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The Francis Daniel Pastorius Reader ed. by Patrick M. Erben et al. (review)
Early American Literature ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1353/eal.2021.0026
Alexander Lawrence Ames

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Reviewed by:

  • The Francis Daniel Pastorius Reader ed. by Patrick M. Erben et al.
  • Alexander Lawrence Ames (bio)
The Francis Daniel Pastorius Reader
patrick m. erben, alfred l. brophy and margo m. lambert, editors
Pennsylvania State University Press, 2019
451 pp.

"I sing the Pilgrim of a softer clime," wrote the abolitionist, Quaker, and Fireside Poet John Greenleaf Whittier in his well-known poem "The Pennsylvania Pilgrim," published in a volume of the same name in 1872. In the verse, Whittier sought to call attention to one of his faith tradition's notable early historical forebears: Francis Daniel Pastorius, a mystical German immigrant to Pennsylvania who settled Germantown (near Philadelphia) in 1683 and promptly converted to the English sect. "I sing the blue-eyed Spener taught, / Through whose veiled, mystic faith the Inward Light, / Steady and still, an easy brightness, shone." Pastorius the man—spiritualist and early modern thinker—can feel quite distant from modern times. As Whittier underscores, however, the German Quaker's place in American history is secured, in no small part because he was an early antislavery advocate. The Francis Daniel Pastorius Reader presents, for the first time, a thoroughly accessible panoply of Pastorius's work, opening a window into the intellectual world of a fascinating early American literary figure. The Reader will be of interest not only to scholars who stand to benefit from a more extensive familiarity with Pastorius's archive but also to instructors interested in expanding the voices of early American literature presented in their courses.

The Pastorius Reader is an important contribution to scholarship, making available a wide selection of Pastorius's most important writings while helping readers contextualize the works' significance to early American cultural history. "Pastorius's work is so valuable today because of the unique path he took both to his experience in America and to the clash between [End Page 305] old and new knowledge systems," the editors explain (ix). His body of work "grants readers today a panoramic vision of the influx of ideas to early America and their circulation throughout the Atlantic world" (x). The book presents ample evidence in support of its positioning of "Pastorius as thinker, reader, and collector of knowledge" (11). Thorough front matter consisting in part of a preface, editorial notes, and biographical details is followed by an in-depth introduction and two sections of edited writings. The first section comprises Pastorius's printed works, the second his oeuvre in manuscript. Together, the selections offer a nuanced view of Pastorius's intellectual life, with writings ranging on topics from the establishment of Germantown to poetry, private letters, and reflections on matters medical and scientific. Ten images of Pastorius's print and manuscript writings remind readers of the material realities that shape engagement with his works. The editors pay close attention to Pastorius's attitudes on slavery and Native American relations, helping to connect this esoteric figure to key issues in American social and cultural history.

The Francis Daniel Pastorius Reader presents wonderful opportunities for classroom use, coupled with some obstacles, given what, for many students, will be the challenging nature of the writings presented in the book. These issues can be addressed by scaffolding students' exploration of the Reader with historical and literary context. The second section of the book, focusing on Pastorius's manuscripts, is the most fascinating from a teaching standpoint. Instructors considering use of the book in the classroom should be aware that Pastorius's most famous manuscript, the "Beehive" commonplace book, has been digitized by the University of Pennsylvania and is accessible online (http://hdl.library.upenn.edu/1017/d/medren/9924875473503681). The Reader features extensive excerpts from the Beehive, meaning that instructors could easily design a primary-source activity in which students engage with selections from the manuscript and gain a larger sense of Pastorius's oeuvre from the Reader. (Other documents in Pastorius's hand have been digitized by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, https://digitallibrary.hsp.org/.) The Reader also includes bibliographies of the various texts Pastorius features in the Beehive. An engaging classroom use of digital resources would be to task students with reconstructing Pastorius's thought world by finding editions of works quoted...


弗朗西斯·丹尼尔·帕斯托里乌斯(Francis Daniel Pastorius)读者编辑。由Patrick M.Erben等撰写。(审查)



  • 弗朗西斯·丹尼尔·帕斯托里乌斯(Francis Daniel Pastorius)读者编辑。由Patrick M.Erben等撰写。
  • 亚历山大·劳伦斯·埃姆斯(生物)
帕特里克·米。厄尔本阿尔弗雷德湖 布罗菲马尔戈岛 兰伯特,编辑
451 pp。

废奴主义者奎克(Quaker)和炉边诗人约翰·格林利夫·惠提尔(John Greenleaf Whittier)在他的著名诗作《宾夕法尼亚朝圣者》中写道:“我唱的是较软的朝圣者。”这本同名书籍于1872年出版。惠提尔(Whittier)试图提请人们注意他的信仰传统中最著名的早期历史先祖之一:弗朗西斯·丹尼尔·帕斯托里乌斯(Francis Daniel Pastorius),他是宾夕法尼亚州的神秘德国移民,他于1683年定居在德国城(费城附近),并迅速转变为英国教派。“我唱着蓝眼睛的斯潘纳教的,/通过它面纱般神秘的信仰,向内发光,/稳定而又轻松地发光。” 帕斯托里乌斯(Pastorius)是精神主义者和近代早期思想家,他与现代人之间的距离很远。然而,正如惠提尔所强调的那样,德国贵格会弗朗西斯·丹尼尔·帕斯托里乌斯(Francis Daniel Pastorius)的读者首次展示了帕斯托里乌斯作品的一本通俗易懂的全景图,这为进入美国早期迷人文学人物的知识世界打开了一扇窗户。该读者将有兴趣不仅是谁的立场,以获益于Pastorius的存档更广泛熟悉的学者也有意拓展美国早期文学在他们的课程提出的声音导师。

Pastorius读者是学术的重要贡献,使得Pastorius的最重要的著作提供了多种选择,同时帮助读者情境的作品的意义美国早期的文化历史。“帕斯托里乌斯的工作之所以今天如此有价值,是因为他既走了自己在美国的经历,又走上了[End Page 305]之间的冲突之路。以及对医学和科学问题的思考。Pastorius的印刷品和手稿作品的十幅图像使读者想起了与他的作品互动的物质现实。编辑密切关注Pastorius对奴隶制和美洲原住民关系的态度,从而帮助将这个神秘的人物与美国社会和文化历史上的关键问题联系起来。

弗朗西斯·丹尼尔·帕斯托里乌斯(Francis Daniel Pastorius)的读者提供了绝佳的课堂使用机会,同时也遇到了一些障碍,因为对于许多学生而言,这将是本书中提出的挑战性内容。这些问题可以通过在历史和文学背景下支持学生对读者的探索来解决。从教学的角度来看,本书的第二部分侧重于Pastorius的手稿,是最令人着迷的。考虑在教室中使用本书的讲师应注意,帕斯托里乌斯最著名的手稿“蜂巢”平凡的书已由宾夕法尼亚大学进行了数字化处理,并可在线访问(http://hdl.library.upenn.edu/ 1017 / d / medren / 9924875473503681)。该阅读器该功能摘自Beehive的大量摘录,这意味着教师可以轻松地设计主要来源的活动,让学生与手稿中的选择进行互动,并从读者那里获得Pastorius的丰富感。(Pastorius手中的其他文件已由宾夕法尼亚州历史学会进行了数字化处理,网址为https://digitallibrary.hsp.org/。)阅读器中还包括Beehive中Pastorius功能的各种文献的参考书目。课堂上对数字资源的一种吸引人的使用方式是,通过查找被引用的作品的版本,要求学生重建Pastorius的思想世界。
