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Notes on Contributors
Early American Literature Pub Date : 2021-02-10 , DOI: 10.1353/eal.2021.0029

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  • Notes on Contributors

alexander lawrence ames is the author of The Word in the Wilderness: Popular Piety and the Manuscript Arts in Early Pennsylvania (Penn State UP, 2020) and the host of Cloister Talk: The Pennsylvania German Material Texts Podcast. He works as Collections Engagement Manager at the Rosenbach, a historic house museum and special collections library affiliated with the Free Library of Philadelphia. He holds an MA in American material culture and a PhD in history of American civilization and museum studies from the University of Delaware.

sharada balachandran orihuela is associate professor of English and comparative literature at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her first book, Fugitives, Smugglers, and Thieves: Piracy and Personhood in Hemispheric American Literature (U of North Carolina P, 2018), examines depictions of illegal trade and makes them prominent in the analysis of American literature and in the construction of minoritarian racial, national, and gendered identities in the US. Her articles and reviews have appeared in American Literary History, Arizona Quarterly, J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, Environmental Communication, MELUS, and e-misférica.

joshua david bellin teaches literature and writing at La Roche University. He has published numerous works that explore the intersection of American and Indigenous literary study, including The Demon of the Continent: Indians and the Shaping of American Literature (U of Pennsylvania P, 2001), Medicine Bundle: Indian Sacred Performance and American Literature, 1824–1932 (U of Pennsylvania P, 2007), and an essay on Thoreau and Indian performance that won the inaugural Herbert Ross Brown Prize in New England Literary History from the New England Quarterly. In his free time, he draws political cartoons and writes environmentally themed science fiction and fantasy novels.

lisa blee is associate professor of history at Wake Forest University, where she teaches courses in public history, environmental history, and the US West. Her research focuses on historical memory, monuments, and Indigenous history. She is the author of Framing Chief Leschi: Narratives and the Politics of Historical Justice (U of North Carolina P, 2014) and coauthor (with Jean O'Brien) of Monumental Mobility: The Memory Work of Massasoit (U of North Carolina P, 2019).

rachel byington (she/her), a citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, centers her work on serving American Indian communities particularly in the education realm including policy, professional development, and programming. She received her associate's degree from Madison College, and her bachelor's, master's, and PhD in the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her master's thesis focused on the role of American Indian cultural programming on urban American Indian youth. Her dissertation focused on the impact of Act 31 (Wisconsin's requirement for public schools to teach about the history, culture, and sovereignty of the tribes in Wisconsin) on urban American Indian youth. She is married and has three kids and three grandkids.

elisabeth ceppi is professor of English at Portland State University and the author of Invisible Masters: Gender, Race, and the Economy of Service in Early New England (Dartmouth UP, 2018).

paul conrad is an assistant professor of history and English at the University of Texas at Arlington. He holds a BA from Stony Brook University and an MA and PhD from UT-Austin. His book, The Apache Diaspora: Four Centuries of Displacement and Survival, is forthcoming from U of Pennsylvania P in April 2021 and was supported by fellowships at the Clement Center for Southwest Studies and the McNeil Center for Early American Studies. He is currently at work on a second project examining the role of Native interpreters in the colonial North American West.

daniel diez couch is assistant professor of English at the US Air Force Academy, where he teaches eighteenthand nineteenth-century American literature. He is currently at work on a book manuscript that examines the history of literary fragments, portions of which have appeared in Early American Literature and The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation. Other essays of his have appeared in venues including Early American Studies and Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory.

tom cutterham is a senior lecturer in US history at the University of Birmingham, in the United Kingdom. His...




  • 贡献者注意事项

亚历山大·劳伦斯·埃姆斯Alexander Lawrence ames)是《荒野之道:宾夕法尼亚州早期的虔诚与手稿艺术》(宾夕法尼亚州立大学,2020年)的作者,也是闭门演讲:宾夕法尼亚州德国物质文本播客的主持人。他在罗森巴赫(Rosenbach)担任馆藏项目经理,罗森巴赫(Rosenbach)是一家历史悠久的房屋博物馆,并隶属于费城免费图书馆(Free Library)的特别馆藏。他拥有特拉华大学的美国物质文化硕士学位和美国文明史以及博物馆研究博士学位。

sharada balachandran orihuela是马里兰大学学院公园分校的英语和比较文学副教授。她的第一本书《逃犯,走私者和小偷:半球美国文学中的海盗行为和人格》(北卡罗莱纳州大学,2018年),研究了对非法贸易的描述,并使它们在美国文学分析和少数民族种族主义建设中脱颖而出。 ,美国的民族和性别身份。她的文章和评论发表在《美国文学史》,《亚利桑那季刊》,《 J19:19世纪美国主义者杂志》,《环境传播》,《 MELUS》和《e-misférica》上

约书亚·大卫·贝林(Joshua David Bellin)在拉罗什大学(La Roche University)教授文学和写作。他发表了许多探索美国本土文学研究交叉点的著作,包括《大陆的恶魔:印第安人与美国文学的塑造》(宾夕法尼亚大学,2001年),《医学捆绑:印第安人的神圣表演和美国文学》,1824年。 –1932年(宾夕法尼亚大学,2007年),以及一篇有关梭罗和印度表演的文章,获得了《新英格兰季刊》颁发的新英格兰文学史首届赫伯特·罗斯·布朗奖。闲暇时,他画政治漫画,并撰写以环境为主题的科幻小说和奇幻小说。

丽莎·布莱(Lisa Blee)是维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)历史副教授,在这里教授公共历史,环境历史和美国西部的课程。她的研究重点是历史记忆,古迹和土著历史。她是《框架首席莱斯基:叙事与历史正义的政治》(北卡罗莱纳州大学,2014年)的作者,也是《移动性:马萨索伊特的记忆工作》(北卡罗莱纳州大学的U,与Jean O'Brien合作)的合著者, 2019)。

俄克拉荷马州乔克托民族(Choctaw Nation)的公民瑞秋·比灵顿rachel byington)(她)的工作重点是为美洲印第安人社区提供服务,尤其是在教育领域,包括政策,职业发展和计划制定。她在麦迪逊学院获得副学士学位,并在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的人类生态学院获得学士,硕士学位和博士学位。她的硕士论文重点研究了美洲印第安人文化计划对都市印第安人青年的作用。她的论文着眼于第31号法案(威斯康星州要求公立学校传授威斯康星州部落的历史,文化和主权的要求)对美国印第安城市青年的影响。她已婚,有三个孩子和三个孙子。

elisabeth ceppi是波特兰州立大学的英语教授,着有《看不见的大师:新英格兰早期的性别,种族和服务经济》(达特茅斯UP,2018年)一书的作者。

保罗·康拉德(Paul Paul Conrad)是德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校历史和英语的助理教授。他拥有石溪大学的文学士学位和UT-奥斯汀的硕士学位和博士学位。他的书《阿帕奇侨民:四个世纪的流离失所与生存》将于2021年4月从宾夕法尼亚大学(Pennsylvania P)发行,并得到Clement西南研究中心和McNeil早期美国研究中心的研究金支持。目前,他正在开展第二个项目,研究北美口译在殖民地西部地区的作用。

丹尼尔·迪茨·长沙发daniel diezouch)是美国空军学院的英语助理教授,在那儿他教授十九世纪八十年代的美国文学。他目前正在研究一部手抄本,探讨文学作品的历史,其中一部分出现在美国早期文学《十八世纪:理论与解释》中。他的其他文章也出现在包括《美国早期研究》和《亚利桑那季刊:美国文学,文化和理论杂志》在内的场所。

汤姆·卡特勒姆Tom Cuterham)是英国伯明翰大学美国历史的高级讲师。他的...
