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Configurations ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1353/con.2021.0008

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  • Contributors

Rachel Boccio is an assistant professor of English at LaGuardia Community College in the City University of New York. Her scholarly interests range widely across the American nineteenth century, with a focus on literature, education, incarceration, and sovereignty. Her work has appeared in Pedagogy, Rethinking Schools, The Edgar Allan Poe Review, The Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, and in the edited collection Critical Insights: Frederick Douglass. Before joining the faculty at LaGuardia, Dr. Boccio taught English and American literature for two decades at John R. Manson Youth Institution, a maximum-security prison for adolescent males in Connecticut. An essay drawing on this work will appear in the forthcoming MLA volume, Approaches to Teaching Literature and Writing in Prison.

Helen J. Burgess is an associate professor of English at NC State University, where she teaches in the Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media PhD Program. She works in electronic literature, rhetoric, critical making, and interdisciplinary media studies, wherein she explores cross-pollinations between new media, poetics, electronics, and traditional crafting practices. Her previous coauthored works include Red Planet, Biofutures: Owning Body Parts and Information, Highways of the Mind, and Intimate Fields. She is editor of Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures.

Rebecca Falkoff is an assistant professor of Italian studies at New York University. Her first book, Possessed: A Cultural History of Hoarding (forthcoming, Cornell University Press), traces hoarding from object-oriented manias of the nineteenth century (bibliomania, oniomania, kleptomania) to the fraught materialisms of the twenty-first century. She is currently working on a second book, Modernity in the Air, which studies the development and implementation of industrial processes used to fix atmospheric nitrogen to offer an aerial view of the changing loci of scarcity and abundance, utility and waste that define modernity.

Carlos Gámez-Pérez works as a research associate at the Dr. Bofill Chair on Science and the Humanities at the Universitat de Girona. He holds a PhD in romance studies from the University of Miami, with a dissertation on the relationship between science, technology, and culture in contemporary Spain published by Editorial Academia del Hispanismo (2018). He is currently working on a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, where he analyzes, from an ecocritical perspective, the discourses on nature in the Spanish narrative of the period 1950– 1980. His novel, Immigration: The Contest, was translated into English in 2020.

Yoshiko Iwai is a writer from Japan who received her MS in narrative medicine and MFA in creative nonfiction from Columbia University. She is currently a student at UNC School of Medicine in Chapel Hill. She has facilitated narrative medicine workshops at Columbia University and NYU School of Medicine and has taught creative writing at a correctional center in New York City. Her research focuses on oncologic care for incarcerated individuals. She is published in Scientific American, The Lancet, Academic Medicine, Journal of Medical Humanities, and Columbia Journal.

Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri is an assistant professor of English, Department of Languages, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Amaravati, India. Her area of research is graphic medicine and health humanities. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the representation of the female body in breast cancer graphic narratives. She has published research papers in journals such as Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, IUP Journal of English Studies, and Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, among others. She has presented research on comics and medical humanities in several national and international conferences.

Charlotte Kroløkke is a professor in cultural studies at the University of Southern Denmark. She works to develop feminist cultural studies and science technology perspectives on cryo-materials, including the preservation of human and animal reproductive bits, pet DNA, plant seeds, and the preservation of whole human and pet bodies. Her work has been published in Science, Technology, & Human Values, Social Studies of Science, Journal of Consumer Culture, Women’s Studies in Communication, Cultural Politics, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Text and Performance Quarterly, and European Journal of Women’s Studies.

Hannah Markley is a Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She received her PhD from Emory University in 2017. Her work has appeared in European Romantic Review...




  • 贡献者

Rachel Boccio是纽约城市大学拉瓜迪亚社区学院的英语助理教授。她的学术兴趣遍及整个美国19世纪,侧重于文学,教育,监禁和主权。她的作品出现在《教育学》,《重新思考学校》《埃德加·爱伦坡评论》《纳撒尼尔·霍桑评论》以及编辑的《关键见解:弗雷德里克·道格拉斯》中。。在加入拉瓜迪亚学院之前,Boccio博士在约翰·R·曼森青年研究所(John R. Manson Youth Institution)教授了英语和美国文学长达二十年之久。在即将出版的MLA卷《监狱中的文学教学和写作方法》中将发表一篇有关这项工作的论文。

海伦·伯吉斯Helen J. Burgess)是北卡罗来纳州立大学的英语副教授,在该校教授传播,修辞学和数字媒体博士学位课程。她从事电子文学,修辞学,批判性创作和跨学科媒体研究的工作,其中她探索了新媒体,诗学,电子学和传统手工艺之间的交叉授粉。她之前与他人合着的著作包括《红色星球》,《生物未来:拥有身体的部位和信息》《心灵的高速公路》和《亲密的田野》。她是《Hyperrhiz:新媒体文化》的编辑。

丽贝卡·福柯夫Rebecca Falkoff)是纽约大学意大利研究的助理教授。她的第一本书《拥有:A积的文化历史》(康奈尔大学出版社即将出版)追溯了从19世纪面向对象的躁狂症(藏书狂,鬼躁狂躁症,kleptomania)到二十一世纪烦恼的唯物主义的ho积。她目前正在撰写第二本书《空气中的现代性》,该书研究了用于固定大气氮的工业过程的开发和实施,以鸟瞰定义现代性的稀缺性,丰度,效用和废物的变化轨迹。

卡洛斯·加米斯·佩雷斯(CarlosGámez-Pérez)在赫罗纳大学Bofill博士的科学与人文科学系担任研究助理。他获得了迈阿密大学的浪漫研究博士学位,并发表了《现代西班牙》中科学,技术和文化之间的关系的论文,该论文由《西班牙学术研究》(Editorial Academia del Hispanismo)发表(2018年)。他目前正在由西班牙科学与创新部资助的研究项目中,从生态批评的角度分析1950-1980年西班牙叙事中关于自然的论述。他的小说《移民:竞赛》The Immigration:The Contest)在2020年被翻译成英文。

岩井良子(Yoshiko Iwai)是一位日本作家,从哥伦比亚大学获得了叙事医学硕士学位和非小说类创意文学硕士学位。她目前是教堂山UNC大学的学生。她曾在哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学医学院举办叙事医学研讨会,并在纽约市教养中心教授创意写作。她的研究专注于对被监禁者的肿瘤治疗。她发表在“科学美国人”“柳叶刀”学术医学“医学人文杂志”和“哥伦比亚杂志”上

Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri是印度阿马拉瓦蒂市韦洛尔技术学院社会科学和语言学院语言系英语的助理教授。她的研究领域是图形医学和健康人文科学。她的博士论文着重于乳腺癌图形叙事中女性身体的表征。她在《同心:文学与文化研究》,《IUP英语研究》和《图形小说与漫画杂志》等期刊上发表了研究论文。她在多个国家和国际会议上介绍了有关漫画和医学人文学科的研究。


汉娜·马克利Hannah Markley)是佐治亚理工学院的Marion L. Brittain博士后研究员。她于2017年获得埃默里大学(Emory University)博士学位。她的作品出现在《欧洲浪漫评论》European Romantic Review)上。
