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Zerothruster: A Report on the 2019 Zurich James Joyce Foundation Workshop, 5–11 August 2019
James Joyce Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1353/jjq.2020.0015
Halila Bayramova

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Zerothruster: A Report on the 2019 Zurich James Joyce Foundation Workshop, 5–11 August 2019
  • Halila Bayramova
“Zerothruster,” 1as a title of a week-long workshop on Finnegans Wake, Book II, Chapter 2, holds much to unpack. Along with references to Friedrich Nietzsche, creation ex nihilo, and an almost obligatory nod to the Wakeinnuendo of sorts, the choice of the name seems to give a hint of acknowledgment to the binary code in the light of rapidly expanding scholarship on Joyce’s digital texts.
Hic sunt wakeonians. Perhaps there is a more lyrical assumption lurking as well: no matter how much one tries to “crack the code” and unravel the Wakean threads, the book may surreptitiously leave one at ground zero. This feeling of “surrendering to the text” could have been at the heart of Fritz Senn’s confession when he pronounced Wakecriticism as a “collective failure of Joyceans.” Yet, optimistically, I hoped the “zero” part would be refuted during the first week of August 2019, when about twenty seasoned scholars and aspiring early career researchers came together to discuss a single chapter of Finnegans Wake: II.2 or “Night Studies.” * JOLLY SUBJUNC-TIVE
The discussion topics spanned from grand narratives such as philosophic influences (Laura Gibbs’s exploration of the metaphysics of Giambattista Vico and René Descartes in “Night Studies”) to the most minute conceptual expedients (Tiana Fischer’s probe into everything milky and buttery in Joyce’s “recur-sory milk” ).
Enter Jute and Mutt and Mute and Jutt who immediately merge into oach either (H&B). Shinjini Chattopadhyay took up the chapter from the very “UNDE ET UBI” ( FW260.01), investigating its geospatial boundaries and the construction of city space in children’s learning. Spatial considerations also played a role outside the pages of the book. Robbert-Jan Henkes and Erik Bindervoet admitted to an interesting pastime during breaks from their usual Joyce scholarship: adapting “The Triangle” passage for a Dutch theater troupe of De Veenfabriek. Their discussion explored the question of agency in the marginalia of II.2 that required more immediate solutions suited for the stage than the usual polymorphism of Finnegans Wake.
William S. Brockman tackled this issue from an archival perspective with his demonstration of Joyce’s personal correspondence meant to explain the structure of II.2. Brockman’s rumi-nations gave fresh life to the old question: how much, as researchers, we can trust documentary evidence (or should we at all?). §Dipanjan Maitra’s answer to this was equivocal at best as he introduced an army of female collaborators as “incidental” authors of Finnegans Wake. They were the employees of newspaper clipping bureaus serendipitously aiding Joyce’s writing by scanning scores of newspapers for required information from the author. THE TRECHEROUS LETTERS.
“No. 1132” leads to “No.1169, bis” (FW 389.13) Anne Marie D’Arcy’s focus on Mac Murchada and the consequent Norman invasion of Ireland in 1169 contributed to the theme of turning points in the chapter. D’Arcy placed the year 1132 into historical perspective with three flag-ship events that had impacted the theologico-political ground of Gaelic Ireland for years and the one that Joyce exploited extensively not only in Dolph’s history lesson but throughout his writings.
Considering the thematic precedence of education in chapter II.2, it came as no surprize that knowledge in all its iterations grew into the focal point of discourse among the workshop participants. Vicky Mahaffey got the ball rolling in her conversation about the genesis of the children’s knowledge acquisition through cognizance of the archetypal bodies of their parents. In a similar vein, Gabriel Renggli contemplated the libidinal aspect of intellectual activity and the extent to which fetishization blurs the divide between the decorative and the significant. According to him, Finnegans Wakemay be considered “the ultimate perverse work of art,” not so much because of the “full frontal nudity” of the context but rather because the Wake“doesn’t give you what you desire—it tells you how to desire.” 3The carnal pleasures of knowledge turned gastronomic when Talia Abu introduced rumination in the “Night Studies” as a long process of transforming the...




  • Zerothruster:2019年苏黎世詹姆斯·乔伊斯基金会研讨会报告,2019年8月5日至11日
  • 哈利拉·贝拉莫娃(Halila Bayramova)
“ Zerothruster” 1作为为期一周的Finnegans Wake研讨会的标题,第二册,第二章,有很多需要解决的问题。除了提到弗里德里希·尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche),“创世” (nihilo),以及对“维克”(Wake)影射几乎是必不可少的点头之际,鉴于乔伊斯(Joyce)数字文本的学术迅速发展,名字的选择似乎暗示了对二进制代码的认可。 。
希克·苏特·沃克尼斯 也许还有一个更抒情的假设潜伏:无论有多少人试图“破解代码”并解开Wakean线程,这本书都可能秘密地将零保留为零。当弗里兹·森(Fritz Senn)宣布维克批评为“乔伊斯人的集体失败”时,这种“屈从于文本”的感觉可能是弗里茨·森(Fritz Senn)认罪的核心。然而,乐观地,我希望在2019年8月的第一周能驳斥``零''部分,届时大约有20名经验丰富的学者和有抱负的早期职业研究人员会聚在一起讨论Finnegans Wake的单个章节:II.2或``夜间研究'' 。”* 果冻主语
讨论主题涵盖了宏大的叙述,例如哲学影响(劳拉·吉布斯(Laura Gibbs)在“夜研究”中对贾曼巴蒂斯塔·维科和雷内·笛卡尔的形而上学的探讨)到最新的概念权宜之计(蒂安娜·菲舍尔(Tiana Fischer)在乔伊斯(Joyce)的“递归研究”中探讨了乳状和黄油状的一切。酸牛奶” )。
输入“黄麻”和“杂色”以及“静音”和“朱特”,后者立即合并为奥奇(H&B) Shinjini Chattopadhyay从“ UNDE ET UBI”(FW 260.01)一书中学习了这一章,研究了其地理空间边界和儿童学习中的城市空间建设。空间因素在本书的书页之外也发挥了作用。Robbert-Jan Henkes和Erik Bindervoet在他们通常的Joyce奖学金休假期间承认了一个有趣的消遣:将“ The Triangle”段落改编为De Veenfabriek的荷兰戏剧团。他们的讨论探讨了II.2的边缘性中的代理问题,与Finnegans Wake的通常多态性相比,该问题需要更适合该阶段的即时解决方案。
威廉·布罗克曼(William S.Brockman)从档案的角度解决了这个问题,他演示了乔伊斯(Joyce)的私人信件,旨在解释II.2的结构。布罗克曼(Brockman)的反讽使这个古老的问题焕发出新的活力:作为研究人员,我们可以相信文献证据多少(或者我们应该完全相信)?§Dipanjan Maitra对此的回答充其量是模棱两可的,因为他引入了一群女性合作者作为Finnegans Wake的“偶然”作者。他们是剪报局的雇员,通过扫描数十份报纸以获取作者的必要信息,来偶然地帮助乔伊斯的写作。 叛逆的信件
“不。1132”指向“ No.1169,bis”(FW 389.13) 安妮·玛丽·达西(Anne Marie D'Arcy)对Mac Murchada的关注以及随之而来的诺曼于1169年对爱尔兰的入侵,促成了本章转折点的主题。达西(D'Arcy)将1132年置于历史视野中,其中三起船旗事件影响了盖尔爱尔兰(Gaelic Ireland)的神学-政治领域,而乔伊斯(Joyce)不仅在多尔夫(Dolph)的历史课中而且在他的所有著作中都广泛利用这一事件。
考虑到第二章第二章中的主题教育优先权,毫无疑问,知识的所有迭代都成为讲习班参与者话语的焦点。Vicky Mahaffey在关于孩子通过父母的原型身体获得知识的起源的对话中大声疾呼。类似地,加布里埃尔·伦格里(Gabriel Renggli)考虑了智力活动的自由化方面,而恋物癖的程度模糊了装饰性和重要性之间的鸿沟。根据他的说法,Finnegans Wake可能被认为是“最终的不正当艺术作品”,并不是因为上下文中的“正面正面裸体”,而是因为Wake “没有给您您想要的东西-它告诉您”如何渴望。” 3当塔莉亚·阿布(Talia Abu)在“夜研究”中引入沉思,这是转化知识的漫长过程时,知识的肉欲享乐变成了美食。
