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The Influence of the Adoption of a School District Four Day Instructional Week on Teacher Retention
Journal of Education Finance ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10
Jeffrey Maiden, H. Michael Crowson, Channa Byerly

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Influence of the Adoption of a School District Four Day Instructional Week on Teacher Retention
  • Jeffrey Maiden (bio), H. Michael Crowson (bio), and Channa Byerly (bio)


A primary purpose of common education is to ensure high quality learning for all children, and a good education is predicated on high quality teachers in classrooms. An important goal of local school districts, therefore, is to both recruit promising teachers and also to retain outstanding teachers. Concomitantly, school districts in several states, including Oklahoma, have been adopting four-day instructional weeks. Anecdotally, the four-day instructional week is perceived as giving districts a competitive advantage in both recruiting and retaining teachers. Given this context, the purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between local district characteristics and fiscal decisions and rates of teacher retention, with a focus of the effects of adoption of a four-day instructional week on teacher retention.

Oklahoma serves as the context of the study for two primary reasons. First, teacher retention is particularly important in Oklahoma given the increasing severity of the teacher shortage (Oklahoma Policy Institute, 2017). And second, an increasing number of school districts are adopting the alternative four-day instructional week, with approximately 20 percent of local districts operating under this calendar in 2018(Oklahoma State Department of Education, 2018).

literature review

Teacher Retention

Teacher retention is critical to the success of school districts (Hasegawa, 2011; Ingersoll, 2001). Researchers characterize teacher turnover as teacher mobility [End Page 117] (teachers moving from one district to another), while teacher attrition refers to teachers leaving the profession altogether (Ingersoll, 2001). Recruiting and retaining good teachers is perhaps another one of the most vital policy issues in education (Hanushek & Rivkin, 2006). Nationally, from 1988 to 2008, student enrollment increased 23 percent (National Center for Education Statistics, 2010), while the teacher turnover rate increased from 13 percent to 16 percent (Keigher & Cross, 2010). Several studies have indicated that 50 percent of newly hired teachers leave before their fifth year in the classroom, which is causing teacher attrition to gain significant attention as a looming problem in education (Ado, 2013; Boyd, Grossman, Ing, Lankford, Loeb, & Wyckoff, 2011; Djonko-Moore, 2016; Ingersoll, 2003; Ingersoll & Smith, 2003; Murnane, Singer, Willet, Kemple & Olsen, 1991; Phillips, 2015). Ingersoll (2001) variously refers to teacher turnover as a "silent crisis" (p. 3) and a "revolving door" (p.2).

Perhaps even more alarming, studies are finding that younger teachers are leaving the profession at a rate of 51 percent faster than experienced older teachers (Ermeling & Graff-Emerling, 2016). The normal attrition rate generally follows a U-shaped curve, with the highest attrition rate reflected within the early years of a teacher's career, dropping during the middle years, and rising toward the late part of a teacher's career (Borman & Dowling, 2008; Ingersoll, 2004; Rinke, 2008). While Ingersoll (2001) points out that teacher shortages are not new and have been standard since the 1950s, his initial research found that shortages were due to student enrollment increasing and teachers retiring. In later studies Ingersoll discovered that retiring teachers made up only a small percentage of the shortage compared to total teachers leaving the profession altogether.

Ingersoll (2003) states that teacher attrition is the more significant underlying problem. He bases his study on two perspectives: the contemporary education theory and an organizational perspective, the former arguing that increased enrollment and increased retirement lead to the teacher shortage, which in turn creates school staffing problems. The organizational perspective contends that adverse organizational conditions lead to teacher turnover and other staffing problems that lead to a decrease in school performance. Ingersoll examines issues of teacher supply, demand, and quality from the perspective of an organization. School districts tend to focus primarily on the recruitment process, the supply of teachers. Ingersoll suggests that there needs to be a shift in a school districts' understanding of the teacher shortage problem; they need to concern themselves not only with recruitment, but also retention. In essence, "recruiting more teachers will not solve staffing inadequacies if large numbers of teachers continue to leave" (Ingersoll, 2001, p. 525). Or, as Merrow (1999) states, "The teaching pool keeps losing water because no one is...




  • 实行学区四天教学周对教师留任率的影响
  • 杰弗里·梅登(Jeffrey Maiden)(生物),迈克尔·克劳森(H.






留住教师对于学区的成功至关重要(长谷川市,2011年;英格索尔,2001年)。研究人员将教师更新换代归因于教师的流动性[结束第117页](教师从一个地区转移到另一个地区),而教师减员是指教师完全离开该行业(Ingersoll,2001年)。招聘和留住优秀教师也许是教育中最重要的政策问题之一(Hanushek&Rivkin,2006)。在全国范围内,从1988年到2008年,学生入学率增长了23%(国家教育统计中心,2010年),而教师离职率则从13%提高到了16%(Keigher&Cross,2010年)。多项研究表明,新雇用的教师中有50%在五年级之前就离开教室,这导致教师的流失成为教育中迫在眉睫的问题(Ado,2013年; Boyd,Grossman,Ing,Lankford,Loeb, &Wyckoff,2011; Djonko-Moore,2016; Ingersoll,2003; Ingersoll&Smith,2003; Murnane,歌手,Willet,Kemple和Olsen,1991年;菲利普斯(Phillips),2015年)。英格索尔(Ingersoll,2001)将教师更替称为“沉默危机”(第3页)和“旋转门”(第2页)。

也许更令人震惊的是,研究发现,年轻教师离职的速度比经验丰富的年长教师快51%(Ermeling&Graff-Emerling,2016年)。正常的人员流失率通常呈U形曲线,最高的人员流失率反映在教师职业生涯的早期阶段,在中级阶段下降,并在教师职业生涯的后期阶段上升(Borman&Dowling,2008; Ingersoll,2004年; Rinke,2008年)。英格索尔(Ingersoll(2001))指出,师资短缺并不是新生事物,自1950年代以来一直是标准现象,但他的初步研究发现师资短缺是由于学生人数增加和教师退休所致。

