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Crusading Companies in the 1365th Year of Our Lord
East Central Europe ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-11 , DOI: 10.30965/18763308-04701006
Tamás Ölbei 1

Louis of Hungary recognized the danger of the Ottomans and actively participated in the preparation of a crusade devoted to erasing the enemies of Christ from the Balkans. To achieve this he, along with Pope Urban v, the emperor Charles iv, and Charles v, designed a plan to send the most feared soldiers of their time, the “Magna Socieatas,” against the “Saracens,” the “proud disciples of Lucifer.” Under the leadership of the Arnauld de Cervole, “the Archpriest,” the routiers crossed the border of the Holy Roman Empire and intended to move towards the valley of the Danube to Hungary and later on to the Balkans.

In my paper, I will analyze how the local authorities and people reacted to the migrating soldiers during their hundreds of kilometer long journey. I will describe what measures were taken by the towns and the magnates of the lands they traversed (Barrois, Lorraine, Alsace, Burgundy), what reactions we can read in the contemporary letters, and other different sources such as the chronicles and annals from Basel, Strasbourg, Lorraine, Metz. The sources used in my paper originate from the archives of Colmar, Kaysersberg, Selestat, and Strasbourg, as well as Dijon, Metz, and Barr-le-Duc.



匈牙利的路易(Louis)意识到奥斯曼帝国的危险,并积极参加了准备进行远征以消除巴尔干半岛基督敌人的十字军东征。为了实现这一目标,他与教皇乌尔班一起v,皇帝查尔斯IV,和查尔斯 v,设计了一个计划,发送自己的时间,在“大Socieatas,”最可怕的战士反对“撒拉逊人”的“骄傲的弟子路西法。” 在“大祭司”阿尔纳德·德·塞尔沃(Arnauld de Cervole)的领导下,领路越过了神圣罗马帝国的边界,并打算朝多瑙河谷移动到匈牙利,然后再向巴尔干半岛移动。

