. When I first saw the book, I asked Harry how it was possible that a peripatetic engineer could become so intimately fluent in a Native American language and the landscapes of the people who speak it that he could put together this truly remarkable volume? His answer was humble, erudite, and, even more important, utterly charming. Southwestern expert Bill Broyles and I subsequently asked Harry to compose an essay explaining how this happened. What follows is his response. [End Page 618]

How I Mined a Career, Traveled the World, and P ursued My Love of Languages

Prospecting and Spanish

My family goes back a long time in Arizona. My mother was born in Phoenix in 1913. She was the eighth of nine children of Anthony Greff. I believe my father was born in Birmingham, Alabama. His father was an expert mechanic. According to my father and his mother, for some time in the period 1915 to 1925 my paternal grandfather lived in Nacozari, Sonora, a mining town about 75 miles south of Douglas, Arizona. He worked for Moctezuma Copper Company, a subsidiary of Phelps Dodge Corporation, as the mechanic in charge of maintenance of the mine hoist at the Pilares underground copper mine. For a time my father lived with him in a boarding house and went to school there. He always remembered his time in Nacozari as one of the happiest of his life. He remembered seeing the ore trains coming out of the Porvenir Tunnel headed for the concentrator at Nacozari. He used to say that if my mother died before him, he would like to retire in Nacozari. My mother did die before he did, but by that time he was crippled from strokes. He never did get back to Nacozari, although he lived to see me estimate the ore reserves and design an open pit mine plan for the large La Caridad copper mine near there in 1974–1975. My father's mother, who was separated from my grandfather, worked as a practical nurse at the mining company hospital at Cananea, Sonora, while she tried to find my father. When she did find him at Nacozari, she brought him to Tucson and, according to him, placed him in a Christian Brothers school.

My mother's father had lost his first wife, with whom he had three children. I believe he lived in Buffalo, New York, at that time. After her death, he married Elizabeth Striegel, a German immigrant from the farming village of Wagenstadt, Emmendingenland, in Baden-Württemberg in southwestern Germany. My wife and I have been there twice. It is in a beautiful area. The Greffs moved west and eventually settled in Phoenix, Arizona. They had six children, including my mother. They had a dairy farm near Sixteenth Street and Roosevelt. Their house was at 1449 East Roosevelt. It had a small kitchen with a bathroom off to one side. This made for a short trip from the stove to the bathtub with the hot water kettle. I know because I lived in the house in 1954–1955. There was a [End Page 619] dining room (Haben Sie das Brot?), a small bedroom, and a sitting room with a couch that folded out into a bed. The...


地质工程师如何流利地使用'O'odham,并发表了关于“ O'odham语言”的权威文章


  • 地质工程师如何流利地使用'O'odham,并发表了关于“ O'odham语言”的权威文章
  • 小哈里·温特斯(生物)和大卫·特特曼(生物)

P前言,由d废寝忘食ÿ etman

2012年,来自亚利桑那州的半退休地质工程师哈里·温特斯(Harry Winters)拥有国际经验,自行出版了一本名为《奥奥德姆地名:意义,起源和历史》,亚利桑那州和索诺拉州的大型书籍。它重近八磅,包含只能描述为惊人数量的信息,几乎所有这些信息都无法从其他书面来源获得。哈里描述了600多个地方,每个地方都以“ O'odham”地名参加,并对该名称及其意义进行了分析。许多描述都伴随着彩色照片,这些照片通常是由著名的西南地质学家和摄影师Pete Kresan拍摄的。

哈里的工作范围很广,他对细节的关注非同寻常。当我第一次看到这本书时,我问哈利,一名波音工程师怎么可能变得如此流利地使用美国本土语言和讲这种语言的人们的风景,以至于他可以拼凑出这本非同寻常的书?他的回答是谦虚,博学的,而且更重要的是,完全是迷人的。随后,我和西南专家比尔·布鲁斯(Bill Broyles)要求哈利撰写一篇论文,解释这是如何发生的。接下来是他的回应。[结束第618页]

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我的家人回去亚利桑那州很久了。我的母亲于1913年出生在凤凰城。她是安东尼·格雷夫(Anthony Greff)的九个孩子中的第八个。我相信我的父亲出生于阿拉巴马州的伯明翰。他的父亲是一位专业技工。据我父亲和他的母亲说,在1915至1925年的一段时间里,我的祖父住在索诺拉(Sonora)的纳科扎里(Nacozari),这是一个位于亚利桑那州道格拉斯以南约75英里的采矿小镇。他曾在菲尔普斯道奇公司(Phelps Dodge Corporation)的子公司莫克特祖玛铜业公司(Moctezuma Copper Company)工作,担任负责Pilares地下铜矿的矿井提升机维护的机械师。有段时间,我父亲和他一起住在一间寄宿房里,然后在那里上学。他一直记得自己在纳科萨里(Nacozari)的时光是他一生中最幸福的时光之一。他还记得看到从Porvenir隧道出来的矿石火车驶向Nacozari的选矿厂。他曾经说过,如果我母亲在他之前去世,他想在纳科萨里退休。我的母亲确实比他死了,但那时候他因中风而瘫痪了。他从来没有回到过纳科萨里(Nacozari),尽管他活着看到我来估算矿石储量,并为1974-1975年附近的拉卡里达德(La Caridad)大型铜矿设计了露天采矿计划。父亲的母亲与祖父失散,她在索诺拉(Sonora)的卡纳纳(Cananea)的一家采矿公司医院里当实习护士,当时她正试图找到父亲。当她确实在纳科萨里(Nacozari)找到他时,她把他带到图森(Tucson),并把他安置在基督教兄弟会的一所学校。我的母亲确实比他死了,但那时候他因中风而瘫痪了。他从来没有回到过纳科萨里(Nacozari),尽管他活着看到我来估算矿石储量,并为1974-1975年附近的拉卡里达德(La Caridad)大型铜矿设计了露天采矿计划。我父亲的母亲与祖父失散,她曾在索诺拉(Sonora)的卡纳纳(Cananea)的一家采矿公司医院当过实习护士,当时她正试图找到我的父亲。当她确实在纳科萨里(Nacozari)找到他时,她把他带到图森(Tucson),并把他安置在克里斯蒂安兄弟(Christian Brothers)的一所学校。我的母亲确实比他死了,但那时候他因中风而瘫痪了。他从来没有回到过纳科萨里(Nacozari),尽管他活着看到我来估算矿石储量并为1974-1975年附近的拉卡里达德(La Caridad)大型铜矿设计了露天采矿计划。我父亲的母亲与祖父失散,她曾在索诺拉(Sonora)的卡纳纳(Cananea)的一家采矿公司医院当过实习护士,当时她正试图找到我的父亲。当她确实在纳科萨里(Nacozari)找到他时,她把他带到图森(Tucson),并把他安置在克里斯蒂安兄弟(Christian Brothers)的一所学校。她与祖父失散,曾在索诺拉(Sonora)的卡纳纳(Cananea)的一家采矿公司医院当过实习护士,当时她正试图找到父亲。当她确实在纳科萨里(Nacozari)找到他时,她把他带到图森(Tucson),并将他安置在克里斯蒂安兄弟(Christian Brothers)的一所学校里。她与祖父失散,曾在索诺拉(Sonora)的卡纳纳(Cananea)的一家采矿公司医院当过实习护士,当时她正试图找到父亲。当她确实在纳科萨里(Nacozari)找到他时,她把他带到图森(Tucson),并将他安置在克里斯蒂安兄弟(Christian Brothers)的一所学校里。

我母亲的父亲失去了他的第一任妻子,他与三个孩子在一起。我相信他当时住在纽约州布法罗市。她去世后,他嫁给了德国移民伊丽莎白·斯特里格尔(Elizabeth Striegel),他是来自德国西南部巴登-符腾堡州埃门丁根兰(Emmendingenland)瓦根施塔特(Wagenstadt)农业村的一名移民。我和妻子去过两次。它在一个美丽的地方。格雷夫家族向西迁移,最终定居在亚利桑那州的凤凰城。他们有六个孩子,包括我的母亲。他们在第十六街和罗斯福附近有一个奶牛场。他们的房子在东罗斯福(East Roosevelt)1449年。它有一个小厨房,一侧有一间浴室。这使得从炉子到装有热水水壶的浴缸的行程很短。我知道是因为我在1954年至1955年间住在这所房子里。有一个[End Page 619]餐厅(Haben Sie das Brot?),一间小卧室和一间带沙发的客厅,沙发可折叠成床。这...
