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Outriders: Rodeo at the Fringes of the American West by Rebecca Scofield (review)
Great Plains Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-15 , DOI: 10.1353/gpq.2020.0042
Richard W. Slatta

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Outriders: Rodeo at the Fringes of the American West by Rebecca Scofield
  • Richard W. Slatta
Outriders: Rodeo at the Fringes of the American West.
By Rebecca Scofield. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2019. ix + 240 pp. Illustrations, notes, index, $27.95 paper.

Rebecca Scofield, assistant professor of American history at the University of Idaho, has written an engaging, insightful, wonderfully researched social and cultural study of forgotten or ignored participants in United States rodeo. This short study deftly combines a solid base of foundational historiography, archival and institutional documents, and gender and cultural theory, all reflecting well on the Idaho-born author's training at Willamette and Harvard University.

Four topical chapters each focus on a different group of rodeo "outriders." Scofield examines female bronc riders, convict cowboys, all-Black western performers, and gay rodeoers to illustrate how "people who were cast out of popular western mythology and often marginalized from mainstream American life found belonging and meaning at the rodeo, demanding their right to grapple with the symbol of the cowboy in their own lives" (3).

Several chapters include mini–case studies that add detail and continuity. Norwegian-born Anna Mathilda Winger, who emigrated to the US at age fourteen, became a rodeo star under the name Tillie Baldwin. For African American rodeo, the focus is on Boley, Oklahoma, and Oakland, California. The chapter on prison rodeo clearly shows that "the Texas Prison Rodeo staged the state's exploitative and violent labor system as the path to social redemption" (64). She well contextualizes gay rodeo with additional information on other gay subcultures, such as leathermen and bears.

At several points, Scofield challenges (successfully in my view) existing cultural assumptions. [End Page 247] Her analysis shows how fringe groups, excluded from the mainstream myths of a white heterosexual male West, creatively embraced rodeo to push their way into history and society. "For many people, the love of stock, the thrill of competition, and the sacredness of camaraderie were foundational to their sense of self" (5). Scofield also highlights conflicts arising within each social group as they labored to claim their piece of western life and mythology.

This is a superb book that illuminates major issues of Great Plains and western history far beyond the rodeo arena. For example, the tension between serious, traditional rodeo events and camp events, such as steer decorating, goat dressing, and wild drag racing, mirrors larger issues in the gay community. Female riders faced the dilemma of remaining feminine while engaging in traditionally masculine contests. Readers interested in issues of gender, ethnicity, popular culture, and western mythology will all learn something of value in this excellent book, the author's first. [End Page 248]

Richard W. Slatta Professor Emeritus of History
North Carolina State University Copyright © 2020 Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln ...


边缘人:丽贝卡·斯科菲尔德(Rebecca Scofield)在美国西部边缘的圈地(评论)



  • 边缘人:丽贝卡·斯科菲尔德(Rebecca Scofield)在美国西部边缘的圈地
  • 理查德·斯拉塔(Richard W. Slatta)
丽贝卡·斯科菲尔德(Rebecca Scofield)。西雅图:华盛顿大学出版社,2019年。ix + 240页。插图,笔记,索引,每卷27.95美元。

爱达荷大学美国历史学助理教授丽贝卡·斯科菲尔德(Rebecca Scofield)撰写了一份引人入胜,有见地,经过深入研究的社会和文化研究,对美国牛仔竞技圈中被遗忘或被忽视的参与者进行了研究。这项简短的研究巧妙地结合了基础史学,档案和机构文件以及性别和文化理论的坚实基础,所有这些都很好地反映了爱达荷州出生的作家在威拉米特和哈佛大学的培训。


有几章包括一些小型案例研究,这些案例增加了细节和连续性。挪威出生的安娜·玛蒂尔达·温格(Anna Mathilda Winger)十四岁时移民到美国,以蒂莉·鲍德温(Tillie Baldwin)的名字成为了牛仔竞技明星。对于非裔美国人的牛仔竞技表演,重点是Boley,俄克拉何马州和加利福尼亚的奥克兰。关于监狱牛仔竞技表演的章节清楚地表明:“德克萨斯监狱牛仔竞技表演了该州的剥削性暴力劳动体系,是通往社会救赎之路”(64)。她很好地将同性恋牛仔竞技场与其他同性恋亚文化(例如皮革工和熊)的其他信息相结合。



理查德·W·斯拉塔(Richard W. Slatta)
