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Lockheed, Atlanta, and the Struggle for Racial Integration by Randall L. Patton (review)
Journal of Southern History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-06 , DOI: 10.1353/soh.2021.0030
Jody Noll

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Lockheed, Atlanta, and the Struggle for Racial Integration by Randall L. Patton
  • Jody Noll
Lockheed, Atlanta, and the Struggle for Racial Integration. By Randall L. Patton. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2019. Pp. xiv, 224. $59.95, ISBN 978-0-8203-5514-6.)

As a defining feature of the twentieth-century United States, the integration of both the private and public sectors has been an oft-explored subject. These studies have frequently examined the social movements and actors who fought for equality and integration, while others have illustrated the financial gains African Americans saw through these efforts. In Lockheed, Atlanta, and the Struggle for Racial Integration, Randall L. Patton builds on these analyses and offers a new window into integration by examining one company’s efforts during the period from 1951 to 1982. In doing so, Patton argues that government intervention and corporate action worked together to create an integrated workforce during a period of racial reform. [End Page 148]

Lockheed began as an aircraft manufacturer in the 1920s. The company integrated its plants in nonsouthern states as early as the 1940s, but the true test of its dedication toward an integrated workforce came in 1951, when it announced plans to open a plant in Marietta, Georgia. The company initially implied that it would uphold southern traditions in the plant by hiring Black employees only into positions of menial labor. However, facing pressure from civil rights organizations such as the National Urban League, Lockheed changed directions just a year later, setting forth a plan to hire Black employees to work on the assembly line. Thus began a thirty-year effort by Lockheed to establish an integrated workforce in the South. Patton demonstrates that the early attempts at integration at Lockheed in Georgia epitomized the relationship between federal initiatives, pressure from social movements, and Lockheed’s own belief that integration was better for business than segregation.

Patton draws on company documents, employees’ personal papers, and oral histories to weave his narrative. His work especially shines when examining the personal experiences of African American employees. By showing how Black workers frequently faced discrimination and racism from their white peers and low-level managers who wanted to stymie upward mobility within the company, Patton provides insight into the pressures and anxieties Black workers faced daily. Black employees constantly struggled against the racist assumptions of Black inferiority. These employees fought back by filing grievances with Lockheed and the federal government to improve their circumstances within the company. Patton illustrates that Black workers at Lockheed understood the dynamics of the company and its relationship to outside forces and used this understanding to improve their everyday work experiences. While Patton sees the story of Lockheed’s integration fundamentally using a top-down lens, where government initiatives, corporate interests, and civil rights organizations’ demands coalesced around a shared goal of integration, the numerous official grievances filed by Black workers demonstrated their agency in shaping Lockheed’s commitment to enhancing workplace rights for its African American employees.

Through Patton’s analysis, there can be no doubt Lockheed played an instrumental role in creating a blueprint for the integration of private industry in an uncertain time. Patton views Lockheed’s initiatives as a success, arguing that the executives “worked to improve the existing system rather than to radically reform it, in the process helping to move the South and the nation away from racial discrimination in employment” (p. 171). Patton is also careful to note that despite Lockheed’s (and many others’) efforts, racism and inequality continue to plague the country. Ultimately, Patton argues that Lockheed proved to be a positive force in the nation’s integration efforts. However, it is difficult not to wonder if the prevalence of discrimination and inequality would still exist if business and political leaders had sought to “radically reform” instead of incrementally improve the status quo (p. 171). [End Page 149]

Jody Noll Georgia State University Copyright © 2021 The Southern Historical Association ...


洛克希德,亚特兰大和Randall L. Patton的种族融合斗争(评论)



  • 洛克希德,亚特兰大和《种族融合斗争》,兰德尔·帕顿(Randall L. Patton)
  • 乔迪·诺尔(Jody Noll)
洛克希德,亚特兰大和种族融合斗争。兰德尔·L·巴顿(Randall L. Patton)。(雅典:乔治亚大学出版社,2019年。第十四页,224.59.95美元,ISBN 978-0-8203-5514-6。)

作为20世纪美国的标志性特征,私营部门和公共部门的融合一直是人们经常探索的话题。这些研究经常检查为争取平等和融合而奋斗的社会运动和参与者,而另一些研究则说明了非洲裔美国人通过这些努力所获得的经济收益。在亚特兰大的洛克希德和种族融合斗争中,兰德尔·帕顿(Randall L. Patton)建立在这些分析的基础上,通过考察一家公司在1951年至1982年之间的努力,为整合提供了新的窗口。在种族改革时期,公司采取行动共同创造了一支综合型的员工队伍。[结束页148]




乔迪·诺尔(Jody Noll)佐治亚州立大学版权所有©2021南方历史协会...
