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Troubling Habits: Nuns, Faith, and Fashion in 1960s Popular Culture
Religion and the Arts ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-16 , DOI: 10.1163/15685292-02405005
Vincent A. Lankewish 1

Against the backdrop of a new progressivism ushered into existence in the Roman Catholic Church by the Vatican II Council initiated by Pope John XXIII in 1962 and concluded by Pope Paul VI in 1965, this essay examines nuns’ resistance to and eventual adoption of new professional garb as a site of sometimes contentious debates about the changing roles of women ecclesiastics. Within the context of passionate and, at times, violent fights for civil and women’s rights and of protests against U.S. involvement in Vietnam, two popular films from this decade—The Trouble with Angels (1966) and its sequel, Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows (1968)—stage a competition between tradition and innovation in both theological and sartorial arenas. Ultimately, the nuns in these films follow a calling to become public advocates for a more humane and charitable world.



在1962年由教皇约翰二十三世发起,并由教皇保罗六世于1965年缔结 的梵蒂冈第二次理事会 在罗马天主教会中引入一种新的进步主义的背景下 ,本文探讨了尼姑们对新职业装束的抵制并最终采用了这种形式。关于女性教会的角色变化的辩论有时会引起争议。在为争取公民权利和妇女权利而进行的激烈的,有时是激烈的斗争以及反对美国介入越南的抗议活动的背景下,这十年中两部受欢迎的电影-《天使的麻烦》(1966)及其续集《天使去哪儿》,《麻烦来了》(1968)-在神学和布道领域进行传统与创新之间的竞争。最终,这些影片中的修女们都跟随一个呼吁,成为更加人道和慈善世界的公众拥护者。
