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African American Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-12 , DOI: 10.1353/afa.2020.0033

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Greg Chase is a visiting assistant professor of English at the College of the Holy Cross. His research interests include modernism, Southern literature, and contemporary American fiction; his scholarship has previously appeared in journals including Twentieth-Century Literature and Arizona Quarterly.

Gabrielle Everett received her BA in English from UC Berkeley and a PhD in English from Rutgers University. She has taught courses in African American literature and culture at Rutgers University and Brandeis University. Her current book project, Blushing Bitterly: An Affective and Literary History of Racial Uplift after Reconstruction, looks at Black writers as theorists of affect and examines the intersection of affect, uplift philosophy, and the African American novel.

Amanda M. Greenwell is an assistant professor of English at Central Connecticut State University, where she teaches English education and courses in literature for young people. Her current research focuses on U. S. literature for young people, particularly by investigating narrative techniques that confront institutionalized exclusionary norms and practices. Greenwell’s work has appeared in journals such as Children’s Literature; Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures; The Lion and the Unicorn; Studies in the Novel; and Studies in the American Short Story.

D. S. Harr is an Afro-Trinidadian emigrant residing in the United States. Their interests include the arts and education, as well as the utilization of science and technology for social and environmental justice. They are currently a sophomore at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology studying aerospace engineering.

Paul Henderson is a financial data and publishing executive based in Charlottesville, Virginia. He graduated with a BA in English literature from the College of William and Mary in 1998 and is currently a MA candidate in English at the Harvard Extension School.

Durell Thompson is a student, teacher, father, husband, and son. Through his poetry, he looks to explore the multifaceted connections that define the African American experience in the United States. Moreover, he uses his poetry as a way to embrace his roles as an educator, writer, and father, and to prepare his son to live and thrive as a black man. Thompson’s works have appeared in Bayou Magazine and Beacon: The Sam Houston State Review.

Mary Weems is a poet, playwright, author, performer, imagination-intellect theorist, and social/cultural foundations scholar. Weems is the author of thirteen books, including Blackeyed: Plays and Monologues (Brill/Sense, 2015) and Writings of Healing and Resistance: Empathy and the Imagination-Intellect (Peter Lang, 2012). Both of her books of poems, An Unmistakable Shade of Red and the Obama Chronicles (Bottom Dog, 2008) and For(e)closure (Main Street Rag, 2012), were finalists for the Ohioana Book Awards. In 2015, Weems received the Cleveland Arts Prize’s “Emerging Artist Award in Literature.” She has also been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

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  • 贡献者

格雷格·蔡斯Greg Chase)是圣十字学院英语的客座助理教授。他的研究兴趣包括现代主义,南方文学和当代美国小说。他的奖学金以前曾出现在20世纪文学和《亚利桑那季刊》等期刊上。

Gabrielle Everett拥有加州大学伯克利分校的英语文学学士学位和罗格斯大学的英语博士学位。她曾在罗格斯大学和布兰代斯大学教授非裔美国人文学和文化课程。她当前的著作《脸红得很惨:重建后的种族提升的情感和文学史》将黑人作家视为情感理论家,并考察了情感,提升哲学和非裔美国人小说的交集。

阿曼达·格林威尔Amanda M. Greenwell)是中央康涅狄格州立大学的英语助理教授,在那儿她为年轻人教授英语教育和文学课程。她目前的研究重点是针对年轻人的美国文学,尤其是通过研究叙事技术来应对制度化的排他性规范和实践。格林威尔的作品曾出现在《儿童文学》等杂志上;青年女青年:年轻人,文本,文化狮子和独角兽; 小说研究; 美国短篇小说的研究与研究/ The

DS Harr是居住在美国的非裔特立尼达移民。他们的兴趣包括艺术和教育,以及利用科学技术促进社会和环境正义。他们目前是麻省理工学院的二年级学生,研究航空航天工程。

保罗·亨德森Paul Henderson)是位于弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的财务数据和出版主管。他于1998年毕业于威廉和玛丽学院,获得英语文学学士学位,目前是哈佛大学扩展学院英语专业的文学硕士候选人。

杜雷尔·汤普森Durell Thompson)是一名学生,老师,父亲,丈夫和儿子。通过诗歌,他希望探索定义美国非裔美国人经历的多方面联系。此外,他以诗歌作为拥抱教育者,作家和父亲的角色,并为儿子做好黑人生活和成长的准备。汤普森的作品曾出现在《Bayou》杂志和《灯塔:山姆·休斯顿州评论》中

玛丽·威姆斯Mary Weems)是一位诗人,剧作家,作家,表演者,具有想象力的理论家和社会/文化基金会学者。Weems是13本书的作者,其中包括《Blackeyed:戏剧和独白》(Brill / Sense,2015年)和《治疗与抵抗的写作:移情与想象力》(Peter Lang,2012年)。她的两本诗集,《红色的鲜明阴影和奥巴马编年史》(底犬,2008年)和《e)封》(Main Street Rag,2012年)都是俄亥俄纳书奖的决赛入围者。在2015年,Weems获得了克利夫兰艺术奖的“文学新兴艺术家奖”。她还获得了手推车奖提名。

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