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Born Criminal: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Radical Suffragist by Angelica Shirley Carpenter (review)
Great Plains Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-15 , DOI: 10.1353/gpq.2020.0038
Kimberly Johnson Maier

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Born Criminal: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Radical Suffragist by Angelica Shirley Carpenter
  • Kimberly Johnson Maier
Born Criminal: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Radical Suffragist.
By Angelica Shirley Carpenter. Pierre: South Dakota Historical Society Press, 2018. ix + 273 pp. Illustrations, notes, annotated bibliography, index. $19.95 cloth.

This year, 2020, marks the one hundredth anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Angelica Shirley Carpenter's book, Born Criminal: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Radical Suffragist, is the perfect way to celebrate. Matilda Joslyn Gage, a leader in the women's suffrage movement, is rarely mentioned in the history of the movement. Gage, however, played a significant role in shaping and laying the groundwork for the United States' women's suffrage movement.

Early in her life, Matilda was inspired to become a doctor, like her father, who she assisted in treating patients, giving her a first-hand view of the plight and limitations of women. Despite her education and experience, Matilda was never accepted into medical school because she was born a woman. [End Page 243]

While this book provides a detailed and well-researched biography of Matilda Joslyn Gage, it also encourages us to question the social memory of the women's suffrage movement. Over the last century, history has celebrated two major leaders, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, while forgetting the roles of others. These often-idolized leaders played a significant role in the removal of Gage from women's suffrage history. Throughout the text, readers are presented with conversations between these women where it is apparent that they worked side-by-side, organizing, writing, and speaking at public events, to serve the same goal.

Gage's connection to the Great Plains is through her children, who relocated to Dakota Territory during the homesteading period. In 1883, during one of her visits, she traveled throughout the territory speaking publicly about women's rights. She explained current and proposed laws regarding women's suffrage, and encouraged women in Dakota Territory to write letters to convention delegates preparing state constitutions. She published a letter entitled "To the Women of Dakota," calling for women to act and discussed the inequalities of the Homestead Act. She inspired these women to continue their fight for women's suffrage.

The purpose of this book is to rewrite Matilda Joselyn Gage back into the history of the movement of which she was shockingly written out. More importantly, Carpenter connects Gage's life to the present using contemporary examples, such as the #MeToo movement. What we can see both historically and contemporarily is that Matilda's words still ring true. She stated, "The longer I work, the more I see that woman's cause is the world's cause."

Kimberly Johnson Maier Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences
South Dakota State University Copyright © 2020 Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln ...


天生的犯罪分子:Matilda Joslyn Gage,Angelica Shirley Carpenter的激进选举人(评论)



  • 天生犯罪分子:Matilda Joslyn Gage,当归激进主义者,Angelica Shirley Carpenter
  • 金伯利·约翰逊·迈耶(Kimberly Johnson Maier)
天生犯罪分子:激进的选举权主义者Matilda Joslyn Gage
当归·雪莉·卡彭特(Angelica Shirley Carpenter)。皮埃尔:南达科他州历史学会出版社,2018年。ix + 273页。插图,笔记,带注释的书目,索引。布料$ 19.95。

今年,即2020年,是第十九项修正案获得批准一百周年,该修正案赋予了妇女投票权。当归·雪莉·卡彭特(Angelica Shirley Carpenter)的著作《天生的罪犯:激进的选举权主义者Matilda Joslyn Gage》是庆祝的理想方式。妇女选举权运动的领导人Matilda Joslyn Gage在该运动的历史上很少被提及。然而,盖奇在塑造和奠定美国妇女参政权运动的基础方面发挥了重要作用。


这本书提供了Matilda Joslyn Gage的详尽且经过精心研究的传记,但同时也鼓励我们对妇女选举权运动的社会记忆提出质疑。在过去的一个世纪中,历史上已经庆祝了两位主要领导人苏珊·安东尼·安东尼(Susan B. Anthony)和伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿(Elizabeth Cady Stanton),却忘记了其他人的角色。这些经常被偶像化的领导人在从妇女参政历史中删除Gage方面发挥了重要作用。在全文中,读者看到的是这些女性之间的对话,很明显,她们在公共场合并肩工作,组织,写作和发表演讲,以实现相同的目标。


本书的目的是将Matilda Joselyn Gage改写成令人震惊的运动史。更重要的是,Carpenter使用#MeToo运动之类的当代实例将Gage的生活与现在联系起来。我们在历史上和当代都可以看到,马蒂尔达的话仍然是正确的。她说:“我工作的时间越长,我越能看到女人的事业是世界的事业。”

金伯利·约翰·迈尔(Kimberly Johnson Maier)
