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Conradiana Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1353/cnd.2017.0020
Katherine Isobel Baxter , Yael Levin

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Introduction
  • Katherine Isobel Baxter (bio) and Yael Levin (bio)

Conrad scholarship is forever widening its reach. Over the years scholars have turned their attention to questions of biography, composition, and publishing history, geography, politics, identity, sexuality, language, translation, adaptation, medicine, music, food, finance, and more. Among this cornucopia of scholarship certain key issues emerge, notably identity, international and transnational concerns, and the life of the man himself. It is striking that these themes are also those which shape the key publications of one of the field's leading scholars, Robert Hampson. From Joseph Conrad: Betrayal and Identity (1992), through Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad's Malay Fiction (2000) to Conrad's Secrets (2012), Hampson's critical work anticipates and shapes these issues in Conrad scholarship.

On February 17, 2018, a symposium was held at Senate House in London to celebrate Hampson's work on the occasion of his retirement from Royal Holloway. The symposium brought together colleagues, collaborators, and former doctoral students who worked with Hampson over the years. The articles collected here developed out of that event. Our broad theme was "Space and Geography in Conrad's Fiction" and, in keeping with the variety of approaches noted above, contributors brought to the theme a striking array of perspectives.

This critical range notwithstanding, the articles collected here all demonstrate the huge impact of what has commonly come to be designated the "spatial" turn on how we adopt and adapt our approaches to Conrad. This critical turn in literary studies can be traced back to the work of poststructuralists, social theorists, and geographers of the 1970's. Fredric Jameson's Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) follows the shift heralded by such thinkers as Michel Foucault, Henri Lefebvre, and David Harvey in articulating the need to attend to this particular critical focus. For Jameson, the transition should be understood as a historical marker of critical change. He [End Page 1] writes: "Our psychic experience, our cultural languages, are today dominated by categories of space rather than by categories of time, as in the preceding period of high modernism" (16). Space emerges as the dominant historical, cultural, and literary trope, superseding time. Moreover, in Jameson's reading, this transition traces a fault line between modernism and postmodernism.

The stakes of this critical shift are helpfully unpacked in Robert T. Tally, Jr.'s introduction to The Routledge Handbook of Literature and Space:

Whereas it had once seemed that the nineteenth century had been dominated by a discourse of time, history, and teleological development and a modernist aesthetic of the early twentieth century enshrined the temporal dimension, especially with respect to individual psychology, and—apart from interest in mere setting, regionalism, or local color, perhaps—matters of geography, topography, or spatiality played a subordinate role in critical scholarship and teaching. In the great works of realism and modernism, at least in the most influential scholarship devoted to them, time maintained its supremacy, with both history and temporality dominating the discourse, while geography and a sense of place were in many cases relegated to secondary status. Whereas time represented narrative development and change, space was often viewed as mere background or an empty container in which the unfolding of events over some durée could take place. In recent literary and cultural studies, notably with the advent of postmodernism and postcolonial theory, but also in other interdisciplinary approaches to literature, space has reemerged as a principal concern.


The significant reconceptualizations of space emerging in the latter half of the twentieth century offer methods to read against the time-centered modernist ethos. They stake out a new critical engagement with a new literary and cultural aesthetic.

More recently, scholarly efforts to widen the scope of traditional modernist studies helpfully intervene in what has come to be seen as an artificial epistemic divide between time-bound modernism and space-bound postmodernism. Rather than follow the rule of different methodologies for different literary moments, such studies draw from the insights of current writing on space in order to reconsider canonical modernist texts. Andrew Thacker's Moving through Modernity: Space and Geography in Modernism proceeds from the premise that "Jameson's distinction between...




  • 介绍
  • 凯瑟琳·伊索贝尔·巴克斯特(生物)和耶尔·莱文(生物)

康拉德奖学金将永远扩大其范围。多年来,学者们将注意力转向传记,组成和出版历史,地理,政治,身份,性,语言,翻译,改编,医学,音乐,食品,金融等问题。在这种奖学金的聚宝盆中,出现了一些关键问题,特别是身份,国际和跨国问题以及该人本人的生活。令人惊讶的是,这些主题也是塑造该领域领先学者之一罗伯特·汉普森(Robert Hampson)的主要出版物的主题。从约瑟夫·康拉德:背叛与身份(1992),到约瑟夫·康拉德的马来小说(2000)的跨文化遭遇到康拉德的秘密 (2012年),汉普森的批判工作在康拉德奖学金中预见并塑造了这些问题。


尽管有这个关键的范围,但这里收集的所有文章都证明了通常被称为“空间”变化的巨大影响,对我们采用和适应Conrad的方法产生了巨大的影响。文学研究的这一重要转折可以追溯到1970年代的后结构主义者,社会理论家和地理学家的工作。弗雷德里克·詹姆森(Fredric Jameson)的《后现代主义》(或称《后期资本主义的文化逻辑》, 1991年)紧随米歇尔·福柯,亨利·勒菲弗尔和戴维·哈维等思想家所倡导的转变,阐明了必须关注这一特定的批判焦点。对于詹姆森而言,过渡应该被理解为重大变革的历史标志。他[第1页结束]写道:“今天,我们的心理经验,我们的文化语言,是由空间类别而不是时间类别所支配的,就像在上个高度现代主义时期一样”(16)。太空逐渐成为历史,文化和文学主流,取代了时间。而且,在詹姆森的著作中,这种转变追溯了现代主义和后现代主义之间的断层线。

小罗伯特·塔利(Robert T. Tally)在《鲁特利奇文学与空间手册》的介绍中,对这一重大转变的意义进行了有益的整理




最近,学者们为扩大传统现代主义研究的范围所做的努力有助于干预了被视为有时限的现代主义与时空限制的后现代主义之间的人为的认识论鸿沟。此类研究不是从针对不同文学时刻的不同方法论出发,而是从当前关于空间的著作的见解中汲取灵感,以便重新考虑规范的现代主义文本。安德鲁·塔克(Andrew Thacker)的《穿越现代性:现代主义中的空间与地理》的前提是“詹姆森在...
