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Civil War Monuments and the Militarization of America by Thomas J. Brown (review)
Journal of Southern History Pub Date : 2021-02-06 , DOI: 10.1353/soh.2021.0019
Joy M. Giguere

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Reviewed by:

  • Civil War Monuments and the Militarization of America by Thomas J. Brown
  • Joy M. Giguere
Civil War Monuments and the Militarization of America. By Thomas J. Brown. Civil War America. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019. Pp. xiv, 366. Paper, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-4696-5374-7; cloth, $90.00, ISBN 978-1-4696-5373-0.)

Thousands of monuments and other architectural structures that speak to martial valor, heroism, self-sacrifice, and virtue in all military conflicts dating back to the Revolutionary War define the American memorial landscape. For most observers, these monuments are reflective of a national culture shaped by a veneration of martial values embodied in monuments to those who fought for their home and country. As far as most Americans are concerned, national identity has always been infused by a love of the military, reverence for its leaders and for such symbols as the flag, and an enthusiasm to proclaim these sentiments in granite and bronze. While monuments do, indeed, convey such messages through their iconography and inscriptions, what they fail to effectively convey is the historical context in which they came to be made; the martial ideals they represent did not simply emerge out of a vacuum.

In Civil War Monuments and the Militarization of America, Thomas J. Brown argues that, despite a memorial landscape that speaks otherwise, the United States was forged during an era of iconoclastic distrust of monumental tributes as well as a general disdain for the military. It was only in the aftermath of the Civil War that Americans embraced the symbolism of a militarized nation. Early iconoclasm was rooted in the American Revolution itself, when in the immediate aftermath of the Declaration of Independence, colonists tore down effigies of King George III, many of them equestrian statues. For citizens [End Page 131] in the early years of the republic, such representational monuments smacked of monarchism and imperialism, and for many, the written word was a far greater memorial than any statue. The process of militarizing the national identity was neither immediate nor without its detractors, but by the early twentieth century, the Civil War monument had become a central locus for the interpretation of the war and for symbolizing the values of the modern nation.

The turn toward an American martial culture involved an evolution in public thinking about the sacrifices of soldiers and commanders during the Civil War. The earliest monuments, reflective of antebellum distrust of large-scale representative military memorials, were funereal in nature—they were efforts, first by veterans, and then by communities, to grapple with the enormity of the loss of life wrought by the Civil War. However, by the 1870s the general public was less interested in war deaths, and, as Brown notes in his introduction, “a second proliferation of monuments assumed a different cast” (p. 2). Where earlier monuments were dedicated to the war’s dead, memorials now commemorated both living and dead combatants, and they identified veterans “as exemplars of a robust, disciplined citizenry” (p. 2). The widespread use of allegorical figures in addition to soldier statues further imbued monuments with a visual rhetoric that peace could only be achieved through warfare. By the end of the nineteenth century, monuments to commanders—ironically, many of them equestrian—were dedicated to proclaim the value of hierarchical leadership and the generational veneration emerging between the young men who fought in the Spanish-American War and World War I and the graying (or deceased) heroes of the Civil War generation.

One phenomenon that sets the United States apart in the history of military memorialization is that both the Union and the former Confederacy—the victors and the vanquished—erected countless monuments in the decades after the Civil War. The ultimate result was twofold: first, that regardless of motivations to fight, the heroism and valor exhibited by soldiers on both sides was equally valid; and second, that ethnocentrism and white supremacism informed the depiction of the nation’s heroes. Soldier statues were, Brown observes, “avatars of whiteness” (p. 120). As Brown exhibits in his final chapter, Civil War commemoration deeply informed how Americans commemorated World War I, such that many, if not most...





  • 内战纪念碑和托马斯·J·布朗的美国军事化
  • 乔伊·吉格(Joy M.
南北战争纪念碑与美国的军事化。托马斯·布朗(Thomas Brown)。美国内战。(Chapel Hill:北卡罗来纳大学出版社,2019年。Pv。xiv,366.纸,29.95美元,ISBN 978-1-4696-5374-7;布,90.00美元,ISBN 978-1-4696-5373-0。)




