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Notes on Contributors
Helios ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-04 , DOI: 10.1353/hel.2020.0003

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  • Notes on Contributors

Alexander Forte is lecturer in ancient and medieval studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research lies at the intersection of cognitive and historical linguistics, literary criticism, and intellectual history, with emphasis on the poetics of early Greek hexameter poetry. He is currently completing a monograph on Homeric metaphor.

Emily Hauser is lecturer in classics and ancient history at the University of Exeter. She is the author of a trilogy of novels reworking the women of Greek myth, and has written numerous articles on women poets in antiquity and their reception in contemporary women’s writing. Her research focuses on Greek poetry (particularly Homeric epic), women in antiquity, gender studies, and the theory and practice of classical reception, particularly in contemporary fiction. Her current book, Authoress: Gendering Poets in Ancient Greece, looks at the gendering of authorship in Greek poetry and is forthcoming with Princeton University Press.

Nick Ollivère earned his doctorate at the University of London. His research interests are in Latin literature of the late Republic and early Empire, particularly elegy. He has given papers on this topic using a variety of approaches, including those from philosophy, reception studies, and comparative literature. He currently works at Leiden University in The Netherlands.

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  • 贡献者注意事项

亚历山大·福特(Alexander Forte)是麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)古代和中世纪研究的讲师。他的研究集中在认知和历史语言学,文学批评和知识史的交汇处,重点研究早期希腊六边形诗歌的诗学。他目前正在完成一部关于荷马隐喻的专着。

艾米丽·豪瑟(Emily Hauser)是埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)的经典和古代历史讲师。她是一部重述希腊神话中女性的小说三部曲的作者,并撰写了许多有关古代女性诗人和当代女性作家对女性诗人的欢迎的文章。她的研究重点是希腊诗歌(尤其是荷马史诗),古代女性,性别研究以及古典接受的理论和实践,尤其是当代小说。她目前的著作《女作家:古希腊的性别诗人》研究了希腊诗歌中作者身份的性别问题,并将与普林斯顿大学出版社合着。


