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Rosebud, June 17, 1876: Prelude to the Little Big Horn by Paul L. Hedren (review)
Great Plains Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-15 , DOI: 10.1353/gpq.2020.0039
Richmond L. Clow

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Rosebud, June 17, 1876: Prelude to the Little Big Horn by Paul L. Hedren
  • Richmond L. Clow
Rosebud, June 17, 1876: Prelude to the Little Big Horn.
By Paul L. Hedren. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2019. ix + 449 pp. Maps, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. $34.95 cloth.

The battle at Rosebud Creek occurred between engagements at Powder River and Little Big Horn. Bookended as it was between two other fights, it has been easy to overlook Rosebud's implications in the Great Sioux War, but Paul Hedren's excellent military study removes all shadows. The author's first-rate analysis explains that events at Powder River influenced General George Crook's later Rosebud decisions that had consequences at the Little Big Horn.

At Powder River, Crook's troops failed to destroy either Sitting Bull's encampment or his will to fight. Three months later, Crook craved another engagement with tribal adversaries, and in late May the Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition left Fort Fetterman. As soldiers traveled north into southeast Montana, Crook was uneasy since Crow and Shoshone scouts had not arrived. His past success fighting Apaches depended on tribal auxiliaries. Scouts were indispensable; they would find Sitting Bull's encampment, which eluded him at Powder River and would complement his military force. When the auxiliaries arrived, Crook anticipated a good fight.

On the morning of June 17, Sitting Bull's forces took the offensive, gaining the high ground and attacking Crook's command in the Rosebud valley. In this meticulously researched study, Hedren skillfully and thoughtfully weaves official military reports, newspaper accounts, and later soldier and tribal reminiscences into a detailed reconstruction that includes tribal offensive tactics and troop counteractions. [End Page 244]

This six-hour fight passed through five distinct phases. Hedren devotes a separate chapter to each, describing and capturing the ebb and flow of an Indian battle in great detail, a feat few historians of the Indian wars have achieved. As bullets flew, a frustrated Crook sought the upper ground and ordered Lieutenant Colonel William C. Royall to dislodge elevated tribal fighters firing upon the troops. Royall followed Kollmar Creek, but failed in his effort and retreated under heavy fire. Shortly thereafter the fighting diminished.

Tribal participation was central to the Rosebud fight. Lakota and Cheyenne fighters contained Crook's efforts to approach and attack the tribal encampment, which he believed lay to the north. Crow and Shoshone auxiliaries abandoned Crook after the engagement, leaving him without reconnaissance information, thus preventing Crook from taking Sitting Bull's camp, his objective since the Powder River. The scouts' decision convinced Crook to retreat south, which reduced regional troop strength and contributed to the Little Big Horn disaster. This historical analysis alone establishes Hedren's Rosebud study's significance for the Great Sioux War and in the history of Northern Plains warfare.

Richmond L. Clow Department of History
University of Montana at Missoula Copyright © 2020 Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln ...


玫瑰花蕾,1876年6月17日:保罗·海德伦(Paul L. Hedren)的《小大号角》前奏(评论)



  • 玫瑰花蕾,1876年6月17日:保罗·海德伦(Paul L. Hedren)的《小大号角》序曲
  • 里士满·洛(Richmond L.Clow)
保罗·海德伦(Paul L.Hedren)。诺曼:俄克拉荷马大学出版社,2019年。ix + 449页。地图,插图,笔记,参考书目,索引。34.95美元的布。

Rosebud Creek的战斗发生在Powder River和Little Big Horn的交战之间。由于是在另外两场战斗之间进行预订的,因此很容易忽略玫瑰花蕾在苏打大战中的影响,但是保罗·海德伦的出色军事研究消除了所有阴影。作者的一流分析说明,Powder River发生的事件影响了乔治·克鲁克(George Crook)将军后来做出的玫瑰花蕾决定,对小角城产生了影响。


6月17日上午,西丁公牛(Sitting Bull)的部队发动了进攻,取得了制高点,并进攻了罗斯克山谷(Rosebud)的克鲁克(Crook)的命令。在这项经过精心研究的研究中,海德伦巧妙而周到地将官方军事报告,报纸账目以及后来的士兵和部落的回忆编织成详细的重构,其中包括部落的进攻战术和部队的反击。[结束页244]

这场长达六个小时的战斗经历了五个不同的阶段。赫德伦在每篇文章中都单独写了一个章节,详细描述和描述了印度战争的潮起潮落,这是印度战争的历史学家们取得的壮举。当子弹飞来时,沮丧的克鲁克搜寻地面,并命令威廉·C·罗亚尔中校将向士兵开火的高架部落战士驱散。皇家(Royal)跟着科尔马溪(Kollmar Creek),但是他的努力失败了,在大火下退缩了。此后不久,战斗就减少了。


Richmond L. Clow密
