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Migration and Modernities: The State of Being Stateless, 1750–1850 ed. by JoEllen DeLucia and Juliet Shields (review)
Eighteenth-Century Fiction ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-23
Omar F. Miranda

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Reviewed by:

  • Migration and Modernities: The State of Being Stateless, 1750–1850 ed. by JoEllen DeLucia and Juliet Shields
  • Omar F. Miranda (bio)
Migration and Modernities: The State of Being Stateless, 1750–1850, ed. JoEllen DeLucia and Juliet Shields
Edinburgh University Press, 2019. 224pp. £75. ISBN 978-1474440349.

Accounts of literal and metaphorical, forced or voluntary, displace ment have been at the heart of the human story since ancient times. Consider The Epic of Gilgamesh, Ramayana, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, Sappho’s lyrics, and Sophocles’s plays as some indicators of the pre dominance of exilic narratives across the globe and ages. As John Simpson argues in the introduction to The Oxford Book of Exile, “Each of us is an exile ... We are exiles from our mother’s womb, from our child hood, from private happiness, from peace... The feeling of looking back for the last time, of setting our face to a new and possibly hostile world is one we all know” ([Oxford University Press, 1995], vii). But something about this universal truth changed during the eighteenth century and the age of revolution, in particular. The introduction of the free market system, the industrialization of urban [End Page 277] spaces, the emergence of the modern nation-state, and the growth and decline of empires are among the many phenomena that contributed to an unprecedented rise in migratory patterns across the world and a subsequent transformation of our modern consciousness.

Even though the global movements of the period caused major up heavals and population shifts, scholarship on this subject has been largely neglected. High praise is thus merited for the present volume, which has responded to this scholarly need through an interdisciplinary approach that brings together the fine work of both European and American scholars. Recovering and revising (literary) histories of mobility, these essays explore the “patterns, conditions, and experience of migration at a moment that we might characterize as the beginnings of modernity” (1). Migration and Modernities argues as a whole that the mass migrations and dislocations of the eighteenth century indel ibly transformed our modern subjectivity; it addresses the sense of rootlessness and estrangement that came to classify these decades. Tracking the effects of war, imperialism, tech nological advancements, and uneven development across cultures and emphasizing the experience of the “arrival and departure of migrants,” including that experienced by “itinerant laborers, vagrants, sailors, and soldiers” (5, 6), the volume focuses on the ruptures and removals from the comforts of place and the logic of the local, that is, one’s culture, com munity, and nation. The essays also explore the ironic relationship between the con solidation of political, ethnic borders and the politics and aesthetics of occlusion and exile. And for these scholars, such analysis is crucial to both individual and collective identity formations, including the construction and consolidation of the modern nation-state.

What makes Migration and Modernities impressive is that it fittingly introduces its subject matter on mobility, belonging, rights, and citizenship through a comparative and global framework. In the service of piecing together a “global literary history of migration” (7), it offers refreshing accounts on subjects within and well beyond Europe, from South America and Southeast Asia to South Africa. Readers are brought to chapters on Serbian and Peruvian migrations, as well as on the displacements of Native Americans, Turks, and enslaved African people. Of course, any such “global” scholarly aspiration limited to 224 pages must necessarily exclude migratory accounts from certain regions and ethnicities. Still, this collection is praiseworthy, especially when considering that in this period few records have been available for accurately charting the statistics of these migrations. As JoEllen DeLucia and Juliet Shields claim in their editors’ introduction, the eighteenth century lacked the mass print technologies of the nineteenth century that better equipped the dissemination of such knowledge and figures.

The eight essays are divided into two parts, with each half of the book resisting customary organizational methods according to nation, culture, or language; this atypical structure seems apt, given the vagaries of migrant [End Page 278] experience itself. The first part, “Moving Voices: Competing Perspectives on Migration,” shows the “alternatives to the domestic and realist fiction that shapes most studies of...


迁移与现代性:无国籍状态,1750年至1850年,第一版。JoEllen DeLucia和Juliet Shields撰写(评论)



  • 迁移与现代性:无国籍状态,1750年至1850年,第一版。乔·艾伦·德露西亚(JoEllen DeLucia)和朱丽叶·希尔兹(Juliet Shields)
  • 奥马尔·F·米兰达(生物)
移民与现代性:无国籍状态,1750–1850年,编辑。JoEllen DeLucia和Juliet Shields
爱丁堡大学出版社,2019年。224页。75英镑。ISBN 978-1474440349。

自古以来,文字和隐喻,强迫或自愿的流离失所一直是人类故事的核心。可以将吉尔伽美什史诗罗摩衍那奥德赛埃涅阿迪德,萨福的歌词和苏福克勒的戏剧视为全球和各个年龄段流放叙事占主导地位的一些指标。正如约翰·辛普森(John Simpson)在《牛津流亡书》的引言中所论述的那样,“我们每个人都是流亡者……我们是从母亲的子宫,孩子的引擎盖,私人的幸福,和平中流放的……最后一次回头的感觉,使我们的面孔焕然一新“敌对的世界可能是我们都知道的一个世界”([牛津大学出版社,1995年,vii)。但是,在18世纪和革命时代,有关这一普遍真理的事情发生了变化。自由市场体系的引入,城市[End Page 277]空间的工业化,现代民族国家的出现以及帝国的兴衰,都是造成整个地区迁徙模式空前增长的众多现象之一。世界以及我们现代意识的随后转变。

尽管这一时期的全球运动造成了重大的动荡和人口转移,但有关这一主题的学术研究却在很大程度上被忽略了。因此,本卷应受到高度赞扬,该卷通过一种跨学科的方法来满足这一学术需求,该方法汇集了欧美学者的出色著作。在恢复和修改(文学)流动性历史的过程中,这些论文探讨了“在我们可能被描述为现代性开始的那一刻,移民的模式,条件和经历”(1)。移民与现代性总体上说,十八世纪的大规模迁徙和流离失所确实改变了我们的现代主体性;它解决了将近几十年来归类的无根和疏离感。追踪战争,帝国主义,技术进步和跨文化发展不平衡的影响,并强调“移民到达和离开”的经历,包括“流动劳工,流浪者,水手和士兵的经历”(5、6 ),重点放在舒适的地方的破裂和破坏以及当地的逻辑,即一个人的文化,社区和民族。文章还探讨了政治,种族边界的巩固与政治和闭塞与流放美学之间的讽刺关系。对于这些学者,


八篇论文分为两个部分,每半本书都针对民族,文化或语言而抵制习惯的组织方法。考虑到流动人口的变幻莫测[End Page 278],这种非典型结构似乎很合适。第一部分,“感动之声:关于移民的竞争观点”,显示了“国内和现实小说的替代品,这些替代品构成了大多数关于...的研究”。
