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Der unbekannte Joab
Biblische Zeitschrift ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-16 , DOI: 10.30965/25890468-06401002
Hans-Peter Mathys 1

The figure of Joab, King David’s general, has been thoroughly researched, but only as far as 2 Sam 2–20 and 1 Kgs 1–2 are concerned, i.e. the texts which contain historically reliable material about him. But “legends” have also been tied to Joab. Thus he is said to have carried out a census on David’s orders and at the same time formulated the objections against it; this double role is attributed to him for narrative reasons (2 Sam 24 // 1 Chr 21). This report reflects Persian period conditions. According to the Chronicler he is said to have played a decisive role in the conquest of Jerusalem (1 Chr 11); with this information the Chronicler provides the answer to a question which lies behind 2 Sam 5:8 and remains unanswered there. Joab also proves to be a noble warrior without fault and blame, who treats David respectfully, which he does not in 2 Sam. Furthermore he contributes to the financing of the temple (1 Chr 26:28) and advocates the theology on which the provision of Lev 4:3 is based (1 Chr 21:3). Finally Joab plays the decisive role in a war against the Edomites (I Kgs 11; cf. Ps 60:1f.), which reflects also events at the time of the Diadoches. The legendary Joab is a many-sided character.


Der unbekannte Joab

大卫王将军约押的身影已经被彻底研究过,但只涉及到2 Sam 2–20和1 Kgs 1-2,即包含有关他的历史可靠资料的文字。但是“传说”也与约押有关。因此,据称他对大卫的命令进行了人口普查,同时提出了反对它的反对意见。出于叙事原因,他被赋予了双重角色(2 Sam 24 // 1 Chr 21)。该报告反映了波斯时期的状况。据《纪事》(Chronicler)说,他在征服耶路撒冷方面起了决定性的作用(1 Chr 11)。借助此信息,编年史家提供了一个问题的答案,该问题位于2 Sam 5:8后面,并且在那里一直未得到回答。约押也被证明是一位无懈可击的高尚战士,他对戴维表示敬意,他在2 Sam中没有。此外,他为圣殿的筹资做出了贡献(第1章26:28),并提倡神学作为利4:3条款的基础(第1章21:3)。最后,约押在与以东人的战争中起着决定性的作用(I Kgs 11; cf. Ps 60:1f。),这也反映出《犹太复国主义》时代的事件。传奇人物约押(Joab)是多方面的角色。
