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Human Nature Is the Bride: Bosch’s Nuptial Imaginaries
Religion and the Arts ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-22 , DOI: 10.1163/15685292-02401011
Daniel Cere 1

Recent scholarship has accented the impact of evolving forms of bridal mysticism on late medieval popular spiritualities of the Low Countries. Under the laicizing impulses of Devotio Moderna, these narratives were extended as models for the spiritual life of the laity as well as the consecrated religious. A number of Bosch’s key works appear to engage and explore the themes of bridal anthropology, as well as advance perspectives on bridal eschatology. These intersections between the Boschian imagination and the evolving tradition of bridal mysticism shed light on the puzzling play of the religious and the erotic in his work.



最近的学术研究强调了新娘神秘主义形式的发展对低地国家晚期中世纪流行的灵修的影响。在德沃蒂奥·摩德纳(Devotio Moderna)陶醉的冲动下,这些叙述被扩展为俗人和奉献宗教的精神生活的典范。博世的许多重要作品似乎都参与并探讨了新娘人类学的主题,并提出了关于新娘末世论的前瞻性观点。博世的想象力与不断发展的新娘神秘主义传统之间的这些交汇点,揭示了他作品中宗教和色情作品令人费解的玩法。
