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Sketches of a Needed Future
American Book Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1353/abr.2020.0116
Paul Pangaro

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Sketches of a Needed Future
  • Paul Pangaro (bio)
The Cybernetic Brain: Sketches of Another Future
Andrew Pickering
University of Chicago Press
536 Pages; Print, $37.00

British Figures of Cybernetics

The Cybernetic Brain: Sketches of Another Future is an ambitious and deep synthesis that conjures a compelling narrative of the early decades of cybernetics. Author Andrew Pickering focuses on certain aspects of cybernetics rather than others, and he asserts that he has captured the essence of the field. He succeeds not by recounting history per se but by focusing primarily on the actions—behaving and building, not thinking and theorizing—of just six great British cybernetic figures, up to the 1970s.

Four of the book's figures are given dedicated chapters: W. Grey Walter, W. Ross Ashby, A. Stafford Beer, and Andrew Gordon Speedie Pask. A further chapter is shared by Gregory Bateson and R. D. Laing.

Illuminating how their work is inextricably linked, one of the book's considerable achievements is the constant inter-weaving of one figure's contribution through the specifics of another's. The result is a tapestry of shared sensibility that is the echoing, foundational story of the book: the "performative ontology" of it all, of cybernetics at its essence. The author thereby makes a compelling argument for where the critical contributions of the field are situated, in its past as well as its possible future. By the end of his journey he becomes a very strong advocate of the field, promoting its promise for a better, needed future.

Why Performative Ontology

Right off in the introduction Pickering clarifies that his book "is intended more as an exploration of cybernetics in action than as collective biography" (emphasis mine). Pickering characterizes cybernetics as a "performative ontology"—that is, rooted in action, whose purpose is to question "what the world is like, what sort of entities populate it, how they engage with one another." He spends most of 400 prodigious pages (not counting extensive notes, bibliography, and index to a total of 536) describing the activities of these cybernetic figures, in their practice of psychiatry or management, or (especially) building cybernetic machines.

In a single paragraph that sweeps through mentions of Buddhism, Willem de Kooning, roboticist Rodney Brooks, Martin Heidegger, and Gilles Deleuze, the author declares that

the appeal of following cybernetics in action is that it enables us to see interconnections between all these traditions, fields, and projects; to pick out their common staging of an ontology of unknowability and becoming; and, indeed, to pick out as resources for the future the strands from these traditions that have this resonance. (emphasis mine)

So, is that what cybernetics is? The efforts of six Brits and an action-oriented ontology? Is it fair to place such emphasis on just these figures? Pickering forefronts "objects and artifacts" and what they embody, above all rumination and understanding, rather than ideas. Where is second-order cybernetics and where is theory? Does this well represent our field?

Pask's Maverick Machines

To keep this review within reasonable length I will direct my deepest scrutiny to Pickering's treatment of Gordon Pask, where I am most knowledgeable. Pask was the poster child of the term "maker" decades before it came into vogue (referring to individuals who tinker with analog or digital computer hardware and software, prototyping their way forward).

Pickering's serious and thorough research is on display in his Pask chapter (though likely more so in his references to Ashby's journals, where he detects important timings and shifts of emphasis in Ashby's career; and, in fairness, to his longest treatment, that of Beer). With respect to Pask's Musicolour, he rightly and explicitly "examines it at some length here, historically, ontologically, aesthetically, and sociologically." Musicolour deserves all of this. Apart from Pask's own account, Pickering's rich coverage of Musicolour is the most complete I have seen.

In operation, Musicolour comprised interactions between a human musician and analog electronic machinery, whose response to the performer was enacted by a bank of lights. Musicolour listened via microphone and responded by varying its lights...




  • 未来的草图
  • 保罗·潘加洛(生物)
Ťç ybernetic雨:小号的ketches一个诺特尔˚F uture
536页; 印刷,37.00美元


《控制论之脑:另一个未来的草图》是一个雄心勃勃而深刻的综合,让人联想到关于控制论早期几十年的令人信服的叙述。作者安德鲁·皮克林(Andrew Pickering)专注于控制论的某些方面,而不是其他方面,他断言自己已经掌握了该领域的本质。他取得成功的方式不是回顾历史本身,而是主要关注直到1970年代仅六位英国控制论人物的行为-行为和建立,而不是思想和理论化。

该书中的四个图分别有专门的章节:W。Gray Walter,W。Ross Ashby,A。Stafford Beer和Andrew Gordon Speedie Pask。格雷格里·贝特森(Gregory Bateson)和RD莱因(RD Laing)分享了另一章。





将控制论付诸实践的吸引力在于,它使我们能够看到所有这些传统,领域和项目之间的相互联系;选择他们对不可知和成为本体的共同阶段; 的确,并从这些具有这种共鸣的传统中选出一些作为未来的资源。(强调我的)





