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The Foundations of American Jewish Liberalism by Kenneth D. Wald (review)
American Jewish History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-08 , DOI: 10.1353/ajh.2020.0043
Eli Lederhendler

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Reviewed by:

  • The Foundations of American Jewish Liberalism by Kenneth D. Wald
  • Eli Lederhendler (bio)
The Foundations of American Jewish Liberalism. By Kenneth D. Wald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xvi + 255 pp.

Which of us has not asked about the liberal tilt of American Jewish attitudes and voting behavior? This is a perennial feature of electionyear punditry; a challenge to rational-behavior theorists; a shibboleth in popular discourse about Jewish traditions. It is also a question that has spawned many articles and books. What is new in this book?

First, Wald sets out to identify the root cause of the phenomenon, not just its effects. There is something "foundational" in the nature of the American republic, he argues, that provided the context and format of American Jews' civic attitudes. This has received mostly pro forma recognition in the literature, which is frequently flawed by "Judeo-centric" cultural determinism. Jews are not bound to become liberals because of something primordial in the heritage of Judaism. "Although their religious heritage was largely responsible for their status as strangers and outsiders, it was incidental to the process by which American Jews developed a distinctive political role" (7).

Second, many observers adopt what is, to Wald, a truncated chronology, focusing on the twentieth century (or, at most, on the years since the late 1800s). That is a chronology that has much to justify it: How liberal were most American Jews during the Civil War, after all? How much Jewish political behavior (as such) is identifiable, anyway, before Jews began to create organizations that enabled them to act as an interest group? However, Wald argues that the structure of a Jewish "political culture" was hardwired into the American Jewish experience long before the era of ethnic identity politics and that a "classic liberalism" rooted in the federal Constitution has lain at the heart of that Jewish political culture. Classic liberalism revolves around issues of church-state separation, civic participation and representation, equality of protection under the law, and the protection of citizens' basic civil liberties. There is a catch here, of course, that is never resolved, since these commitments and concerns are largely shared by left, right, and center in mainstream American politics.

Third, Wald uses historical data, but he is essentially a social scientist looking for theoretical concepts. He uses both quantitative and qualitative data and is willing (as he puts it) to risk "running roughshod" over certain historical intricacies. He seeks to establish a wider theory that would explain more than other treatments have done. Readers are rewarded by a book that will stand the test of being more nearly comprehensive, more sophisticated and systematic, and more balanced than previous works. [End Page 478]

Wald sets out to demonstrate that the "anomaly" of American Jewish politics indeed exists. Here, his analysis will be familiar to most readers, as he produces electoral data to show that Jewish voters diverge from patterns to which voters with their social characteristics typically conform. Jews position themselves differently from those to whom they are most similar (levels of education, income, occupational status, age). He acknowledges that Jews, like some other stalwart Democrats, began to turn away from the left after the 1960s but points out that it is harder to account for why "Jews alone turned back in large numbers to the Democrats in the 1990s" (72).

Next, Wald addresses the "Judaic theories" of American Jewish liberalism: values-based compatibility, a collective memory of the heritage of emancipation, and the trauma of persecution. His critique is one of the best parts of this book. It comes down, in the end, to making sense of Jews' selectivity in applying these perspectives within the American system: Jewish politics are filtered versions—not perfect emanations—of the heritage of their ancestors, and the filters they use are derivative from the American system. This is most effectively demonstrated by looking at Jews in other lands, as well as examining political postures among Orthodox Jews in America and other dissenters.

Wald provides a set of nuanced questions that refresh the discussion. It is not enough, he argues, to depict a "generic" Jewish American liberalism: "How did liberalism manifest itself when American Jews...


肯尼思·D·瓦尔德(Kenneth D. Wald)撰写的美国犹太自由主义基金会



  • 肯尼斯·沃尔德(Kenneth D.Wald)撰写的美国犹太自由主义基金会
  • 伊莱·莱德亨德勒(Eli Lederhendler)(生物)
美国犹太自由主义的基础。肯尼斯·D·瓦尔德(Kenneth D. Wald)。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2019年。xvi+ 255页。





沃尔德着手证明美国犹太政治的“反常”确实存在。在这里,他的分析将为大多数读者所熟悉,因为他产生的选举数据表明,犹太选民与具有其社会特征的选民通常所遵循的模式不同。犹太人与最相似的犹太人(文化程度,收入,职业状况,年龄)的处境不同。他承认,犹太人和其他一些坚定的民主党人一样,在1960年代后开始从左转向左,但他指出,很难解释为什么“仅犹太人在1990年代就大量向民主党人返回”(72) 。


