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Book History Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1353/bh.2020.0011

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  • Contributors

David Bordelon is Professor of English at Ocean County College in Toms River, New Jersey. His publications include essays and chapters on nineteenth-century popular fiction, American book history, and graphic narratives.

Mohamed Cheriet is Full Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering at University of Quebec's Ecole de technologie supérieure. He is the director of Synchromedia, a laboratory for Multimedia Communications in Telepresence. He is the Director General of the FRQNT Strategic Cluster on the Operationalization of Sustainability Development (2019–25).

Jennifer J. Connor is Professor of Medical Humanities in the Faculty of Medicine, cross-appointed to the Department of History, and affiliated with the Department of Gender Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada. In 2015 she received both the Marie Tremaine Medal and the Watters-Morley Prize of the Bibliographical Society of Canada in recognition of her historical and bibliographical scholarship that focuses on medical book culture. She is a former editor of the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, and long ago, former co-editor of the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History.

Charlotte Eubanks is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Japanese, and Asian Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. She has a PhD from the University of Colorado and focuses on material culture, performance studies, and ethics, especially in Japanese and Buddhist literature from the medieval period to the present. She has published a monograph, Miracles of Book and Body: Buddhist Textual Culture and Medieval Japan (California, 2011) and is currently busy with a book on the politics of transwar Japanese visual culture. Her articles have appeared in a wide range of journals, and she is also an Associate Editor at Verge: Studies in Global Asias.

Laura Jeffries is Professor of English at Florida State College at Jacksonville, where she teaches British and American literature, race and ethnicity in American culture, and college composition. Her publications include an examination of "The White Man's Burden" as a meme in 21st-century white supremacist internet communities; a study of language among young women's internet cultures; and several articles about the English Reformation, early English Bible translations and The Book of Common Prayer, and the history of Irish penal laws. She holds an MA from Virginia Commonwealth University and a PhD in Literature from Emory University.

Craig Kallendorf is Professor of English and Classics at Texas A&M University. He has published collection catalogues for the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas (with Maria Wells) and the Princeton University Library, along with three book-length bibliographies, a number of articles, and a monograph, The Protean Virgil: Material Form and the Reception of the Classics (Oxford, 2015), in book history. Along with Lisa Pon, he organized a conference on the book in Venice and co-edited the proceedings as The Books of Venice/Il libro veneziano (Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana and Oak Knoll Press, 2008). His current research focuses on the censorship of classical texts in the Renaissance.

Mary Catherine Kinniburgh received her PhD in English from The Graduate Center, CUNY, where she edited archival documents for Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, including materials by Gregory Corso and Sister Mary Norbert Korte. She has taught at Brooklyn College, served as a literary manuscripts specialist in the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature at The New York Public Library, and worked as a Digital Fellow at CUNY. She is currently Archives and Rare Books Associate at Granary Books, an independent publisher that facilitates the organization, preservation, and sale of archives of contemporary artists and authors.

Leila Koivunen is a Professor in the Department of European and World History at the University of Turku, Finland. Her research interests include the history of European imagination and representation of the non-Western world, the culture of display, and the processes of knowledge formation. Her doctoral dissertation (Routledge, 2009) traced the roots of stereotyped European imagery of Africa by focusing on the practices of visual representation and illustration processes of travel accounts in the latter part of the nineteenth century.

Andrew Piper is Professor and William Dawson Scholar in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at...




  • 贡献者

David Bordelon是新泽西州汤姆斯河海洋县学院的英语教授。他的出版物包括有关19世纪流行小说,美国书籍历史和图形叙事的文章和章节。

Mohamed Cheriet是魁北克大学技术学院系统工程系的正教授。他是网真多媒体通信实验室Synchromedia的负责人。他是FRQNT可持续发展运营战略小组的总干事(2019-25年)。

詹妮弗·康纳Jennifer J. Connor)是医学系医学人文科学教授,交叉任命给历史系,并隶属于加拿大圣约翰纽芬兰纪念大学性别研究系。2015年,她获得了玛丽·特里曼奖章和加拿大书目协会的Watters-Morley奖,以表彰她专注于医学书籍文化的历史和书目奖学金。她是加拿大书目学会论文的前编辑,很久以前是《加拿大医学史通报》的前合编。

夏洛特·尤班克斯Charlotte Eubanks)是宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)比较文学,日语和亚洲研究的副教授。她拥有科罗拉多大学的博士学位,侧重于物质文化,表演研究和伦理学,尤其是从中世纪到现在的日本和佛教文学。她出版了专着《书与身体的奇迹:佛教文字文化与日本中世纪》(加利福尼亚,2011年),目前正忙着写一本关于跨战日本视觉文化政治的书。她的文章发表在各种期刊上,并且还是《Verge:全球亚洲研究》的副编辑。

劳拉·杰弗里斯Laura Jeffries)是杰克逊维尔佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State College)的英语教授,在那里她教授英美文学,美国文化中的种族和民族以及大学组成。她的出版物包括“白人的负担”作为21米姆检查ST -century白人至上主义者网络社区; 对年轻妇女的互联网文化中的语言进行研究;以及有关英语改革,早期英语圣经翻译和《共同祈祷书》以及爱尔兰刑法历史的几篇文章。她拥有弗吉尼亚联邦大学的文学硕士学位和埃默里大学的文学博士学位。

克雷格·卡伦多夫Craig Kallendorf)是德克萨斯农工大学的英语和古典学教授。他已经出版了德克萨斯大学哈里·兰瑟姆中心(与玛丽亚·威尔斯一起)和普林斯顿大学图书馆的藏书目录,以及三本书本长的书目,多篇文章以及专着《 Protean Virgil:材料形式》和《 The Protean Virgil:Material Form and书史上的经典著作(牛津,2015年)。他与丽莎·庞(Lisa Pon)一起在威尼斯组织了一次关于这本书的会议,并共同编辑了《威尼斯的书》 /《自由图书馆》(Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana和Oak Knoll出版社,2008年)。他目前的研究重点是文艺复兴时期对古典文本的审查。

玛丽·凯瑟琳·金尼伯格(Mary Catherine Kinniburgh)在纽约市立大学研究生中心获得英语博士学位,在那里她为《失物招领:纽约市立大学诗学文献倡议》编辑了档案文件,其中包括格雷戈里·科索(Gregory Corso)和修女玛丽·诺伯特·科特(Mary Norbert Korte)的资料。她曾在布鲁克林学院任教,在纽约公共图书馆担任亨利·W·和阿尔伯特·A·贝格的英美文学收藏的文学手稿专家,并在纽约市立大学担任数字研究员。她目前是Granary Books的档案和稀有书籍协会的会员,Granary Books是一家独立的出版商,致力于组织,保存和销售当代艺术家和作家的档案。

Leila Koivunen是芬兰图尔库大学欧洲和世界历史系教授。她的研究兴趣包括欧洲想象力的历史和非西方世界的代表性,展示的文化以及知识的形成过程。她的博士学位论文(Routledge,2009年)通过关注十九世纪后期的视觉表示和旅行账户插图处理的实践,追溯了刻板的欧洲非洲形象的根源。

安德鲁·派珀Andrew Piper)是...
