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Die tägliche Schrift: Peter Handke als Leser ed. by Thorsten Carstensen (review)
Journal of Austrian Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1353/oas.2021.0018
Peter C. Meilaender

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Reviewed by:

  • Die tägliche Schrift: Peter Handke als Leser ed. by Thorsten Carstensen
  • Peter C. Meilaender
Thorsten Carstensen, ed., Die tägliche Schrift: Peter Handke als Leser. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2019. 383 pp.

Perhaps no other German-language author has received as much public attention over the past year as Peter Handke. The bestowal of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature upon Handke unleashed a storm of controversy related to his writings and comments on the Yugoslavian Wars of the 1990s, making Handke—who in the meantime continues to write at his usual frenetic pace, producing a short novel (Das zweite Schwert) and a play (Zdeněk Adamec) in the brief time since the award—a living symbol of the still-simmering tensions in the Balkans and an object lesson in the debates over the relationship between literary or aesthetic value and political judgment. While these debates are essential to any overall assessment of Handke's work, they have perhaps made more difficult a literary evaluation of his achievements as a writer.

The volume under consideration, which appeared shortly before the Nobel Award and its accompanying flareup, attempts just such an evaluation by examining Handke not simply as a writer but also as a reader. Thorsten Carstensen has assembled nineteen essays, including contributions by recognized Handke scholars, on "Handke als Leser." They take up a variety of themes under this heading: the role of reading and of readers within Handke's oeuvre; his reception of other authors, from canonical figures such as Goethe and Stifter to less celebrated writers, as well as work in other media; the place of reading in his understanding of the task of the author and the role of literature; the ways in which reading and writing are mutually constitutive acts that also help constitute readers and writers; and reading as a vehicle for experiencing place and creating new forms of ethical community. Collected under four general headings ("Lesestrategien," "Anrufung der Autoritäten," "Variierende Wiederholungen," and—the loosest of the four groupings—"Das Buch der Welt"), the essays are preceded by Carstensen's own outstanding introduction, a small tour de force in its own right, which in a mere twenty-five pages or so manages to touch on all the themes mentioned [End Page 154] above while drawing on an impressive portion of Handke's massive body of work.

The volume as a whole is very nicely done. While every reader will have his or her favorite essays, there is not a single contribution that I would single out as poor. Some highlights for this reviewer were the contributions by Peter Strasser, who sets Handke's work in a broad philosophical context as a confrontation with problems of modernity, expressing admiration for Handke's ability to help us see the world with gratitude but also closing, in one of the volume's few critical notes, with a refusal to follow his critique to its full conclusion; Birthe Hoffmann's superb examination of Handke's relation to Grillparzer, focusing especially on the former's productive engagement with Der arme Spielmann; Chiheb Mehtelli's exploration of the similarities and differences between Handke's experience of the world and the Islamic mysticism of Ibn 'Arabī, certainly not a figure with whom I had been familiar; Anna Montané Forasté's delightful tour of Handke's literary engagement with Spain and his reception, in turn, by various contemporary Spanish thinkers and writers, also unfamiliar territory for me; Christoph Parry's thoughtful analysis of the role of landscapes in Handke's work, culminating in some cautious but insightful suggestions about the relationship between Handke's Landschaft spoetik and his problematic writings on Yugoslavia; and, finally, Carstensen's own comparison of the surprisingly similar efforts of Handke and the westschweizer poet Philippe Jaccottet to find a language that can "do the world justice" ("Das Schreiben verstehen Handke und Jaccottet [ … ] als emphatische Suche nach einer 'gerechten' Versprachlichung des Gesehenen," 332). It is hard to imagine a reader who will not find at least a few essays in this volume useful prompts to further thought and to further reading.

"Handke als Leser" might at first glance seem a narrow focus for a collection of...


逝世者:彼得·汉德·阿尔斯·莱瑟编。通过Thorsten Carstensen(评论)



  • 逝世者:彼得·汉德·阿尔克斯·莱瑟(Peter Handke als Leser ed)。通过Thorsten Carstensen
  • 彼得·C·梅兰德(Peter C.Meilaender)
托尔斯滕·卡斯滕森(Thorsten Carstensen)编辑,《史蒂芬历险记》:彼得·汉德·卡尔·勒斯·莱瑟(Peter Handke als Leser)。Bielefeld:Transcript Verlag,2019.383页

在过去的一年中,也许没有其他德语作家像彼得·汉德克那样受到公众的广泛关注。2019年诺贝尔文学奖获得者汉德克的授予引发了一场与他的著作和对1990年代南斯拉夫战争的评论有关的争议之风,这使汉德克-同时仍以其通常的狂热步伐写作,创作了一部短篇小说(Das zweite Schwert)和戏剧(ZdeněkAdamec)自颁奖以来的短时间内-巴尔干半岛紧张局势仍在消退的生动象征,也是关于文学或审美价值与政治判断之间关系的辩论中的客观课程。尽管这些辩论对于全面评估Handke的作品至关重要,但它们可能使对他作为作家的成就进行文学评价变得更加困难。

所考虑的书卷紧接在诺贝尔奖及其伴随的爆发之前出现,它试图通过不仅以作家的身份,而且以读者的身份审视汉德克,来进行这样的评估。托尔斯滕·卡斯滕森(Thorsten Carstensen)就“ Handke als Leser”撰写了19篇论文,其中包括著名的Handke学者的论文。在这个标题下,他们采取了各种主题:阅读和读者在Handke作品中的作用;他接待了其他作家,从歌德,史蒂夫特等典范人物到少有名气的作家,以及其他媒体的作品;在他对作者任务和文学角色的理解中所处的阅读位置;阅读和写作是相互构成的行为,也有助于构成读者和作家。阅读作为体验场所和创建新形式的道德社区的工具。这些论文以四个大类标题(“讲授”,“自动翻译”,“ Variierende Wiederholungen”以及(这四个组中最松散的“达斯·布赫·德·韦尔特”)收集,并附有Carstensen自己出色的引言,一小部分巡回演出本身,仅用了25页左右的时间就触及了所有提到的主题[完[第154页]],同时借鉴了Handke庞大工作量中令人印象深刻的部分。

整个卷非常好。虽然每个读者都会有他或她最喜欢的文章,但我没有哪一个贡献能比他差。彼得·斯特拉瑟(Peter Strasser)的贡献是该评论家的亮点。彼得·史特拉瑟(Peter Strasser)将Handke的工作置于宽泛的哲学背景下,以应对现代性问题,对Handke帮助我们以感激之情看到世界并关闭世界的能力表示钦佩。该卷的一些批评性评论,但拒绝遵循他的评论以得出其全部结论;伯特·霍夫曼(Birthe Hoffmann)对Handke与Grillparzer的关系进行了精湛的考察,尤其侧重于前者与Der arme Spielmann的富有成效的交往; 奇赫布·梅赫特利(Chiheb Mehtelli)探索了汉德克(Handke)的世界经历与伊本·阿拉比(Ibn'Arabī)的伊斯兰神秘主义之间的异同,当然,我所不熟悉的这个人物。AnnaMontanéForasté畅游Handke与西班牙的文学交往,并受到西班牙当代思想家和作家的接待,这对我来说也是陌生的领域。克里斯托弗·帕里(Christoph Parry)对景观在汉德(Handke)作品中的作用进行了深思熟虑的分析,最终得出了一些谨慎而有见地的建议,这些内容是关于汉德( Handke)的《兰德沙夫特宣言》与他关于南斯拉夫的有问题的著作之间的关系的;最后,Carstensen自己比较了Handke和westschweizer的惊人相似的工作诗人菲利普·雅科特(Philippe Jaccottet)找到了一种可以“维护世界正义”的语言(“ 332”。很难想象,在本书中至少找不到几篇文章的读者会得到有用的提示,以进行进一步的思考和进一步的阅读。

乍一看,“ Handke als Leser”似乎只是一系列收藏的狭focus焦点。
