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Of a Ghost and Its Resurrection: María Zambrano on the Agony of Europe
Research in Phenomenology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1163/15691640-12341456
Rodolphe Gasché 1

In La Agonia de Europa, María Zambrano writes: “Europe is not dead, Europe cannot die completely; it agonizes. For Europe is perhaps the only thing—in history—that cannot die; it is the only thing capable of resurrection.” How to understand this provocative statement? What must Europe be for it not being able to completely die, but only to agonize? How to understand the mode of being Europe as one of continuous agonization? What kind of resurrection does European life refer to, and what is its significance in the context of Zambrano’s heretical Christianity? These are among the questions raised in the paper.



玛丽亚·赞布拉诺(MaríaZambrano)欧罗巴国家公园(La Agonia de Europa)写道:“欧洲没有死,欧洲无法完全死去;它痛苦。在历史上,欧洲也许是唯一不会死的东西。这是唯一能够复活的东西。” 如何理解这一挑衅性言论?欧洲不能完全死而只能痛苦地遭受痛苦,那该怎么办?如何理解作为持续痛苦国家之一的欧洲的模式?欧洲生活指的是哪种复活?在赞布拉诺异端基督教的背景下,它的意义何在?这些都是本文提出的问题。
