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Hundert Jahre Formgeschichte: Ein Tribut an die Begründer
Biblische Zeitschrift ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-16 , DOI: 10.30965/25890468-06401003
Hans-Josef Klauck 1

A hundred years ago, in 1919–1922, the groundbreaking works on form-criticism appeared, mainly independent of each other. This means that it is time for a retrospect and an evaluation. The article starts with the forerunners, especially Johann Gottlieb Herder and Hermann Gunkel, but also some others. Then main paragraphs are devoted to each of the five protagonists: Martin Dibelius, Karl Ludwig Schmidt, Rudolph Bultmann, Martin Albertz and Georg Bertram. Their foundational form-critical studies are discussed and contextualized within their lives and their literary output. In the case of Dibelius, more attention than usual is given to the important differences between the first (1919) and the second edition (1933) of his “Formgeschichte” that was decisive for creating the terminology. The little known political options that Bertram favored are criticized. The final section draws some lines from the early 20th century to the present days.


Hundert Jahre Formgeschichte:Ein Tribut a dieBegründer

一百年前,在1919–1922年间,出现了形式批评的开创性著作,主要是彼此独立的。这意味着该是回顾和评估的时候了。本文从先驱者入手,尤其是约翰·戈特利布·赫德(Johann Gottlieb Herder)和赫尔曼·贡克尔(Hermann Gunkel),还有其他一些人。然后主要段落专门介绍了五个主角:马丁·迪贝柳斯,卡尔·路德维希·施密特,鲁道夫·布特曼,马丁·阿尔伯茨和乔治·贝特拉姆。他们的基础形式批判性研究在他们的生活和文学作品中得到讨论和背景化。以狄贝留斯为例,他的“ Formgeschichte”的第一版(1919年)和第二版(1933年)之间的重要区别比往常更加受关注,这对于创建术语具有决定性的意义。Bertram支持的鲜为人知的政治选择遭到批评。最后一部分画出了从20世纪初期到现在的一些界线。
