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Metaphor in Homer: Time, Speech, and Thought by Andreas T. Zanker (review)
American Journal of Philology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1353/ajp.2020.0033
Jonathan L. Ready

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Reviewed by:

  • Metaphor in Homer: Time, Speech, and Thought by Andreas T. Zanker
  • Jonathan L. Ready
Andreas T. Zanker. Metaphor in Homer: Time, Speech, and Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 13 figs. x + 263 pp. Cloth, $100.

Researchers, this reviewer included, have lavished attention on the Homeric simile. Zanker gives Homeric metaphor the up-to-date, book-length treatment it deserves. His analytical tool of choice is conceptual metaphor theory. The use of conceptual metaphor theory in literary studies has been both fraught and productive. The essays gathered by editor Monica Fludernik in Beyond Cognitive Metaphor Theory: Perspectives on Literary Metaphor (London, 2011) showcase the points of agreement and dispute between linguists advocating for conceptual metaphor theory and literary types. Articles by classicists, such as Douglas Cairns, Alexander Forte, Fabian Horn, and Siobhan Privitera, deploy conceptual metaphor theory to interpret various elements of Homeric poetry, but Zanker puts the weight of a monograph behind the application of the approach in Homeric studies. Another recent monograph, William Brockliss's Homeric Imagery and the Natural Environment (Washington, D.C., 2019), acknowledges a debt to conceptual metaphor theory in the introduction but does not track down specific metaphors, many attested across cultures, in the way Zanker does.

Before discussing Zanker's book, I should present some essential components of the model of conceptual metaphor theory. AFFECTION IS WARMTH is a conceptual metaphor. WARMTH is the source domain, and AFFECTION is the target domain. (By convention, conceptual metaphors and their domains are given in small capital letters.) We use the more easily understood source to make sense of the less easily grasped target. Conceptual metaphors to a great extent stem from our shared bodily experiences. The number of source domains that point to a physical sensation or activity illuminates this fact: for instance, DESIRE IS HUNGER and SEEING IS TOUCHING. Yet, no one goes around proclaiming, "Affection is warmth" (although Patti Smith does sing, "Desire is hunger"). Rather, conceptual metaphors undergird our thinking and motivate linguistic expressions. AFFECTION IS WARMTH enables "They gave me a warm welcome" or "He took a while to warm up to me." ACHIEVING POWER IS MOVING UPWARDS can explain "She rose to power in a matter of months." PEOPLE ARE PLANTS could generate "His face withered over the decade." From this perspective, metaphors abound in our everyday conversations and judgments: we come at the world through metaphor, hence the title of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson's seminal book, Metaphors We Live By (1980). A handy list of conceptual metaphors appears at https://metaphor.icsi.berkeley.edu/pub/en/index.php/Category:Metaphor. One can [End Page 665] also consult the METALUDE database: https://www.ln.edu.hk/lle/cwd/project01/web/introduction.html.

From the perspective of conceptual metaphor theory, then, the study of Homeric metaphor should go beyond both metaphorical expressions, such as "rosy-fingered dawn," that do not stem from a conceptual metaphor as well as vivid metaphors, such as "the sky trumpeted" (Iliad 21.388), that deflect our attention from the prevalence of metaphor in more run-of-the-mill formulations. Zanker queries the following target domains: TIME (in chapter 2); SPEECH (in chapter 3); and MIND, THOUGHT, INTENTION, and SELF (in chapter 4).

The introductory chapter offers a primer on conceptual metaphor theory. Particularly valuable is the placement of conceptual metaphor theory vis-à-vis the trendy (and more complicated) blending approach to metaphor and an assessment of some possible shortcomings in conceptual metaphor theory. Chapter 1 provides a nimble overview of ancient and modern studies of metaphor in the Homeric epics, noting anticipations of key aspects of conceptual metaphor theory in earlier studies and surveying applications of conceptual metaphor theory in more recent work in classical studies.

Chapter 2 explores instances of the conceptual metaphor TIME IS SPACE, documenting examples of TIME IS AN EGO MOVING ALONG A PATH (we move through time toward an event) and its inverse TIME IS AN OBJECT MOVING ALONG A PATH (time moves toward us) and exploring manifestations of SEQUENCE IS POSITION ON A PATH. The final substantive section of the chapter looks at a number of other metaphors for time, such as COMPLETION IS...


荷马中的隐喻:时间,言语和思想,作者安德烈亚斯·桑克(Andreas T. Zanker)(评论)



  • 荷马的隐喻:时间,言语和思想,作者安德烈亚斯·赞克(Andreas T. Zanker)
  • 乔纳森·L·雷迪(Jonathan L.
一个ndreas T.ž安克荷马中的隐喻:时间,言语和思想。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2019年。13图。x + 263页。布,$ 100。

研究人员,包括这篇评论者在内,都对荷马般的比喻给予了极大的关注。Zanker为Homeric隐喻提供了应有的最新书本处理。他选择的分析工具是概念隐喻理论。概念隐喻理论在文学研究中的应用既充满生气又富有成果。编辑莫妮卡·弗鲁德尼克(Monica Fludernik)在《超越认知隐喻理论:文学隐喻的观点》一书中收集的论文(伦敦,2011年)展示了主张概念隐喻理论和文学类型的语言学家之间的共识和争议点。道格拉斯·凯恩斯(Douglas Cairns),亚历山大·福特(Alexander Forte),法比安·霍恩(Fabian Horn)和西伯汉·普里维特拉(Siobhan Privitera)等古典主义者的文章都采用概念隐喻理论来解释荷马史诗的各种元素,但Zanker却将专着的重点放在了该方法在荷马史研究中的应用背后。另一本最近的专着,威廉·布罗克利斯的《荷马史诗与自然环境》(华盛顿特区,2019年)承认,在引言中对概念隐喻理论有所欠缺,但并未像赞克那样追查具体的隐喻,其中许多是跨文化的证明。

在讨论Zanker的书之前,我应该介绍概念隐喻理论模型的一些基本组成部分。“影响就是温暖”是一个概念隐喻。WARMTH是源域,而AFFECTION是目标域。(按照惯例,概念隐喻及其领域用小写大写字母表示。)我们使用较容易理解的来源来理解较难掌握的目标。概念上的隐喻在很大程度上源于我们共同的身体经验。指向身体感觉或活动的源域的数量说明了这一事实:例如,“欲望是饥饿”和“感觉在触摸”。但是,没有人到处宣称“感情就是温暖”(尽管帕蒂·史密斯(Patti Smith)唱着“欲望是饥饿”)。相当,概念隐喻加深了我们的思维并激发了语言表达。AFFECTION IS WARMTH使“他们给了我热烈的欢迎”或“他花了一些时间为我热身”。不断增强的力量可以解释“她在短短几个月内就崛起了权力”。人为植物可能会产生“他的脸在十年中枯萎了”。从这个角度来看,在我们的日常对话和判断中,隐喻比比皆是:我们通过隐喻进入世界,因此乔治·拉科夫(George Lakoff)和马克·约翰逊(Mark Johnson)的开创性著作,我们赖以生存的隐喻(1980)。方便的概念隐喻列表出现在https://metaphor.icsi.berkeley.edu/pub/en/index.php/Category:Metaphor。可以在[End Page 665]上查询METALUDE数据库:https://www.ln.edu.hk/lle/cwd/project01/web/introduction.html。

因此,从概念隐喻理论的角度出发,对荷马范式隐喻的研究应该超越既不是源于概念隐喻的隐喻表达,如“玫瑰指黎明”,又应包括生动的隐喻,例如“天空”。 ”(Iliad 21.388),这使我们的注意力从更常见的提法中转移了隐喻的盛行。Zanker查询以下目标域:TIME(第2章);语音(在第3章中);以及思维,思维,意图和自我(在第4章中)。


第2章探讨了概念隐喻TIME IS SPACE的实例,记录了TIME是一条自我沿着一条路径移动(我们朝着一个事件前进)和相反的TIME IS一条物体沿着一条路径移动(朝着我们前进)以及探索序列上的顺序的表现形式。本章的最后实质部分讨论了时间上的许多其他隐喻,例如COMPLETION IS...。
