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The Women's Fight: The Civil War's Battles for Home, Freedom, and Nation by Thavolia Glymph (review)
Journal of Southern History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-06 , DOI: 10.1353/soh.2021.0015
Lyde Cullen Sizer

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • The Women’s Fight: The Civil War’s Battles for Home, Freedom, and Nation by Thavolia Glymph
  • Lyde Cullen Sizer
The Women’s Fight: The Civil War’s Battles for Home, Freedom, and Nation. By Thavolia Glymph. Littlefield History of the Civil War Era. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020. Pp. xii, 379. $34.95, ISBN 978-1-4696-5363-1.)

Thavolia Glymph’s The Women’s Fight: The Civil War’s Battles for Home, Freedom, and Nation is a paradigm-changing history of women in the U.S. Civil War. Drawing on, building on, and diverging from the histories produced in the last twenty-five years, this account emphasizes continuities as well as disjunctions and draws forward “a story of ordinary women and extraordinary women less well-known” (p. 3). In this war, Glymph argues persuasively, [End Page 126] “already embattled fault lines of race, gender and class became more visible and brittle” (p. 4). As much as the “history of women in war is unavoidably a story of death and suffering,” she concedes, “[w]omen have always been more than . . . passive participants” (p. 5).

Glymph’s work zeroes in on divisions and fault lines, not only or primarily between the North and the South but also between women. The poor and working-class women whom Glymph draws forward have historically “garnered much less attention comparatively,” and her book “seeks to uncover the places where these distinctions were made and collapsed” (p. 9). The war changed the lives of all women, northern and southern, leaving “difficult and painful legacies for black and white women, their families, and homes” (p. 13). This book illustrates the ways “women made, processed, and responded to the challenges of war” with specificity as well as broad strokes (p. 13). This mix of close reading of primary sources and careful reliance on a vast array of secondary sources is potent and revealing.

The book is structured into three parts. The first, “Southern Women,” looks in three chapters at the experiences of refugee planter women whose “domestic sanctuaries” were upended; poor white women deemed “enemies to their country” because of their increasing resistance to giving all for a regime that had not consulted them; and enslaved women, who made war where they were with their own forms of antislavery politics (pp. 19, 55). The second section looks at the North. In chapter 4, Glymph takes a deep dive into the ways that elite women’s wealth was girded by enslavement, a wealth that “enabled their politics” and blunted their radicalism (p. 162). Chapter 5 follows northern women teachers as they went to the South and reimposed racial hierarchies they ostensibly intended to challenge. The third and final part, “The Hard Hand of War,” looks at the waning years of war and its aftermath. Chapter 6, “Under the Restless Wings of an Army: Fallen Angels,” focuses on “the convergence of the home front and the battlefront” during Sherman’s March. The seventh and final chapter traces the path to freedom of Black women refugees, illustrating that their path was altogether distinct from that of Black men. The Civil War, Glymph asserts in her conclusion, “brought concrete and often transformative changes to women’s lives, but it left the borders that separated them fairly intact” (p. 259).

Lyde Cullen Sizer Sarah Lawrence College Copyright © 2021 The Southern Historical Association ...


Thavolia Glymph撰写的《妇女之战:内战中的家庭,自由与民族之战》(评论)



  • Thavolia Glymph的妇女斗争:内战为家庭,自由和民族而战
  • 莱德·卡伦(Lyde Cullen Sizer)
妇女斗争:内战为家庭,自由和民族而战。由Thavolia Glymph撰写。内战时代的利特菲尔德历史。(教堂山(Chapel Hill):北卡罗来纳大学出版社,2020年。第十二页,第379页。34.95美元,国际标准书号978-1-4696-5363-1。)

Thavolia Glymph的《妇女斗争:内战为家庭,自由和民族而战》是美国内战中改变女性范式的历史。该论述借鉴,借鉴和超越了过去二十五年中产生的历史,强调了连续性和脱节之处,并提出了“关于普通女性和鲜为人知的非凡女性的故事”(第3页) 。在这场战争中,格里芬(Glymph)很有说服力地指出,[结束第126页] “种族,性别和阶级的四面楚歌的断层线变得更加明显和脆弱”(第4页)。她承认,尽管“战争中妇女的历史不可避免地是一个关于死亡和痛苦的故事,”但妇女总是比不上。。。被动参与者”(第5页)。


本书分为三个部分。第一个是《南方妇女》,分三章介绍了被改建了“家庭庇护所”的难民种植妇女的经历;第二章是“南方妇女”。贫穷的白人妇女被视为“对自己国家的仇敌”,因为她们越来越多地拒绝为没有征询她们意见的政权提供一切;以及被奴役的妇女,她们以自己的形式的反奴隶政治来发动战争(第19、55页)。第二部分向北看。在第4章中,Glymph深入探讨了精英女性的财富被奴役束缚的方式,奴役是一种“助长了他们的政治”并挫败了激进主义的财富(第162页)。第5章介绍了北方女教师前往南方并重新提出他们表面上想挑战的种族等级制度的情况。第三部分也是最后一部分,“战争的硬手” 着眼于战争的衰落及其后果。第6章“在军队的不安之翼下:堕落的天使”着重于谢尔曼三月期间的“家庭战线与战线的融合”。第七章也是最后一章追溯了黑人女性难民的自由之路,说明了他们的道路与黑人男性完全不同。格里芬(Glymph)在她的结论中断言,内战“对妇女的生活进行了具体的,往往是变革性的改变,但它却使妇女与妇女之间的界限保持了完好无损”(第259页)。说明他们的道路与黑人完全不同。格里芬(Glymph)在她的结论中断言,内战“对妇女的生活进行了具体的,往往是变革性的改变,但它却使妇女与妇女之间的界限保持了完好无损”(第259页)。说明他们的道路与黑人完全不同。格里芬(Glymph)在她的结论中断言,内战“对妇女的生活进行了具体的,往往是变革性的改变,但它却使妇女与妇女之间的界限保持了完好无损”(第259页)。

莱德·卡伦·塞泽(Lyde Cullen Sizer)萨拉·劳伦斯学院(Sarah Lawrence College)版权所有©2021南方历史协会...
