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Salt Water Undoing
African American Review Pub Date : 2020-12-12 , DOI: 10.1353/afa.2020.0036
D. S. Harr

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Salt Water Undoing
  • D. S. Harr (bio)

you cross seato greet loneliness an ocean doesn’t allow you to cross her salt water without barter words shipwreck vowels uncurl themselves to flatlines consonants coil into periods whole sentence turn against themselves and rescind to silence so loneliness needles your lipsand the salt of blood tastes like home [End Page 231]

a board house can only hold so many secrets and a body even less and a body of lies gobbles its own flesh faster than a board house rots itself to dust i am tired of trying to pluck the gay out ofscabbing skin to hawk spit the lesbian out ofmy lung i would belt-buckle the lesbian out of youand warm olive oil is pressed against my forehead as though my gay is wax – melting away at the hushed whisper of a psalm– and i am tired of watching the gay drip red from my thighs scab bruise myself for my iniquities (D. S. Harrigin- Ramoutar 53:5) jesus won’t save me i am sinner and saintwhat are these scars and i’m too ashamed to admit i tried to bore loveout of my bones with razor blades –but shame betrays me more than happiness– jesus was tempted with sin so maybe jesus was gay too [End Page 232]

on first sundays my mother says not to partake of the bread body unworthily but gods like sinners ruptured blood bodies of sin [can’t save the good they’re good already]some of us stripe ourselves with our owniniquities bruise ourselves with our transgressionsshe likes her bodies broken thighs for palms she lays hands on the unworthy [the Atlantic is a black woman’s water breaking (ask the bones of her children she still cradles if you don’t believe me)god is black, 5’4” and has thick thighs] she substitutes olive oil and wine with salt water anoints my tongue with her finger tips lest i partake of the body unworthilyin the name of the mother whose ruin was the Atlantic; and so was her salvationin the name of her daughters ground breaks sugar-cane whipping gave life to dirt [End Page 233]

death loves better ground calls her child homein the name of holiness [holiness: melanin and molasses also see: recipe for the woman black body] reverence | idolatry is sin | no white woman shall desecrate my corporeal beingsalt to cleanse my woundssalt water baptisms [End Page 234]

i know that your bone will break to give life to sunflowers . . . in the darkness of the hollowed earth you now call home roots would burrow deep into yourmarrow and from your mouth sprout bougainvillea like the ones on the hills that belt-buckled a boyinto a man and whatever air is left in you, would spark and glow and burn like flambeaux and from the cavities of each bullet hole wouldshoot forth ixora –it is only consequential– (one for your brother and one for my brother and one for your sister and one for your sister and one for me and one for your mother who now holds her son’s sobbing soul sobbing too– she knows that life strangled a boy into a corpse before he could exhale manhood) like the ones in the garden that watched you too burst and blossom and bloom and shed rose buds to become a man she said she would have swallowed her own blossoms, make crib out of her bosom. . . blanket you with her petals if we’d let her [End Page 235]

but she died too sleep my dear unclench your jaw drool the nectar of the ixora. [End Page 236]

nimble fingers roll yarn –between the thumb and index (undoing)pull apart the thread of what would have been mygrandmother’s doilies (undone) nimble fingers thread a needle pierce one hole and then another and pull two sides together (done)just as i imagine what the morticians did to my cousin and my cousin before him and the boy found, still unclaimed and my neighbor who learned the undoing...




  • 盐水撤消
  • DS Harr(生物)

you cross seato greet loneliness an ocean doesn’t allow you to cross her salt water without barter words shipwreck vowels uncurl themselves to flatlines consonants coil into periods whole sentence turn against themselves and rescind to silence so loneliness needles your lipsand the salt of blood tastes like home [End Page 231]

一家板房只能容纳这么多的秘密,一个尸体甚至更少,而且一堆谎言吞噬自己的肉体比板房更快地腐烂自己的灰尘,我厌倦了试图将同性恋从刺伤的皮肤拔下来,鹰鹰向女同性恋吐唾沫。从我的肺里抽出来,让女同性恋束缚在你身旁温暖的橄榄油压在我的额头上,仿佛我的同性恋是蜡状的-诗篇悄悄的窃窃私语中融化了-我厌倦了观看同性恋者的红色滴水从我的大腿结痂伤自己为我的罪孽(DS Harrigin-拉穆塔尔53:5) 耶稣不会拯救我,我是罪人,圣地,这些伤疤什么,我感到很as愧,无法承认我试图用剃须刀将爱带出我的骨头,但羞耻我更能背叛我。耶稣对耶稣的诱惑是罪过的,所以也许耶稣是同性恋[尾页232]

上周日第一次我母亲说,不要中分一杯羹了的面包身体不相称的,但像罪人神破裂罪的血液机构[无法保存好他们已经好]我们中的一些条纹自己与自己的罪孽伤自己与我们的过犯她喜欢用身体摔碎的大腿换上手掌,将双手放在不配的手上(大西洋是黑人妇女的水力破碎(请问她的孩子的骨头,如果您不相信我,她还是会摇篮上帝是黑人,身高5英尺4英寸,大腿很粗]她用橄榄油和葡萄酒代替用食盐水膏抹我的舌头与她的手指技巧,免得我参加身体混迹在母亲的名字 ,其废墟是大西洋。因此,以女儿的名义进行的救赎也打破了甘蔗鞭打使土壤变得生机勃勃[End Page 233]

死亡爱更好她的孩子回家在圣洁的名字[圣洁:黑色素和糖蜜也看到:食谱女人黑色机身]崇敬| 偶像崇拜是罪恶| 白人妇女不能亵渎我的肉体盐来洗净我的伤口盐水洗礼[End Page 234]

我知道你的骨头会断裂使向日葵焕发生命空旷的土地的黑暗中,现在称呼家庭树根深入您的骨髓,并从您的嘴中发芽九重葛,就像山坡上将男孩子扎成一个男人的样子,而您身上剩下的任何空气都会产生火花并像火焰一样发光并燃烧,从每个弹孔的腔中都会喷出ixora-这只是必然的结果((一个给你的兄弟,一个给我的兄弟,一个给你的姐姐)一个给你的姐姐,一个给我,一个给你的母亲,现在也让儿子的哭泣的灵魂抽泣着。她知道,在男孩呼气成年之前,他把生命勒死在尸体里),就像花园里看着你的男孩一样。她说自己会吞下自己的花朵,把婴儿床从怀里抱出来就这样破裂了,绽放,绽放绽放,流下玫瑰花蕾,成为一个男人如果我们愿意的话,用她的花瓣覆盖[End Page 235]


