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Human Rights Quarterly ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1353/hrq.2021.0016

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  • Contributors

Ilias Bantekas is Professor of International Law and Arbitration at Hamad bin Khalifa University, College of Law (a member of Qatar Foundation). He is an Adjunct Professor in International Law at Georgetown University School of International Affairs (Qatar) and a senior research fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies of the University of London. He has held several full time and adjunct positions, including at Brunel, Harvard, Miami, Trier, Lausanne and elsewhere. He is the author of more than 150 articles and eighteen books, twelve are with Oxford and Cambridge University Press, including An Introduction to International Arbitration (CUP 2015); International Human Rights Law and Practice (CUP 3rd ed, 2020 with Lutz Oette); Commentary on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (OUP 2018 with Michael Ashley Stein and Dimitris Anastasiou); Sovereign Debt and Human Rights (OUP 2019); Cambridge Companion to Business and Human Rights (CUP 2021 with Michael Ashley Stein).

Jacqueline Bhabha J.D., Ms.C. is a Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She is also the Jeremiah Smith, Jr. Lecturer in Law at Harvard Law School, and Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School. She is the Director of Research at the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard's only university-wide human rights research center. She has published extensively on issues of transnational child migration, refugee protection, children's rights, and citizenship. She is the author of Child Migration & Human Rights in a Global Age (Princeton University Press, 2014), the editor of Children Without A State (MIT Press, 2011), and of Human Rights and Adolescence (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014). Her current research focuses on adolescents at risk of violence, social exclusion, or discrimination

Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky is currently coordinator of the postgraduate course on "Human Rights and Public Policies in Covid-19 times," Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina. He was the United Nations Independent Expert on Debt and Human Rights between 2014 and 2020. This article is based on the thematic report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council on 3 January 2020 (UN Independent Expert on Debt and Human Rights, 2020). The report was informed by extensive consultations and discussions held with scholars, experts and NGOs activists in Princeton, Nairobi, Buenos Aires, and Geneva from October to December 2019, as well as by submissions from states, civil society organizations, scholars, and other stakeholders in response to a call for contributions. These contributions are available at http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Development/IEDebt/Pages/ReportPrivateDebt.aspx.

Janyce L. Boynton is an artist, educator, and advocate for evidence-based practices in the field of communication sciences and disorders. As a speech/language clinician in the early 1990s, she became involved with facilitated communication. Her story, first as believer, then as critic, is well-documented and was featured on Frontline's "Prisoners of Silence". She left teaching to pursue her artwork but has continued to be active in educating people about the dangers of FC and other facilitator-influenced techniques. An overview of her experiences with FC can be found in Stuart Vyse's An Artist with a Science-Based Mission, published in Skeptical Inquirer (November 2018). Her 2012 article, Facilitated Communication: What Harm it Can Do—Confessions of a Former Facilitator, published in the journal Evidence-Based Communication and Intervention, was the first of its kind. To date, she is one of the few facilitators world-wide to publicly acknowledge her role in producing FC messages and regularly speak out against the practice.

Paolo Caroli is a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. He is the author of a monograph on the Italian experience of transitional justice after World War II (Il potere di non punire. Uno studio sull'amnistia Togliatti, ESI, Neaples, 2020). He worked as a post-doc researcher in the M.E.L.A. Project (Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspectives) at the University of Bologna and he is an Alumnus of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) in Berlin. He obtained a Ph.D. in...




  • 贡献者

Ilias Bantekas是哈马德·本·哈利法大学法学院国际法和仲裁学教授(卡塔尔基金会成员)。他是乔治敦大学国际事务学院(卡塔尔)的国际法兼职教授,也是伦敦大学高级法律研究所的高级研究员。他曾在Brunel,哈佛,迈阿密,特里尔,洛桑和其他地方担任过多个全职和兼职职位。他着有超过150篇文章和18本书的作者,其中十二本与牛津大学出版社和剑桥大学出版社合着,其中包括《国际仲裁入门》(CUP 2015);《国际人权法和实践》(CUP第三版,2020年,Lutz Oette);对《联合国残疾人权利公约》的评论(与迈克尔·阿什利·斯坦因和迪米特里斯·安纳斯塔西欧合写的《 2018年残疾人权利公约》); 主权债务与人权(OUP 2019); 剑桥商业与人权伴侣(与迈克尔·阿什利·斯坦(Michael Ashley Stein)合作的《银联2021》)。

杰奎琳·巴巴(Jacqueline Bhabha)法学博士 是哈佛大学陈河公共卫生学院的健康与人权实践教授。她还是哈佛大学法学院法学讲师耶利米·史密斯(Jeremiah Smith)和哈佛大学肯尼迪学校公共政策兼职讲师。她是哈佛大学唯一的大学范围内的人权研究中心FXB健康与人权中心的研究主任。她在跨国儿童移民,难民保护,儿童权利和公民权等问题上发表了广泛的著作。她是《全球时代儿童迁徙与人权》(普林斯顿大学出版社,2014年)的作者,《无国界儿童》(麻省理工学院出版社,2011年)以及《人权与青春期》的编辑。(宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,2014年)。她目前的研究重点是处于遭受暴力,社会排斥或歧视风险的青少年

胡安·帕勃罗·博霍斯拉夫斯基目前是阿根廷国立里格罗大学的“ Covid-19时代的人权与公共政策”研究生课程的协调员。他是2014年至2020年的联合国债务与人权独立专家。本文基于2020年1月3日向联合国人权理事会提交的专题报告(联合国债务与人权独立专家,2020年)。该报告得益于2019年10月至2019年12月在普林斯顿,内罗毕,布宜诺斯艾利斯和日内瓦与学者,专家和非政府组织活动家进行的广泛磋商和讨论,以及各州,民间社会组织,学者和其他利益相关者的来文响应捐款呼吁。这些贡献可在http://www.ohchr上获得。

珍妮丝·博因顿(Janyce L.Boynton)是一位艺术家,教育家,并倡导传播科学和疾病领域的循证实践。在1990年代初期,她作为言语/语言临床医生,参与了便利的交流。她的故事,首先是信徒,然后是评论家,有据可查,并在Frontline的“沉默的囚徒”中得到了报道。她放弃了继续从事艺术创作的教学,但是继续积极地教育人们有关FC和其他受主持人影响的技术的危害。斯图尔特·维斯(Stuart Vyse)的《以科学为基础的使命的艺术家》(发表于《怀疑者》)(2018年11月)中提供了她在FC方面的经历的概述。她在2012年发表的文章《便利的沟通:它能带来的危害—前任主持人的自白》发表在《循证沟通与干预》杂志上,是同类产品中的第一个。迄今为止,她是全世界为数不多的公开表达她在发布FC消息中所扮演的角色并定期大声疾呼反对这种做法的推动者之一。

Paolo Caroli是柏林洪堡大学亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会的院士。他是第二次世界大战后意大利过渡司法经验专着的作者(Il potere di nonpunire。Unostudio sull'amnistia Togliatti,ESI,Neaples,2020年)。他曾在博洛尼亚大学担任MELA项目(欧洲和比较视角的记忆法)的博士后研究员,并且是柏林欧洲宪法与人权中心(ECCHR)的校友。他获得了博士学位。在...
