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American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2020.0036

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  • Contributors

Efrat Biberman is an Associate Professor and former Vice Dean at Hamidrasha Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl College. Her research concerns the intricate relations between Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis and philosophy and theory of art. Besides over thirty articles and book chapters, her publications include Visual Texti(a)les: Narrative and Gaze in Painting (Bar Ilan University Press, 2009, in Hebrew), Art, Death and Lacanian Psychoanalysis (with Shirley Sharon Zisser, Routledge, 2018), That is to Say: On the Art of Deganit Berest (ed., Magnes Press, 2020, in Hebrew), and Weaving a Painting: Israeli Art and Lacan's Late Teaching (Magnes Press, forthcoming, in Hebrew).

Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan (D.Phil.Oxon) serves as Professor of English at the University of Haifa, Israel. She is the author of Graham Greene's Childless Fathers (Macmillan, 1988), Joseph Conrad and the Modern Temper (Oxford University Press, 1991), The Strange Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad (Oxford University Press, 1999), and Between Philosophy and Literature: Bakhtin and the Question of the Subject (Stanford University Press, 2013) as well as numerous articles on literary modernism, the relations of continental philosophy and literature, intertextuality, and various intersections of the human sciences. In addition to her academic interests, she is actively involved in the work of the peace movement and the social-democratic movement in Israel.

Jeanette Farrell is a psychiatrist in private practice in Seattle, Washington. She is a clinical instructor at the University of Washington Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences where she teaches psychoanalytic psychotherapy and supervises psychiatry residents. She is also an associate member of the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute.

Stephen Frosh is Professor in the Department of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, University of London. He has a background in academic and clinical psychology and was Consultant Clinical Psychologist and latterly Vice Dean at the Tavistock Clinic, London, throughout the 1990s. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, an Academic Associate of the British Psychoanalytical Society, a Founding Member of the Association of Psychosocial Studies, and an Honorary Member of the Institute of Group Analysis. He is Visiting Professor at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Stephen Frosh is the author of many books and papers on psychosocial studies and on psychoanalysis. His most recent books include Hauntings: Psychoanalysis and Ghostly Transmissions (Palgrave, 2013) and Those Who Come After: Postmemory, Acknowledgement and Forgiveness, published by Palgrave in 2019.

Claire Kahane is Professor of English Emerita at the University at Buffalo and now lives in Berkeley. A Research Associate in the University of California's English Department, a community member of the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis and a board member of the Berkeley Psychoanalytic Society, she has published numerous essays on British and American modern fiction, Gothic literature, Holocaust trauma, and most recently, Ian McEwan's fiction. Her books include The M/Other Tongue (1985), co-edited with Madelon Sprengnether and Shirley Garner, In Dora's Case (1985; rpt. 1990), co-edited with Charles Bernheimer, and Passions of the Voice: Hysteria, Narrative and the Figure of the Speaking Woman, 1850-1915 (1995). She is now completing a psychoanalytic reading of maternal rage in the fiction of Flannery O'Connor.

Lewis Kirshner is a member of the faculty of Harvard Medical School, currently residing in the Netherlands. He is Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute. He is the author of three books: Having a Life: Self Pathology after Lacan (2004), Between Winnicott and Lacan : A Clinical Encounter (2012), and Intersubjectivity in Psychoanalysis (2017); and has 30 refereed publications and reviews.

Vered Lev Kenaan is professor of Classics and Comparative Literature at the University of Haifa. She is the author of Pandora's Senses: The Feminine Character of the Ancient Text (Wisconsin, 2008) and The Ancient Unconscious: Psychoanalysis and Classical Texts (Oxford, 2019).

Don Lipsitt, M.D., a graduate of the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and Society, has had a career of applying psychoanalytic and psychiatric principals in a variety of settings. A professor of psychiatry, part-time, at Harvard Medical School, he has been a teacher of medical students, interns, residents and fellows throughout his career. He founded and...




  • 贡献者

Efrat Biberman是Beit Berl学院Hamidrasha艺术学院的副教授和前副院长。她的研究涉及弗洛伊德和拉康精神分析与艺术哲学和理论之间的复杂关系。除了三十多篇文章和书籍章节外,她的出版物还包括《视觉文本》:绘画中的叙事和凝视(巴伊兰大学出版社,2009年,希伯来语),《艺术,死亡和拉康精神分析》(与雪莉·莎朗·齐瑟合着,Routledge,2018年) ),也就是说:《论Deganit Berest的艺术》(玛格尼丝出版社,2020年,希伯来语)和编织一幅画:《以色列艺术和拉康的晚期教学》(玛格尼丝出版社,希伯来语,即将出版)。

Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan(D.Phil.Oxon)在以色列海法大学担任英语教授。她是格雷厄姆·格林Graham Greene)的《无子女的父亲》(麦克米伦,1988年),约瑟夫·康拉德和《现代脾气》(牛津大学出版社,1991年),约瑟夫·康拉德的短篇小说(牛津大学出版社,1999年)以及《哲学与文学之间》的作者:巴赫金与主体问题(斯坦福大学出版社,2013年),以及有关文学现代主义,大陆哲学与文学之间的关系,互文性以及人类科学各个交叉领域的众多文章。除了学术兴趣外,她还积极参与以色列的和平运动和社会民主运动。

珍妮特·法瑞尔Jeanette Farrell)是华盛顿州西雅图市一家私人诊所的精神病医生。她是华盛顿大学精神病学和行为科学系的临床讲师,在那里她教授精神分析心理治疗并监督精神病学居民。她还是西雅图精神分析学会和研究所的准会员。

斯蒂芬·弗罗什Stephen Frosh)是伦敦大学伯克贝克学院社会心理研究系的教授。他具有学术和临床心理学背景,曾在1990年代担任伦敦临床医学心理学家顾问,后来担任伦敦塔维斯托克诊所的副院长。他是社会科学院的院士,英国心理分析学会的学术会员,心理社会研究协会的创始会员和团体分析研究所的名誉会员。他是南非威特沃特斯兰德大学和巴西圣保罗大学的客座教授。斯蒂芬·弗罗什(Stephen Frosh)是许多有关社会心理研究和精神分析的书籍和论文的作者。他的最新著作包括《困扰:精神分析和幽灵传播》。(Palgrave,2013)和《后来者:后记忆,鸣谢和宽恕》,由Palgrave于2019年出版。

克莱尔·卡汉Claire Kahane)是布法罗大学的英语Emerita教授,现在住在伯克利。她是加州大学英语系的一名研究助理,旧金山精神分析中心的社区成员以及伯克利精神分析学会的董事会成员,她发表了许多关于英美现代小说,哥特式文学,大屠杀创伤以及最近,是伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan)的小说。她的著作包括与玛德隆·斯普兰瑟(Madelon Sprengnether)和雪莉·加恩(Shirley Garne)合编的《 M / Other Tongue》(1985),与查尔斯·伯恩海默(Charles Bernheimer)合编的《多拉的案子》In Dora's Case)(1985; rpt.1990)和《激情的声音:歇斯底里,叙事》。和《说话的女人的身影》,1850-1915年(1995年)。现在,她正在完成弗兰纳里·奥康纳(Flannery O'Connor)小说中对母亲愤怒的心理分析阅读。

Lewis Kirshner是目前居住在荷兰的哈佛医学院的成员。他是波士顿精神分析研究所的培训和监督分析师。他是三本书的作者:《拥有生命:拉康之后的自我病理学》(2004年),《温尼科特与拉康之间:临床遭遇》(2012年)和《精神分析的主体间性》(2017年);并拥有30篇经审阅的出版物和评论。

Vered Lev Kenaan是海法大学的古典与比较文学教授。她是潘多拉《感官:古代文本的女性特征》(威斯康星州,2008年)和《古代无意识:精神分析和古典文本》(牛津,2019年)的作者。

波士顿精神分析研究所和社会学系的医学博士Don Lipsitt的职业生涯是在各种环境中应用精神分析和精神科校长。他是哈佛医学院兼职的精神病学教授,在他的整个职业生涯中,他一直是医学生,实习生,居民和研究员的老师。他创立了...
