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Hunting Justice: Displacement, Law, and Activism in the Kalahari by Maria Sapignoli (review)
Human Rights Quarterly ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1353/hrq.2021.0008
Robert K. Hitchcock

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Reviewed by:

  • Hunting Justice: Displacement, Law, and Activism in the Kalahari by Maria Sapignoli
  • Robert K. Hitchcock (bio)
Maria Sapignoli, Hunting Justice: Displacement, Law, and Activism in the Kalahari ( New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018). ISBN 978–1–316–64212–2, 412 pages.

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and multilateral institutions such as the United Nations have focused increasingly on the rights of indigenous peoples. With the passage of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in September 2007, the United Nations committed itself to the promotion of indigenous peoples' rights. Maria Sapignoli's Hunting Justice: Displacement, Law, and Activism in the Kalahari is a well-conceived, well argued, and innovative study of a Southern African indigenous peoples' social justice and human rights movement, which is assessed at a variety of different scales: local, national, regional (the African continent), and international. The book is beautifully written, without jargon, well organized, and follows a logical set of arguments.

The book takes on in great detail the contested topics of indigeneity as a legal and economic category and activism in Africa. The concept of indigeneity has been a focus of extensive debate regionally and internationally since the late 1980s and continues to be a major source of discussion both in academia and in the indigenous world up to the present. This in itself makes the book significant.

Sapignoli's fine book explores wider issues of indigenous peoples' rights through the case of the Central Kalahari using a comparative and multi-sited analysis rich in theoretical connections. It also examines trends in the fields of socio-legal studies, indigenous peoples' rights, and anthropology. It considers debates about indigenous peoples, individual and collective (group) rights, the relationship between recognition and redistribution, environmental conservation, claims-making processes, and the effects of legal activism in people(s) everyday lives.

There are several qualities of this book that make it significant. While Sapignoli is dealing with some of the most studied people in all of anthropology, her approach in this book is groundbreaking in its consideration of the lengthy quest for justice by the San peoples of Botswana—and of its widely ramifying effects. The book follows San representatives and activists in a process through which the categories and templates of state and international law are appropriated, incorporated, and resignified in making justice claims, while at the same time new legal norms are created through these practices. The ethnographic analysis of the San perceptions and practice of rights, their relationship with the dominant legal systems, and their activism and political engagement, are all topics that are understudied in the San literature. Her analysis considers how both global and local forces were driving enormous social, economic, and political change in the Central Kalahari. At the same time, her approach and insights underscore the resistance, resilience, and engagement of the San and their neighbors to many of these forces.

Dr. Sapignoli weaves into her book the life stories of several memorable San individuals, John Hardbattle, Roy Sesana, and Jumanda Gakelebone, two of whom she worked with closely over a decade.1 She places these individuals in rich historical, sociological, and political contexts. In the process, she deals with complex issues such as egalitarianism [End Page 202] and inequality, the complexities of indigenous leadership and of the institutionalization of indigenous peoples' movements, the attempts of co-option by the state, and the conflicts that sometimes arise among individuals and organizations with diverse agendas, leading to the development of "indigenous elites."2 The book also shows indigenous peoples attempts to influence the development of international law through their participation in UN meetings over several years.

What is refreshing about this volume is that it pulls no punches. It discusses the steps and missteps that were taken by the San and Bakgalagadi in the Central Kalahari and those of the organizations and individuals working with them. It looks critically at all of the NGOs, both local and international, that played significant roles in the extended battle over San and Bakgalagadi rights in Botswana.

Sapignoli points out that the San and other indigenous peoples are increasingly seeking recourse to the law, and she theorizes this observation as a wider problem that applies not...





  • 狩猎正义: Maria Sapignoli在卡拉哈里流离失所,法律和行动主义
  • 罗伯特·希区柯克(生物)
玛丽亚·萨皮尼奥利(Maria Sapignoli),《狩猎正义:卡拉哈里的流离失所,法律与行动主义》(纽约:剑桥大学出版社,2018年)。ISBN 978–1–316–64212–2,412页。

非政府组织和联合国等多边机构越来越重视土著人民的权利。随着2007年9月《土著人民权利宣言》的通过,联合国承诺促进土著人民的权利。玛丽亚·萨皮尼诺利(Maria Sapignoli)的《狩猎正义:卡拉哈里的流离失所,法律与行动主义》是对南部非洲土著人民的社会正义与人权运动的一项精心设计,充分论证和创新的研究,该研究以不同的尺度进行了评估:本地,国家,地区(非洲大陆)和国际。这本书写得很漂亮,没有专业术语,井井有条,并遵循一系列合理的论点。




Sapignoli博士将约翰·哈德巴特,罗伊·塞萨纳和朱曼达·加克勒伯尼(Jumanda Gakelebone)几个令人难忘的San人的生活故事编织到她的书中,其中两个人与她密切合作了十多年。1她将这些人置于丰富的历史,社会学和政治背景中。在此过程中,她处理了诸如平等主义[End Page 202]和不平等,土著领导层的复杂性和土著人民运动的制度化,国家试图进行共同选择以及有时发生的冲突等复杂问题。在具有不同议程的个人和组织中出现,从而导致“土著精英”的发展。2个 该书还显示了土著人民通过参加联合国会议几年来试图影响国际法发展的尝试。


