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The Global Climate Ledger
Dissent ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1353/dss.2021.0018
Adam Tooze

The gilets jaunes protests haunt global climate politics. The weeks of demonstrations and clashes with police that began in France in November 2018 were triggered by the announcement of steep increases in gas prices, at a time when President Emmanuel Macron’s government was slashing taxes on wealth. It was an egregious political misstep, which has put the question of “just transition” at the top of the climate agenda. If a rapid energy transition is to be possible in affluent but highly unequal democracies, the gilets jaunes protesters served notice that distributional questions could not be ignored.



背心衫jaunes抗议困扰着全球气候政治。自2018年11月在法国开始的为期数周的示威和与警察的冲突是由于宣布天然气价格急剧上涨而引发的,当时总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)的政府正在削减财富税。这是一个令人震惊的政治失误,这将“公正过渡”问题放在了气候议程的首位。如果要在富裕但高度不平等的民主国家实现迅速的能源转型,则穿着黄色背心的抗议者注意到,分配问题不可忽视。
