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Briefs / Feuilletons
Fontes Artis Musicae ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1353/fam.2020.0037
Liza Vick , Santie de Jongh , Valia Vraka , Stephanie Merakos , Estelle Lowry

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Briefs / Feuilletons
  • Liza Vick, Santie de Jongh, Valia Vraka, Stephanie Merakos, and Estelle Lowry, Director

New Additions to RILM Music Encyclopedias. On 1 January 2021, RILM Music Encyclopedias will add three seminal works to its collection of historical and current titles:

  • • Richard Carlin. Country Music: A Biographical Dictionary (New York: Routledge, 2013).

  • • Gabriel Pareyón. Diccionario enciclopédico de música en México (Zapopan: Universidad Panamericana, 2006–2007).

  • • Jaimie Vernon. Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia(Scarborough, ON: Bullseye Canada, 2020).

With the addition of these titles, RILM Music Encyclopedias augments its coverage and depth, adding titles centered around North America as subject.

Transitions at the RISM Zentralredaktion. Klaus Keil, the longtime director of the RISM Zentralredaktion (Editorial Center) in Frankfurt, retired on 31 August 2020. The new director, as of 1 September 2020, is Dr Balázs Mikusi. Klaus Keil's association with the RISM Central Office began in 1982, when he was hired as a student worker when the office was still in Kassel. He became director of the Central Office, by now in Frankfurt, in 1991. He led RISM through many changes and milestones, especially technological ones, as the work of RISM moved from microfiche to CD-ROMs and finally to the publicly available online catalogue. His kindness and good spirit have been a stable force in RISM and are well known to the hundreds of RISM contributors who have worked with him over the decades. Upon his retirement, Klaus Keil was appointed a Member of the RISM Association by the RISM Board of Directors. His position was handed over to Balázs Mikusi, who holds a Ph.D. in musicology from Cornell University and was head of the Music Collection of the National Széchényi Library in Budapest from 2009 to 2020. He has served on the board of IAML as a vice-president and is a noted scholar of Haydn and Mozart, among others. While the retirement of Klaus Keil marks the end of an era, RISM welcomes this new chapter of leadership and is looking forward to the milestones to come.

The University of Pennsylvania Libraries has completed the digitisation of more than 2,500 items from the collection of Marian Anderson, one of the most celebrated singers of the twentieth century. The body of primary sources in the collection—including letters, diaries, journals, interviews, recital programmes, and private recordings—spans the Philadelphia-born contralto's six-decade career as a concert singer and advocate for social justice.

The digitisation project was funded in 2018 by a $110,000 grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The newly digitised materials complement a significant collection of four thousand photographs, which are also publicly accessible.

'Marian Anderson achieved worldwide renown as a singer while breaking racial barriers in the United States, and the Penn Libraries is honored to serve as custodian of her archival legacy', says Constantia Constantinou, H. Carton Rogers III Vice Provost and Director of the Penn Libraries. 'Through Anderson's digitized collection, scholars and students worldwide can discover and reflect on her life and career and further illuminate her social, cultural, and historical impact'. [End Page 363]

Marian Anderson (1897–1993) was born and raised in Philadelphia, with close ties to the community. Best known as an interpreter of art songs and spirituals, Anderson performed in diverse venues throughout her career, from schools and community centers to formal concert stages.

A world-renowned recitalist, Anderson was also a high-profile figure in the fight for Civil Rights. After having been denied permission by the Daughters of the American Revolution to perform for an integrated audience in Constitution Hall, Anderson famously performed an open-air concert for 75,000 people on Easter Sunday, 9 April 1939, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. Additionally, in 1955, she was the first Black singer to perform in a lead role on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.

Anderson officially retired from the stage in 1965. Her life and career continue to be celebrated and studied by a diverse group of learners from schoolchildren to musicologists and social historians. To facilitate the work of teachers, students, and researchers, the Penn Libraries...


内裤/ Feuilletons


  • 内裤/ Feuilletons
  • 丽莎维克,Santie德Jongh,Valia Vraka,斯蒂芬妮Merakos和埃斯特尔洛瑞,主任


  • 理查德·卡林(Richard Carlin)。《乡村音乐:传记字典》(纽约:Routledge,2013年)。

  • •加布里埃尔·帕雷昂(GabrielPareyón)。墨西哥音乐百科全书(Zapopan:美国巴拿马大学,2006–2007年)。

  • •杰米·弗农(Jaimie Vernon)。《加拿大流行音乐百科全书》(安大略省斯卡伯勒:加拿大Bullseye,2020年)。


RISM Zentralredaktion的过渡。法兰克福RISM Zentralredaktion(编辑中心)的长期总监克劳斯·基尔(Klaus Keil)于2020年8月31日退休。新任董事是巴拉兹·米库西(BalázsMikusi)博士,截至2020年9月1日。克劳斯·基尔(Klaus Keil)与RISM中央办公室的联系始于1982年,当时他仍在卡塞尔,当时他被聘为学生工作者。1991年,他成为了现在在法兰克福的中央办公室主任。随着RISM的工作从缩微胶片发展到CD-ROM,最后到公开的在线目录,他带领RISM经历了许多变革和里程碑,尤其是技术变革。他的善良和良好的精神一直是RISM的一支稳定力量,数十年来与他合作的数百名RISM贡献者都为他所熟知。他退休后 克劳斯·凯尔(Klaus Keil)被RISM董事会任命为RISM协会会员。他的职位已移交给拥有博士学位的BalázsMikusi。康奈尔大学音乐学博士,2009年至2020年担任布达佩斯国家塞切尼图书馆音乐收藏负责人。他曾担任IAML董事会副主席,是海顿(Haydn)和莫扎特(Mozart)的著名学者。尽管克劳斯·基尔(Klaus Keil)的退休标志着一个时代的结束,但RISM欢迎这一新的领导层,并期待未来的里程碑。他曾在IAML董事会任副主席,是海顿(Haydn)和莫扎特(Mozart)等著名学者。尽管克劳斯·基尔(Klaus Keil)的退休标志着一个时代的结束,但RISM欢迎这一新的领导层,并期待未来的里程碑。他曾在IAML董事会任副主席,是海顿(Haydn)和莫扎特(Mozart)等著名学者。尽管克劳斯·基尔(Klaus Keil)的退休标志着一个时代的结束,但RISM欢迎这一新的领导层,并期待未来的里程碑。

宾夕法尼亚大学图书馆已经完成了对20世纪最著名的歌手之一玛丽安·安德森(Marian Anderson)收藏的2500多种作品的数字化。唱片集的主要来源包括信件,日记,日记,访谈,独奏会节目和私人唱片,跨越了费城出生的controto作为演唱歌手和社会正义倡导者的十年职业生涯。


卡顿·罗杰斯三世副教务长兼宾州董事康斯坦丁·康斯坦丁努说:“玛丽安·安德森(Marian Anderson)在打破美国种族壁垒的同时,在歌手界享誉全球,宾州图书馆很荣幸担任她的档案遗产的保管人。”图书馆。“通过安德森的数字化收藏,全世界的学者和学生可以发现并反思她的生活和职业,并进一步阐明她的社会,文化和历史影响”。[完页363]

玛丽安·安德森(Marian Anderson,1897–1993年)在费城出生和成长,与社区有着密切的联系。安德森(Anderson)最著名的是对艺术歌曲和灵性的诠释,她在整个职业生涯中从学校,社区中心到正式的音乐会舞台,在各种场所演出。


